Immigrant Ships
Transcribers Guild

Ship Arcole

Havre, France to New York
11 February 1861

I, J R Crafts, Master of the Ship Arcole, do solemnly, sincerely and truly swear that the following List or Manifest, subscribed by me, and now delivered by me to the Collector of the Customs of the Collection District of New York, is a full and perfect list of all the passengers taken on board the said Ship at Harve, from which port said Ship has now arrived; and that on said List is truly designated the age, the sex, and the occupation of each passenger, the part of the vessel occupied by each during the passage, the country to which each belongs, and also the country of which it is intended by each to become an inhabitant; and that said List or Manifest truly sets forth the number of said passengers who have died on said voyage, and the names and ages of those who died.
So Help Me God.
J R Crafts

Sworn to this 11th February 1861
Before Me J White DC
List or Manifest of all passengers taken on board the Ship Arcole whereof Crafts is Master, from Harve. Burthen 663 25/95 tons.
Columns represent: Name, Age, Sex, Occupation, Country to which they severally belong, Country of which they intend to become inhabitants, Died on voyage, Part of ship occupied by each during the voyage. No deaths so that column has been eliminated. All passengers are going to the United States so that column has been eliminated. There are only two notations made about where the passengers were housed during the voyage; Steerage at passenger #1 and Cabin at Passenger #16 so it can be assumed that passengers #1 thru #15 were in Steerage and the rest made the journey in Cabin.
 1  Jean Mugfleinn        37 M Farmer    France            Steerage
 2  Pogena Caille         37 M Farmer    France 
 3  Christian Frig        42 M Farmer    France
 4  Gracoms Ardito        28 M Farmer    France
 5  Domineqos Zuaga       25 M Farmer    France
 6  Andrea Greendtto      25 M Farmer    France
 7  D Pantaleon           51 M Farmer    France
 8  Guiseppe Brignolle    31 M Farmer    France
 9  Bartholomew Brignolle 28 M Farmer    France
10  Mary Gaukenea         29 F           Citizen of the US
11  Charles Ponson        20 M Farmer    France
12  Joseph Hein           25 M Farmer    France
13  Isadora Weill         16 M Farmer    France
14  Narcissa Desmongcot   28 M           Citizen of the US
15  Franz Higer           35 M Farmer    France 
16  E G Bough             30 M Gentleman US                Cabin
17  Mr Satherle           40 M Gentleman US   
18  D Wooster             35 M Gentleman US
19  Mrs Babcock           30 F           US
20  W H Pratt             30 M Gentleman US
21  Mrs Lehman            35 F           US
22  John Lehman            3 M           US
23  James Lehman           1 M           US
24  G N Motte             38 M Gentleman US
25  H B Gleason           50 M           US
26  Wm Jones              35 M           US
27  Wm Pike               36 M           US
28  Dr McFarland          35 M           US
29  Capt Harding          40 M           US
30  Mrs Harding           35 F           US
31  Chs Harding            5 M           US
32  William Harding        3 M           US
33  Ellen Harding         20 F           US
34  Robinson Harding      30 M           US
35* ??? Morsell           28 M           US
36* ??? Baldwin           38 M           US
37* ??? Herisler          40 M           US
38  Mr Alexander          35 M           US
39  Mr Isaacs             38 M           US
40  Dr Hitchcock          40 M           US
41  Capt Wilson           40 M           US
42  Mrs Wilson            30 F           US
43  Miss Lee              20 F           US
44  Mary Wilson            5 F           US
45  Susan Wilson           3 F           US
46* ??? Rice               4 M           US
47  John Rice              5 M           US
48  Mr McIntosh           30 M           US
49  Mr Husband            40 M           US
50  G Green               32 M           US
51  Mr Smith              30 M           US
52* Mr S?????             40 M           US
53* Mrs Fes???            30 F           US
54  Chs Bower             50 M           US
55  Susan Bower            1 F           US
56  E Langford            40 M           US
57  Mrs Langford          35 F           US
58  Susan Langford        20 F           US
59  Mary Langford         22 F           US
60  John Langford          8 M           US
61  S Coffin              30 M           US
62  H Coffin              28 M           US
63  Mr Crawford           25 M           US
64  G W P Washington      30 M           US   
65* S I S?????mull        52 M           US
66  D O Bronson           35 M           US
67* Miss Wi?????          20 F           US
68  Mr St Clair           28 M           US
69  B S Bartlette         29 M           US   

Transcriber's Notes: 
The use of an * indicates an omission or error made by the original recorder.
The use of a ? indicates a word or letters that could not be read due to the condition 
of the original document.

35-37  No First Name or Title given
46     First Name unreadable ??
52     Last Name ??
53     Last Name ??
65     Last Name ??
67     Last Name ??
National Archives and Records Administration, Film M237, Reel 208.
Transcribed by Al O'Brien a member of the
Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild
1 August 2004

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