Cochise County, AZ Marriage Index # 1 - (28 Sep 1880 - 25 Aug 1890) Indexed by Groom's Name

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ADAMS, James to Mrs. Mary Albrecht, both of Fort Huachuca, 18 Jan 1887 at Fort Huachuca by Geo. L. Pearson, Min. of the Gospel. Wit: Charles Clark & Mrs. Katie Burmen. Rec: 27 July 1887, p. 111.

ALIBAS, Manuel see Olibas

ALLEN, John D. to Francesca Diaz, both of Tres Alamos, 25 Apr 1883 by Ant Jomenceau, Catholic Priest. Wit: Antonio Grefolba & Thomas Dunbar. Rec: 25 July 1883, p.47.

ALVANES, Leonardo to Laria Duran, 29 Nov 1883 at Bisbee by J.S. Brittain, JP. Wit: J.C. Chisholm & Mariano Dunn. Rec: 2 Feb. 1884, p 62-3.

AMADO, Ricardo to Carmen Armenta, 12 Nov 1887 at Fairbanks, by Rev. J. Dolje. Rec: 15 Nov 1887, p 121.

ANDRES, Frank to Martha Andres, 20 Jul 1888 at Benson by John H. Gill Pastor ME Ch. Lic. Iss: 20 Jul 1888. Rec: 24 Jul 1888. [bride & groom with same surname in the records]

ANDREWS, Frank to Melissa Greenwood, 17 July 1882 at Tombstone, by A.J.Felter, JP. Rec: 18 Aug 1882, p 25.

ANGULO, Ciriaco to Josefa Cordova, both of San Pedro, Sonora, Mexico, 6 Sep 1882 at Charleston by Jas C. Burnett, JP. Wit: Sydney Hackes & Taseo Yur(ctagozina?) Rec: 7 Sep 1882, p 26.

ARCHER, Robert Coleman to Mrs. Sadie Amelia Silsbee, both of Tombstone, 19 Oct 1882 at Tombstone by J.H. Lucas, Probate Judge Cochise Co. Wit: Adam (Lonz?) & H.N. Toftman. Rec: 24 Oct 1882, p 30.

ARDALLO, Jankine to Guadalupe Rubio, both of Benson, 23 Dec 1882 at Benson by I.N. Mundell, JP. Wit: Benjamin F. Hunt, Mrs. Martina Rubio Hunt, & William McAlester Rec: 5 Feb 1883, p 37.

ARMSTRONG, Edward S. to Sarah Spence, both of Contention, 17 Sep 1882 at Contention by J.B. Smith, JP. Wit: Wm. F. Bradley & Lizzie E. Bradley. Rec: 28 Sep 1882, p 28.

ARMSTRONG, James Lewis to Lotta Green, 23 Jan 1882 at residence of C.S. Fly in Tombstone by Wells Spicer, JP. Rec: 24 Jan 1882, p 16.

ARRIGUILIS, Francisco age 34, to Elena Ochoa, age 17, 7 Feb 1888 at Tombstone by Jno. C. Easton, JP. Lic. Iss: 7 Feb 1888. Rec: 1 Mar 1888, p 134.

ASHLEY, Albert S. of Dos Cabozas to Mrs. Olive A. Davidson of Tombstone, 12 Mar 1882 by A.J. Felter [JP]- Tombstone. Rec: p 20.

BACIGALUPE, Charles to Mary Annie Denley, 7 Mar 1888, at Tombstone by W.D. Shearer, JP. Lic. Iss: 7 Mar 1888. Rec: 8 Mar 1888, p 135.

BACOES, James A. to Maud Lockling, both of Tombstone, 10 Jul 1881 at Tombstone by A.O. Wallase JP. Wit: S.A. Clayton & S. (or J.) Johnson. Rec: at request of I.L. Roberts.

BAKER, Thomas E. to Mary A. Colins both from Tombstone, 12 Nov 1885 at the Church of the Sacred Heart, Tombstone, by J.J. Dolje, Pastor of Roman Catholic Ch. Wit: Gilbert S. Bradshaw & Mrs. Maggie Collins. Rec: p 89. [Names are written both as Colins and as Collins in this entry.]

BALDWIN, W. W. to Miss Dora A. Brown, 6 Dec 1886 at Benson by G. H. Adams, Supt. M.E. Church. Rec: 15 Mar 1887, p 113.

BALURDO, Vincent Rigano to Marie Crony both of Tombstone, 21 Oct 1885 at the residence of the bridegroom, by B.L. Peel, Probate Judge. Wit: J.B Miano & Mrs. J.B Miano. Rec: at request of V.R. Balurda 29 Oct 1885, p 89.

BARELA, Jose Maria to Caneta Aguirre, 5 Mar 1885 at Wilcox by Aug. Morin, Pastor. Wit: Jesus Bara & Margarita Baca. Rec: 9 Mar 1885, p 79. [Although the surnames of the two witnesses appear to be different, they are probably both supposed to be the same. Bara or Baca?]

BAROIS, Teofiels to Omisinidad Soto at house of Jose Aserano, 18 Jul 1881. Wit: J. Jose Aserano & Modesto Santa Cruz, by James F. Duncan, JP. Rec: 22 Jul 1881 at Bisbee, p 8.

BARRY, Dennis of Tombstone to Jennie L. Blenco of South Plymouth, NY, 9 Jun 1882 at Benson by I.N. Mundell, JP. Wit: Mrs. I.N. Mundell, Mrs. E.G. Logan, D.H. Logan, Mr. & Mrs. J. Riley & John Maguire. Rec: 26 Jun 1882, p 22.

BARRY, Dr. J.G. to Miss Annie Brodek, both of Contentions, 29 Jul 1882 at Contentions by J.B. Smith, JP. Wit: Kate Anglis & E.M. Severance. Rec: 31 Jul 1882, p 24.

BASHFORD, Oscar L. to Emma J. Whitehouse, both of Tombstone, 1 Jul 1883, by A.J. Felter, JP. Rec: 1 Aug 1883, p 47.

BEAN, Alfred J. to Julia Francis Long, 24 Dec 1887 at Tombstone by Jno. C. Easton, JP. Lic. Iss: 24 Dec 1888. Rec: 30 Jan 1888, p 126-7.

BEAUDEZART, Fred W. to Miss Minnie Wallace both of Tombstone, 13 Jan 1886, at Tombstone by G. L. Pearson, Min. of the Gospel. Wit: M. P. Williams & Mary B. Goodrich. Rec: 22 Jan 1886, p 93.

BEEBE, William N. to Melinda M. Reed, 1 Jun 1884 at St. David by William D. Johnson, Bishop. Rec: 14 Aug 1884, p 72.

BELL, John Malcom to Annie C. Noriega, 26 Jan 1889 at Tombstone by Rev. John Knox. Wit: William F. and Lizzie E. Bradley. Rec: 6 Apr 1937, p 155 signed by "Malcolm John Bell" and Annie C. Bell. P. 18 of book 2 gives BELLE spelling of surname.

BEYER, Ernest C. H. of Charleston to Ida Frey of Tombstone, 22 Jun 1887 at Tombstone by G.L. Pearson, Min. of Gospel. Wit: Frank R. Eldridge & Laurie Clark. Rec: 6 Jul 1887 p 119 and 27 Dec 1887 p 4 book 2-- BYER, Ernest A. H. to Eda Frey and Wit: Laura Clark.

BILLINGSLEY, Jessie E. to Violet Busby, 31 May 1888 at St. David by Peter Al Lofgreen JP. Lic. Iss: 29 May 1888. Rec: 1 Jun 1888.

BLACKBURN, William to Josefa Escalanta, 11 Apr 1888 at Tombstone by Jno. C. Easton, JP. Lic. Iss: 11 Apr 1888. Rec: 15 Apr 1888, p 139-40.

BLAIR, Alexander W. to Katie L. Kline, both of Tombstone, 15 Apr 1883 by A.J. Felter, JP. Rec: 15 May 1883 - Tombstone, p 42.

BLAIR, J. H. to Miss Huldah Hubbard, both of St. David, 11 Jul 1886 at St. David by Peter A. Lofgreen, JP. Rec: 25 Aug 1886, p 103.

BLAIR, John Wright to Marion Janet McGraw, both of Bisbee, 7 Jul 1886 at Bisbee by S.C. Perrin, JP. Wit: J.W. Howell, Marshall Nutchell. Rec: 1 Mar 1933, p 153. [date 1933 is date in the record and there is no record of a license]

BLAKE, Thomas to Sarah Emily Fletcher of Tombstone, 18 Jun 1884 at Tombstone by David McFawn, Methodist Min. Wit: Chas. M. Thomas & Homer T. Fisher. Rec: 9 Jul 1884, p 10-71.

BOECKH, Fredrick C. to Kate S. (or G.) Custer, 27 Jun 1887 at Tombstone by E. R. Monk, Probate Judge. Wit: Geo. H. Daily & Florence Hemsath. Rec: 29 Jun 1887, p 117.

BONIAS, Abondio age 22, to Maria Valencia, age 18, 17 Apr 1888 at Benson by Rev. J. Dolje. Lic. Iss: 16 Apr 1888. Rec: 29 May 1888, p 147.

BORFUS, Guadlupe to Precelano Corona, both of Benson, 13 Jan 1884 at Benson by I.N. Mundell, JP. Wit: Mrs. A.W. Mundell & Isaac Heiss. Rec: 23 Jan 1884, p 61.

BRADLEY, James Walker to Josie Barrett (Bannet?), 29 Nov 1883, by Ant. Jouvenceau, Catholic Priest. Wit: H.A. Pa(unelie?) & Thomas Davis. Rec: 8 Dec 1883 - Tombstone, p 56.

BRADSHAW, Gilbert S. to Mrs. Francis Stump, 28 Nov 1886 in Tombstone by Geo. L. Pearson, Min. Wit: A.J. Ritter & C.S. Clark. Rec: 29 Nov 1886, p 106.

BRALY, F. E. of Tombstone, to Tillie Wagner of Flagstaff, 7 Jun 1887 at Tombstone by Geo. L. Pearson, Min. of Gospel. Wit: J.T. Braly & Mrs. E.J. Roberts. Rec: 6 Jul 1887, p 118.

BRALY, James T. to Mamie R. Upton, 22 Oct 1887 by Jno. C. Easton, JP. Rec: 25 Oct 1887, p 122.

BRAVIN, George age 26, to Mary Ellen Butler (Butten?) age 19, 28 Apr 1888 at Tombstone, by G. L. Pearson, Min. of Gospel. Wit: Richard (?V ? & E ? Butler) Lic. Iss: 28 Apr 1888. Rec. 11 May 1888, p 141-42 and page 11 book 2.

BRESLIN, James to Mary Murphy, 13 Sep 1886 at Tombstone, by J. Dolje, Catholic Priest. Rec: 18 Sep 1886, p 104.

BRIDGE, George to Sarah Jane Munds, 12 Mar 1881 in Tombstone, by A.J. Felter, JP. Rec: 11 Apr 1881, p 1.

BROOKS, Fred E. of Tombstone to Mary Emma Tregedgo of Plymouth, Devonshire, England, 1 Dec 1884 at Tombstone by David McFawn, Methodist Min. Wit: Mrs Albert I. Springer & A. Springer. Rec: 3 Dec 1884, p 75.

BROWN, Brames S. to Miss Mary E. Allison, 24 May 1881 by Rev. J. P. McIntyre. Wit: Miss Frankie M. Jackson & Henry M. Woods. Rec: 25 May 1881 at Tombstone, p 6.

BROWN, W. H. to Faustina Saiz Haws, 13 Feb 1887 at Grand Central Mill by W.D. Shearer, JP. Rec: 13 May 1887, p 114.

BRYANT, S. H. to Mollie Fearman, 15 May 1887 at Tombstone, by John C. Easton, JP Township #1, Rec: 1 Jul 1887, p 117.

BURKETT, Joseph to Miss Kittie McMahan, both of Tombstone, 20 Nov 1883 by A.J. Felter, JP. Rec: 19 Dec 1883, p 58. and 21 Jan 1884, p 60 of the same book.

BURNS, John H. to C(eda?) Cowniess, 22 Jun 1883 at Eagle Hotel, Charleston, by J.E. Clark, JP. Wit C.B. Tarbell. Rec: 23 Jun 1883, p 44.

BUSBY, Isaac to Miss Mary Hager of Kooteni County, Territory of Idaho, 18 Aug 1890 at Bowie Station by Scott White, JP. Wit: Chas. M. Renand & Mrs. Scott White. Rec: 21 Aug 1890, p 154.

BWAD, John to Livinia Hemseth both of Tombstone, 10 Sep 1882 by I.T. Raynall rector of St. Paul's E. Ch in Tombstone. Rec: 19 Sep 1882.

CADWELL, Fred E. to Mrs. Maggie Fowler, both of Sulphur Spring Valley, 1 Dec 1886 at Tombstone by George L. Pearson, Min. of Gospel. Wit: Joseph Pascholy & Mrs. Joseph Pascholy. Rec: 21 Dec 1886, p 108.

CAMPBELL, Wm. to Miss Rose M. Hodge, both of St. David, 1 Jan 1887 at St. David, by Peter A. Lofgreen, JP. Rec: 5 Jan 1887, p 109.

CARNIGHAM, Fredrick to Artimese Lopez y Aorego, both of "Tomstone", 7 Jun 1884 by C.S. Clark, JP. Wit: C.J. Smith & Wm. Humphries. Rec: 10 Jul 1884, p 71.

CARROLL, Andrew J. to Josephine I. Klein, 23 Jul 1888 at Tombstone by Jno. C. Easton, JP. Lic. Iss: 23 Jul 1888. Rec: 1 Aug 1888, p 142.

CASSIDY, John A. to Louise C. Ketchmen, 1 Jan 1888 at Tombstone, by G.L. Pearson, Min. Wit: C.W. & Lizzie Leach. Rec: 3 Jan. 1888, p 124 and 5 Jan 1888 on page 6 of book 2.

CAVILLE, Robert Horice to Margaret Hall, 8 Sep 1883 at Tombstone, by B.L. Peel. Wit: Frans C. Hawkins & George C. Willis. Rec: 10 Sep 1883, p 50.

CENSINAS, Petra to Raquel Grijalba, 10 Oct 1887 at Benson by Henry Walker JP. Rec: 15 Oct 1887.

CHACON, Jose to Josepha Samlraus (or Sambaus), both of Bisbee, 29 Aug 1882 in Bisbee by J.S. Brittain, JP in and for the 3rd. twp. of Coshise Co. Rec: 15 Sep 1882, p 26.

CHOAT, David to Florence A. Roath, 29 May 1888 at the (S?)eneca Ranch by Richard Morgan, JP., Twp. 1. Lic. Iss: 15 May 1888. Rec: 1 Jun 1888, p 149.

CHRISTIASON, H. M. to Christena Beck, both of Tombstone, 19 Jun 1884 by A.J. Felter, JP. Rec: 7 Jul 1884, p 70.

CHRISTIVICH, Stefano to Vizenza Colich, both "from Slavinia (Europe)," 31 May 1885 at Tombstone by Aug. Morin, Pastor of Catholic Ch. Rec: 1 Jun 1885, p 84.

CHRIT(CHLY?), John to Mrs. Catherine Hartnett, 9 July 1882 at Sacred Heart Church in Tombstone by P.J. Gallagher, Pastor. Wit: John Connelly & Mrs. Sarah Walsh. Rec: 12 Jul 1882, p 23.

CLAIR, B. W. to Eva A. VanVorst, both of Wilcox, 6 Dec 1882 at Wilcox by W.F. Nichols, JP. Wit: Annie Christian & Chas. Smith. Rec: 8 Dec 1882, p 33. [Annie signed with an X]

CLARK, Andrew G. to Maggie M. Stewart, 25 Dec 1887 at Benson by John H. Gill, Pastor M.E. Ch. Lic. Iss: 22 Dec 1887. Wit: W.H. Moreland & W.H. Clark. Rec: 2 Jan 1887 p 124, and 12 Jan 1888 p 128, and 11 Jan 1888 p 6 in book 2.

CLARK, Richard B.S. to Louise Argincourt of Tombstone, 30 Dec 1883 at Tombstone by A.J. Felter. Wit: Frank Couture. Rec: 17 Dec 1883 p 57-58. (The dates are as written in the book even though it seems to have been recorded before the event?)

CLARK, Robert Emmet to Mrs. Jennie Powers, both of Bisbee, 1 Jun 1887 at Bisbee, by J.C. Perrin, JP. Wit: J.G. Barney, MD & James Lebson. Rec: 17 Jun 1887, p 116.

CLAWSON, Spencer to Miss Lois I. Brown, both of Tombstone, 14 Aug 1881 at Tombstone by I.H. Tuttle, Elder of M.E. Ch. Wit: H.M. Mathews. Rec: 16 Aug 1881 at Tomstone, p 9.

CLIFFORD, John A. to Miss Nancy A. BINGHAM, both of St. David, 1 Jan 1887 at St. David, by Peter A. Lofgreen, JP. Rec: 5 January 1887, p 109. [Mr. Lofgreen married two other couples on this day. See Paulson and Campbell]

CLIFFORD, William H. to Lois M. Bingham, 1 Jan 1883 at St. David by Elder Erastus Snow. Wit: David D. Kimball & James H. (Maitmeau?). rec: 30 Jan 1883, p 35.

CLOUD, Arville B. to Anna A. Roberts, both of Tombstone, 12 Apr 1886 in Tombstone by B.L. Peel, JP. Rec: at request of Mrs. Anna A. Cloud 20 Apr 1886, p 98.

CLUMAGE, Cornelius Wilson of El Paso, Texas, age 26, to Mary Greer Herring, of Tombstone, age 21, 20 Oct 1886 at Tombstone by Theo W. Haskins, Rector St. Paul's Mission P.E. Ch. Wit: E. B. Gage & L. B. Blim. Rec: at request of Wm. Herring 14 Mar 1887, p 112.

COBB, George to Miss Julia A. Palmer, both of Tombstone, 20 Mar 1882 in Tombstone, by H.M. Robertson, Min. of the Gospel. Wit: William C. Johnson & Mrs. M. E. M(agwney?). Rec: 21 Mar 1882, p 19.

CONOVER, E. F. to Martha M. Campbell, both of Wilcox, 23 Jun 1887 at Wilcox by W.F. Nichols, JP. Wit: Mrs. L.J. Hardin & George Raum. Rec: 25 Jun 1887, p 116.

CONTURE, Frank Flocenten to Laura Lic(l,b, or k)erk, 28 Aug 1882 at Tombstone by A.J. Felter, JP. Rec: p 25.

COOLEY, Louis W. to Carrie W. Tempest, both of Tombstone, 1 Mar 1886 at Tombstone by Geo. L. Pearson, Min. of the Gospel. Wit: G.T. Henderson & Mrs. Sarah Constable. Rec: 5 Mar 1886, p 96.

COOPER, David Ferdinand , family of David Cooper & Anna Ferdinand to Rosanna Ludo Vico Coleman, family of James Coleman & Maria Welsh. "die Maii 1884" by P.J. Gallagher, Pastor. Wit: E. Chauncey, F. Cooper & Josephine Coleman. Rec: 29 Jul 1884 p 72. [This entry written in Spanish.]

CORALEZ, Esteven age 36, to Nestova Evara age 27, 27 Jan 1888 at Contention, by G. Geniepse (or Geniesse) Catholic Priest. Lic. Iss: 25 Jan 1888. Rec: 15 Apr 1888 p 132.

CORBETT, Wallace to Isabelle Seely, both of Tombstone, 11 Sep 1881 by J.W. Stump, Min. of M-E Ch. Rec: 10 Dec 1881 by A.E. Ludlow, deputy, p 12.

CORBETT, William to Miss Lilly Fenley, 10 Jul 1882 at Tombstone by H.M. Robertson, Pastor Presp. Ch. Wit: Andrew Robertson & Mrs. F.C. Restig. Rec: 15 Jul 1882, P 24

COSTENADA, Porfina to Jose Maria Martinez wid. of Francisco Marquez, 11 Nov 1884 in Wilcox by Aug. Morin Pastor Roman Cath. Ch. Wit: Guadalupe Duarte & Felicita Duarte. Rec: 13 Dec 1884, p 75.

COSTILLO, William to Miss Eliza Carroll, both of Contention, 22 Aug 1882 at Contention by J.B. Smith, JP. Wit: Mrs. L. Alexander. Rec: 28 Sep 1882, p 28.

COWAN, William to Miss Margaret J. Mahoney, 25 Aug 1881 at Tombstone by J.H. Tuttle, Elder MEC. Wit: Thomas Cowan. Rec: p 10.

COYLE, James son of Patrick & Bridget Coyle, to Anna Ly(ins?) wid. of Richard Braddock, 17 Nov 1884 by Aug. Morin, Pastor Roman Cath. Ch. of Tombstone. Wit: James Flynn & L. Gallen. Rec: 2 Dec 1884 p 74-75.

CROMWELL, A.W. to Carmelita Creal, 22 Nov 1881 by A.J. Felter, JP. Rec: 5 Jan 1882 in Tombstone, p 15.

DANFORT, James to Clara Gray, both of Tombstone, 20 Nov 1882 at Tombstone by B.L. Pell, JP. Wit: Annie L. Buford, Hattie J. Givens & Mary Sowle. Rec: 21 Nov 1882, p 31.

DAVES, Lewis A. to Josephine Brown, both of Tombstone, 28 Nov 1881 at Tombstone by A.O. Wallace, JP. Rec 2 Dec 1881, p 12.

DAVIS, E.L. to A. Oive Shen (or Sheu?), both of Johnson, 24 Feb 1884 at Johnson by William Head, JP. Wit: J.S. (Brumurd?). Rec: 27 Feb 1884 P 63.

DAVIS, Lorenzo D. to Cleamency A. Brown, 17 Jul 1881 by A.O. Wallace JP. Wit: Louis Davis & D.C. Davis. Rec: 21 May 1881 in Tombstone, p 8.

DAVIS, Martin of Charleston, to Matilda Nelson of San Francisco, California, 23 Feb 1885 at the Grand Central Mill by J.B. Smith JP. Wit: Edward S. Armstrong & Sarah Armstrong. Rec: 26 Feb 1885, p 78.

DE MARTINI, Paul A. to Mary Fleece, both of Fairbanks, 9 Sep 1886 by Joseph S. Mills, JP. Wit: Mrs. Jerry Barton & A. Wentworth. Rec: 29 Jun 1887, p 116-7.

DEAN, James to Mrs. Katie Reilly, both of Tombstone, 14 Feb 1884 by A.J. Felter, JP. Rec: 20 Jun 1884 p 69

DEAN, John R. to Katie Quadlin, both of Tombstone, 1 Jan 1887 at Tombstone, by Geo. L. Pearson, Min. of the Gospel. Wit: Mrs. May Leslie & Mrs. Josephine Eccleston Rec: 11 Jan 1887, p 109.

DEATHERAGE, Frank A. to Lizzie Deatherage, 30 Mar 1888 at Benson by John H. Gill, Pastor M.E. Ch. Wit: W. H. Moreland & Mrs. J.H. Gill. Lic. Iss: 22 Mar 1888. Rec: 1 Apr 1888, p 135-6 and 9 Apr 1888, p 9 of book 2.

DEBAUEL, Leopaul to Christina Johnston, both of Charlestone, 26 Apr 1881 in Charleston by D H Holt JP. Rec: 2 May 1881.

DEGRAW, W. L. to Sarah A. Delove (or Delour?), both of Tombstone, 20 Aug 1883 by A.J. Felter, JP. Rec: 24 Sep 1883, p 51.

DETHINE, Joseph age 55, to Dona Amada Costa age 33, 28 Jan 1888 at Elgin by D.K. Wardwell, JP. Lic. Iss: 24 Jan 1888. Rec: 30 Jan 1888, p 127.

DETLOFF, John age 31, to Louise Sandoval age 17, both of Bisbee, 28 Mar 1886 at Tombstone by Thos. W. Haskins (seal) of Protestant Episcopal Ch. Wit: S. Gallen & Mrs. S. Gallen. Rec: 29 Mar 1886, p 97.

DORAN, E. Stevan to Jessie C. Nolasco age 30, 16 Jan 1888 at Fairbanks. Lic. Iss: 16 Jan 1888. Rec: 15 Apr 1888, p 130. [License issued to Jessie, recorded as Jesus Nolasco]

DOWNEY, Robert to Amy May Haviland, 4 May 1888 at Haviland's Ranch by D.K. Wardwill, JP. Lic. Iss: 3 May 1888. Rec: 14 May 1888, p 145-6.

DRUM, Thomas Jerome to Laurie Elizabeth Seawell, 24 Dec 1884 at Tombstone by David McFawn, Methodist Min. Wit: D. McSwegan, M.D. & David Cohn. Rec: 24 Mar 1885, P 79.

DUMONT, W. G. to A. J. Fishell, both on Benson, 6 Dec 1883 in Benson by I.N. Mundell, JP. Wit: Mr. J.H. Fishell, Mr. E. Fishell & Miss C.A. Fishell. Rec: 10 Dec 1883, p 56

DUNBAR, John O. to Miss N. W. Brunner, both of Tombstone, 4 Apr 1883 by A. J. Felter, JP. Rec: 4 May 1883 at Tombstone, p 41.

DUNBAR, Thomas to Catherine Hanley, 23 May 1888 at Tombstone by Rev. E.V. Lebreton. Lic. Iss: 21 May 1888. Rec: 25 May 1888, p 147-8.

DURON, Manuel to Carmalita Larcies, 4 Sep 1883 by George W. Swain, J.P. Wit: Francesca Garcia & Rauries Gonzales. Rec: 2 Oct 1883, p 52.

EATON, Thomas of Benson to Elizabeth Tynes (Tyms?) of Manchester, England, 10 Apr 1884 at Benson by I.N. Mundell, J.P. Wit: Mrs. I.N. Mundell. Rec: 30 Apr 1884, p 65.

ELDRIDGE, Daniel J. to Lola Kimball, 28 Feb 1887 at St. David by Elder Philemore C. Merrill. Rec: 12 Mar 1887, p 112.

ELIAS, Carlos to Ramona Duarte, 14 Sep 1882 at Tombstone by A.O. Wallace, JP. Wit: Francisco Duarte & Petra Carde. Rec: 2 Oct 1882, p 29.

ELLIOT, Lieut. Charles P. of 4 Cav USA, to Hortense D. Beaumont of Fort Bowie, 20 Dec 1886 at Fort Bowie by F.H. Weaver, Chaplain 10th Cavalry USA. Wit: J.M. Neall, USA, E.B. Beaumont, USA, & Wm. A. Thompson, USA. Rec: at request of J.M. Neal 11 Jan 1887, p 110. (Neall/Neal as in orig. record.)

ELLIOTT, William A. age 25, to Lizzie Leano Thopard age 18, 23 Jun 1886 at Benson by Thomas W. Haskins, Rector St. Paul's Protestant Episcopal Ch. Wit: James Mentandan & Mrs. Thopard. Rec: at request of Robt. Darroh 29 Jun 1886, p 101.

EMMERSON, Charles H. to Ida B. Davis, both of Tombstone, 2 Aug 1885 at Fairbanks, by J.B. Smith, JP. Rec: at request of C.H. Emmerson, 13 Aug 1885, p 86.

ENGLISH, Allen R. to Fannie Rosie Carr, both of Tombstone, 7 Aug 1881 by Jas. C. Burnett, JP. Rec: 21 May 1883, p. 42-43. (recorded almost 2 years after marriage)

ENNIS, Edward P. to Mrs. Catharine Buckley, both of Tombstone, 18 Jan 1887 at Tombstone by James Reilly, JP. Wit: Jessie Groves, Thomas Groves & P.H. Bracken. Rec: at request of E.P. Ennis, 26 Jan 1887, p 111.

ERFAULS, James to Mary Anderson, 4 March 1889

ESCHMAN, Clemens Louis to Mrs. Ida Helen Jackson, 19 Mar 1883 at Tombstone by A.J. Felter, JP. Rec: 21 Mar 1883, p 39.

ESPINAZA, Jose to Tonra(jo?) Cara(dia?), 4 Nov 1883 by Geo. W. Swain JP. Wit: Lm. Espinaso & Valinture C(erreer?).

ESTRADA, Priciliano to Juana Vindivla, both from Safford, 17 Aug 1885 at Wilcox by Aug. Morin, Pastor, of Roman Catholic Ch. Rec: 24 Aug 1885, p 87.

ESTRELLA, Ramon to Pancho Medina, 26 Apr 1885 at Charleston by Samuel Katzensteni, JP. Wit: Clementa Acunda & Carillo Medina. Rec: 29 Apr 1885, p 83.

EVANS, Samuel to Christina Sinburger, both of Charleston, 1 Mar 1885 at Tombstone by David McFawn, Methodist Min. Wit: E.W. Clark & Mary Tack. Rec: 30 Mar 1885, p 80.

FARISH (or PARISH), Thomas E. to Mary G. Horton, both of New York City, 21 Jan 1884 at Benson by I.N. Mundell, JP. Wit: Mrs. A.H. Mundell & Mrs. W.E.Chrisley. Rec: 23 Jan 1884, p. 60-61.

FENNEY, George W. to Alice Ashley, 19 Jan 1882 in Tombstone Presbyterian Protestant Episcopal Ch. by R.C. Labott. Rec: 20 Jan 1882, p 16.

FIERE, Vincenzo to Annie Borker, 19 Dec 1883 at Tombstone by C.S. Clark, JP. Twp #1. Wit: Chas. C. Blair, Chas. H. Holz & Katie Holz. Rec: 20 Dec 1883, p 58.

FINCH, Calvin L. to Katie Riley, both of Benson, 14 Sep 1885 at Benson by R.T. Liston, Congregational Min. Rec: 4 Dec 1885, p 91.

FISH, Frank N. of San Diego, Calif. to Lizzy Frary of San Jose, Calif, 13 Mar 1881 at Tombstone by J.B. McIntyr. Wit: Ward Priest & Adele Priest. Rec: at request of Frank N. Fish 31 Mar 1885, p 82.

FISHER, Gustave to Ehtel R. Cowing, both of Charleston, 12 Dec 1883 at Charleston by John E. Clark, JP. Wit: Dan McAlister & Gilbert S. Bradshaw. Rec: 14 Dec 1883, p 57.

FITCH, John C. to Mrs. Annie Guies, both of Benson, 27 Mar 1886 at Benson. Wit: L.V. Wilkinsen (Wildinsen?) & Mrs. Annie Wilkinson. Rec: at request of Robt. Eccleston 1 May 1886, p 99.

FLORES, Julian to Eucaruacion Guinis, 24 Sep 1885 at Tombstone by Aug. Morin, Pastor, of Roman Catholic Ch. Wit: Manuel Hernandez & Maria Estrada. Rec: 24 Sep 1885, p 88.

FONTAINE, Colbert from Canada, to Mary J. Gavan from Ireland, 4 Jun 1885 in Catholic Church by Aug. Morin, Pastor. Rec: 5 Jun 1885, p 84.

FORTLOUIS, Albert to Alice Maude Maish, 26 Apr 1882 in Tombstone by Joe C. Burnett, JP. Rec: 27 Apr 1882, p 21.

FOWLER, William to Marggie Selvage, both of Dos Cabezas, by W. F. Nichols, JP. Wit: Jennie Johnson & W.W. Tice. Rec: 31 Aug 1883, p 49.

FRANCO, Gaudelope to Ramona Posses, 2 Apr 1881 at Tombstone by A.J. Felter, JP. Wit: C.R. Ayers. Rec: 2 May 1881, p 4.

FRASER, Hugh C. to Billie Lowery, both of Tombstone, 4 Mar 1886 in Tombstone by Geo. L. Pearson, Min. of the Gospel. Wit: Joseph Lippert & Christian Miller. Rec: 5 Mar 1886, p 96.

FRAZER, J. E. to Lena Miller, both of Tombstone, 17 Jun 1886 at Tombstone by B.L. Peel, Probate Judge. Wit: Geo. W. Swain & Mrs. J.D. Gilbert. Rec: at request of Geo. W. Swain 29 Jun 1886, p 102.

FREDERICK, Charles E. to Jenny M. Miles, 4 Feb 1888 at Tombstone by Sidney Beckwith, Rector St. Paul's Ch. Wit: Andrew J. Ritter & Geo. M. Chetney. Lic. Iss: 7 Jan 1888. Rec: 10 Feb 1888, p 125 and also 1 Mar 1888, p 9 book 2 which states that Beckwith is Presbyter of the Protestant Episcopal Ch.

FREDERICK, Mr. to Miss Mary Guanyan, 28 Jun 1882 in Tombstone by H.M. Robertson, Pastor Pres. Ch. Wit: D.H. Hutchenson & Andrew Garrett. Rec: 28 Jun 1882, p 23.

FRENCH, Joseph W. age 36, occ.-Blacksmith, to Miss Lucy Schwab age 23, both of Tombstone, 5 Dec 1885 at Tombstone by Geo. L. Pearson, Min. Wit; Mr. A.A. Banning & Miss Lettie M. Steele. Rec: 17 Dec 1885, p 91.

FULLER, Ruben W. of Safford, Graham Co., to Miss Amy C. Layton of St. David, 1 Jan 1886 at St. David by Peter A. Lofgreen, JP. Rec: 15 Feb 1886, p 95.

GARLOCK, Eugene T. to Eva Wough, both of Charleston, 29 Mar 1885 at Charleston by David McFawn, Methodist Min. Wit: E.D. Waffle & Clara Waffle. Rec: 30 Mar 1885, p 80.

GILBERT, Joseph D. to Miss Abbie A. Upton, 19 Dec 1881 at Tombstone by A.O. Wallace, JP. Wit: H.M. Mathews & W.K. Springer. Rec: 22 Dec 1881, p 13.

GILMAN, Milton L. to Adelaide A. Cook, 4 Jun 1885 at Tombstone by B.L. Peel, Probate Judge. Wit: Jose Smith, Fred J. Dodge & Tophie Vogel. Rec. at request of M.L. Gillman 29 Jul 1885, p 85. [name spelled as Gilman & as Gillman in this record]

GOLDWATER, Joseph to Manuela Arviza, 31 Jul 1888 at Tombstone by E. R. Monk, Probate Judge. Lic. Iss: 31 Jul 1888. Rec: 1 Aug 1888, p 145.

GOLVIS, Ignacio to Lucy Lopez, 11 Apr 1881 at Tombstone by A.J. Felter, JP. Rec: 18 May 1881, p 3.

GOLVIS, Philo Werner to Sarah Lopez, 20 Mar 1881 at Tombstone. Wit: Yguar Golvis. Rec: 18 Apr 1881, p 2.

GORDON, William to Margaret Barrett, 23 Oct 1887 at Tombstone by Jno. C. Easton, JP. Rec: 25 Oct 1887, p 122.

GORMAN, Edward O. to Lizzie Davis, 6 Jul 1881 at Tombstone by Wells Spicer, JP. Rec: 3 Oct 1881, p 10-11.

GRAHAM, D. L. to Teresa M. Grandara, 18 Aug 1888 at Bisbee by (S.?) C. Perrin, JP. Lic. Iss: 15 Aug 1888. Rec: 20 Aug 1888, p 143.

GRAW, Garhara L. to Mary E. Hoff, both of Tombstone, 3 Jun 1883 by A.J. Felter, JP. Rec: 13 Jul 1883, p 44.

GREEN, William C. of Ash Canyon, to Ella Moson of Tombstone, 9 Jun 1884 at Tombstone by I.T. Bagnall, Rector St. Paul's Ch. Rec: 9 Jun 1884, p 67-8. (Surname Green is questionable for legibelity)

GRES, Joseph M.E. to Felie Gou(s?)lier both of Tombstone, 15 Jan 1884 by A.J. Felter. Rec: 21 Jan 1884.

GRIJABLA, Raquel to Petra Censinas, 10 Oct 1887 at Benson by Henry Walker, JP. Rec: 15 Aug 1887, p 121.

GRISWOLD, Charles C. to Alice Leftwich, 5 Sep 1882 in Tombstone by H.M. Robertson, Pastor Presp. Ch. Wit: E.M. Robertson & Mattie FitzPatrick. Rec: 16 Jan 1883, p 34.

HAEFFNER, Charles (S?) to Ida E. Moore, 21 May 1888 at Benson by John H. Gill, Pastor Benson M.E. Ch. Lic. Iss: 21 May 1888. Rec: 22 May 1888, p 146.

HAILMAN, Henry to Maggie Seclind, both of Fort Grant, 26 May 1884 at Wilcox by W.F. Nichols, JP. Wit: Mrs. W.S. Davis, A.N. Goudey & W.E. Davis. Rec: 29 May 1884, p 66.

HANSEN, Christian Eiler to Mary Larsen, both of Bisbee, 30 Aug 1883 at Tombstone by C.S. Clark, JP. Wit: W.H. Savage & M.H. Savage. Rec: 31 Aug 1883, p 49.

HARLEY, Edward A. to Miss Almon Hixson both of Tombstone, Nov 1881 at Tombstone by W.H. Stillwell, Justice of Supreme Court of AZ. Rec: 5 Jan 1882, p 14.

HARRIS, William to Mrs. Emma Birtles, both of Tombstone, 2 Apr 1887 at Tombstone by George L. Pearson, Min. of Gospel. Wit: Thomas Harris & Nellie G. Birtle. Rec: 23 May 1887, p 114-5.

HART, Kawrebce to Anjelicia Dell(ere?), 26 Oct 1881. Wit: (?) Couwell & T.J. Drum. Rec: 27 Oct 1881.

HARTERY, John age 24, to Annie M. Pearce age 18, on Wednesday, 2 Jun 1886 in Tombstone by Thos. W. Haskins, Rector St. Paul's Mission of Protestant Episcopal Ch. Rec: at request of John Hartery 3 Jun 1886, p 99.

HARTZELL, A. S. To Annie E. Morris, both of Johnson, 13 Feb 1884 by A.J. Felter, JP. Rec: 20 Jun 1884, p 69.

HARVEY, Walter William to Mary Josephine Coleman, 29 Dec 1885 at Tombstone by J.J. Dolje, Pastor of Roman Catholic Ch. Wit: Mr. John Harvey, Catharine Muhan, M. Ed. Anderson, Mr. William Cain, Mr. John Cain, and Mrs. Eliza Cain. Rec: 29 Dec 1885, p 92.

HARWOOD, William A. to Nellie Crable, 28 Jul 1888 at Tombstone by Jno. C. Easton, JP. Lic. Iss: 28 Jul 1888. Rec: 1 Aug 1888, p 144.

HAWILY, Herman F. to Josephine Fanilla, both of Wilcox, 7 Nov 1882 at Wilcox by W.F. Nichols, JP. Wit: D.H. Smith & W.J.Soto. Rec: 2 Nov 1882, p 30.

HAWKE, Nathaniel E. to Jennie A. Sweeney, 21 Sep 1885 at Tombstone by Aug. Morin, Pastor of Roman Catholic Ch. Wit: Frank V. Gallagher & Miss Mary Rafferty. Rec: 21 Sep 1885, p 88.

HAYNES, John to Rose Hill, 1 Nov 1882 at Tombstone by A.O. Wallace, JP. Wit: F.M. Hill, S.A. Hill & John Hill. Rec: 2 Dec 1882, p 32 [Notation "dtd 13 Nov 1882" also appears in this record.]

HEBAN, Frank to Katie Daley, both of Tombstone, 30 Aug 1882 at Benson by J.N. Mundell JP. Wit: D.H. Logan. Rec: 2 Sep 1882 p 25-6.

HEBERKORN, John to Carmarla Sandebal, both of Bisbee, 19 Jul 1885 at Tombstone by C.E. Alvord, JP. Rec: 6 Jan 1887, p 108.

HEITCHEW, Abraham S. to Clara Brookham, both of Tombstone, 17 May 1883. Rec: 18 May 1883, p 42.

HILDEBRANT, Harry K. to Mary M. Smith of Pima Co., 7 Oct 1887 at Tombstone by G. L. Pearson, Min. of Gospel. Wit: Mrs. Ann J. Pearson & Miss M.W. Sneed. Rec. 7 Oct 1887, p 121 without mention ofplaces and p 12 of book 2 where places are given.

HILL, Cable W. (or Caleb?) William to Isabelle Wilde, 31 Oct 1888 at the the bride's residence by Elder P.C. Merrill, Min. of Gospel. Lic. Iss: 27 Oct 1888 to "Caleb William Hill and Isabelle Wild". Rec: p 156.

HILTON, Perry M. of Charleston, to Louise D. Reaney of Maple Canyon, 10 May 1881 at Maple Canyon by D.H. Holt, JP. of Charleston Precinct. Wit: Ella J. Holt & Nesun A. Marks. Rec: 11 May 1881, p 5.

HINKE, Fred of Bisbee, to Fanny Fulkersen of Tombstone, 12 Jul 1885 at Tombstone by C.S. Clark, JP. Rec: 19 Sep 1885, p 88-9.

HOADLEY, James H. to Frances B. Henry, 11 Aug 1884 by James F. Duncan, JP. Wit: J.B. Watson. Rec: Bisbee 16 Aug 1884, p 73.

HOFREW, H. W. To Louisa Young, 14 Apr 1888 at Wilcox by W.F. Nicholes, JP. Wit: D.J. H(asdin?) & J.W. H(udsm?) Lic. Iss: 14 Apr 1888. Rec: 16 Apr 1888, p 138-9 to H. W. HOPEN and p 11 book 2 with groom W. H. Hofrew.

HOFSUMER, A. G. of Wilcox to Emma Vogt of Cincinnati, OH, 14 Jun 1886 by E.W. Morrison, Min. of M.E. Ch. Wit: W.F. Nichols. Rec: 16 Jun 1886, p 101.

HOOPS, John Hill to Mary Isibelle Home, 2 pm 1 Feb 1883 at residence of Henry J. Home, Home's Ranch, by David P. Kimball, Minister. Wit: H.L. Home & F. H. Hill. Rec: 3 Feb 1883, p 35.

HOOVER, John S. to Vena Davis, both of Tombstone, 3 Jan 1883 by David McFawn, Methodist Min. Wit: W.S. Mallison & A.J. Cadwell. Rec: 31 Aug 1883, p 50.


HOWARD, J. J. To Mary A. Smith, both of Johnson, 22 Jul 1883 at Johnson by Wm. Head, JP. Wit: Mrs. Conie Hausen & C.O. Willson. Rec: 26 Jul 1883, p 47.

HOWELL, J. West of Bisbee to Mary Tappeiner of Tombstone, 28 Sep 1884 by Antonio Joivenceau, Catholic Priest. Wit: Thomas Leary & Miss Nellie Jones. Rec: Tombstone 1 Oct 1884, p 73.

HUBBARD, Freeman to Lydia F. Wamsley, 28 Feb 1885 at St. David by M.W. Merrill, Presiding Elder, St. David, Wit: T. B. Cook & J. Sessins. Rec: at request of F. Hubbard 28 May 1885, p 84.

HUDDY (HADDY), Daniel to Miss Mary Hoar, 6 Oct 1886 at Tombstone by J.H. Tuttle, Local Elder of M.E. Ch. Rec: 7 Oct 1886, p 105.

HUNT, Benjamin F. to Martina Rubio of Benson, 16 Dec 1882 at Benson by J.N. Mundell, JP. Wit: William McAllester, Franklin Ardillo & Guadalupe Rubio. Rec: 5 Feb 1883, p 36.

HUTCHINGS, Edward M. to Mrs. Nora Ryan, 23 Jan 1882 at the residence of bride in Tombstone by Wells Spicer, JP. Rec: 24 Jan 1882 p 17.

HUTTON, Sidney B. to Miss Iona B. Hach, both of Tombstone, 7 Jul 1884 by A.J. Felter, JP. Rec: 7 Jul 1884.

IVES, William S. to Sue H. Gibbons, 29 Jan 1882 in Tombstone by A.O. Wallace, JP. Rec: 3 Feb 1882, p 18.

JACOBS, Isaac to Rachel Barron, 7 Apr 1883 by Geo. W. Swain, J.P. Wit: Samuel Barron & Jas J. Nash. Rec: 13 Apr 1883 p 40

JENSEN, Jeno Peter to Ella Maria Hener, 7 Dec 1887 at Benson by John H. Gill, Pastor M.E. Ch. Rec: 10 Dec 1887 p 123.

JOHNSON, John Henry of Johnson, to Mrs. Conie (or Carrie) Hansen of Sulphur Springs Valley, 26 Jan 1884 by William Hen(d?) J.P. Wit: G.M. Coppersmith. Rec: 29 Jan 1884.

JOHNSON, Peter age 31, of Bisbee, to Malena Peterson age 30, of San Francisco Calif., 2 May 1887 at Tombstone by Thos. W. Haskins, Recter, St. Paul's Prot. Episcopal Ch. Rec: 3 May 1887, p 113.

JOHNSON, Sol to Mary A. Wiggins, both of Johnson, 21 Jun 1883 at Russellville by Wm. Head, JP. Wit: G.H. Drew & Wm. K. Waddill. Rec: 11 Jul 1883.

JONES, Melvin W. to Laura A. Frame, both of Dragoon, 22 Oct 1885 at the Frame's Ranch near Dragoon by W.F. Nichols, JP. Wit: Elizabeth Frame & John C. Jones. Rec: 10 Nov 1885, 90.

JONES, Thomas to Clara J. Stillman, 15 Aug 1883 at Tombstone by David McFawn, Methodist Min. Wit: C.H. Arnold & Hattie McFawn. Rec: 8 Nov 1883, p 53.

KELLY, Mich to M. Julia Sullivan, both of Tombstone, 23 Feb 1886 at Tombstone by J.J. Dolje, Pastor of Roman Catholic Ch. Wit: Mr. B. Haggarty & Mr. Lipy Holland. Rec: 23 Feb 1886, p 96.

KETTLEWELL, Robert Cockburn to Lizzie Kiturah Ewalt, 19 Nov 1887 at Tombstone. Rec: 22 Nov 1887, p 123.

KIMBALL, Thomas S. to Fannie H. Williams, both of St. David, 15 Oct 1883 at St. David by Wm. D. Johnson, B.P. Wit: C.M. Kimball & Lizzie Layton. Rec: 8 Jan 1884, p 59. [B.P. probably indicates a bishop of the LDS Ch.]

KINDRED, A. W. to Ida Malatesta, both of Tombstone, 14 Aug 1881 by J.A. Stump, Min. M.E, Ch. Rec: 13 Aug 1881, p 4.

KINKADE, James A. to Miss E(lwena?) Lizzie Lavin, 28 Sep 1880 in Tombstone by James Woods, Min. of the Pres. Ch. Rec: at request of Emma Parker 4 May 1882, p 21.

KINSMAN, Richard to Elizabeth J. Pearce, both of Tombstone, 14 May 1887 at Tombstone by Geo. L. Pearson, Min. of Gospel. Wit: John Craze & Richard Terjona. Rec: 23 May 1887, p 115.

KOENER, Leo G. of Charleston, to Josefa Gutierrez of San Pedro, Sonora, Mex., 16 Oct 1881 at Charleston by D. H. Holt, JP. Wit: James Katzenstein. Rec: 20 Oct 1881, p 11.

LAND, Samuel L. to Kate L. Hildreth, 4 Aug 1887 at the residence of the bride's mother in Charleston by William Hughes, JP. Rec: 8 Aug 1887, p 119.

LANG, John to Miss Jessie E. Green, 7 Dec 1881 by Rev. J.P. McIntyre. Wit: M.A. Mahoney (or Moreney) & G.W. Lang. Rec: 22 Dec 1881 at Tombstone, p 13.

LANGFORD, Edwin R. to Lucy I. Herrick, 20 Dec 1887 at Tombstone by G.L. Pearson, Min. of Gospel. Wit: H.C. Herrick & Mrs. Jos. Lamb. Rec: 24 Dec 1887, p 123 and 27 Dec 1887, p 5 of book 2 with bride's name Lucy S. Herrick.

LAWRENCE, John to Christine Friel, 12 Feb 1882 at Tombstone by A.O. Wallace, JP. Wit: Sylvester Gilliam & Nettie Wood. Rec: 13 Feb 1882, p 18.

LAWRY, Thomas to Grace B. Carnaghan, both of Tombstone, 7 Aug 1885 at Tombstone by B. L. Peel, Probate Judge. Wit: Mrs. P. Jives, P.C. Bresein, W.F. Stenton & Jos. Paschvey. Rec: 18 Aug 1885, p 86.

LAYTON, Richard G. to Annie E. Heom, both of St. David, 8 Feb 1886 at St. David by Peter D. Lefgreen, JP. Rec: 15 Feb 1886, p 95.

LAZ, N. B. to Johannah M. Fisher, both of Cochise Co., 7 Jan 1886 in Tombstone by B.L. Peel, Probate Judge. Wit: Henry Solan & Henreitta Bastian. Rec: 22 Jan 1886, p 94.

LEE, Howard K. to Louise Rollins, both of Tombstone, 23 Sep 1883 in Tombstone by B.L. Peel. Wit: Gof Tribolch, Mrs. Lizzie McKinnan & Mrs. Lizzie Bradley. Rec: 2 Oct 1883, p 52.

LEPTIEN, Herman to Martha Bock, both of Tombstone, 25 May 1881 at Tombstone by A.O. Wallace, JP. Wit: August Baron & Charles Bernhardt. Rec: 26 May 1881, p 6.

LESMAN, Ernest to Carrie M. Sills, 6 Feb 1884 by G.W. Swain, JP. Wit: Goef Triboleh & Fredrick W. Heyne. Rec: 18 Mar 1884, p 64.

LETSON, James to Maggie Dehony 25 Jan 1888 at Bisbee by Rev. J. Dolje. Lic. Iss: 23 Jan 188 to James Letson & Maggie Dehoney. Rec: 15 Apr 1888.

LING, Yee to Wong Toy, 1 Mar 1889 at the "county fare," city of Tombstone by Jno. C. Easton, JP. Lic. Iss: 1 Mar 1889. Rec: 12 Apr 1889, p 152.

LIPPERT, Joseph T. to Hulda Rembold, both of Tombstone, 29 Sep 1886 in Tombstone by Geo. L. Pearson, Min. of the Gospel. Wit: Earnest C. Beyer & Ida Fry. Rec: 22 Oct 1886, p 106.

LYON, William of Fairbanks to Kate Anglina widow of Cornelius O'Leary, 5 May 1885 at Tombstone by Aug. Morin of the Catholic Ch. Rec: 5 May 1885, p 83.

MACDONALD, John J. to Mrs. Anna Niebacher, 18 Apr 1886 at Tombstone by R.M. Doris, Min. of the Gospel. Wit: Mr. Thomas McFeely & Miss Minnie Rafferty. Rec: 20 Apr 1886, p 98.

MACHIN, George D. to Linda McPherson, both of Tombstone, 20 Jan 1886 at Tombstone by Rev. G.L. Pearson. Wit: Mrs. Wm. Grant & Mrs. G.L. Pearson. Rec: 22 Jan 1886, p 94.

MacNEIL, Donald Allston of Tombstone, to Bessie M. Brown of Cochise Co., 5 Mar 1884 in Tombstone by J.S. Bagnall, Recter of St. Paul's Ch. (Prot. Episcopal). Rec: 7 Mar 1884, p 63-4.

MADDEN, George to Katie Welsh, 3 Apr 1888 at Bisbee by Rev. J. Dolje, Catholic Pastor. Lic. Iss: 2 Apr 1888. Rec: 15 Apr 188, p 137.

MADRID, Felix age 28, to Loretto James age 24, 1 Feb 1888 at Res Alamos by B. Geniepe. Lic. Iss: 31 Jan 1888 to Felix Madrid & Loretta James. Rec: 15 Apr 1888.

MAHENZO, Bernardo age 25, to Felicita Castro age 23, 1 Feb 1888 by B. Geniepe. Lis. Iss. 30 Jan 1888 to Bernadeina Mahenzo. Rec: 15 Apr 1888.

MANILL, Orin D. to Effie I. Kimball, 25 Dec 1883 at the bride's mother's res., Mrs. Caroline Kimball of St. David by Rev. Brigham Young. Wit: T.S. Kimball. Rec: 25 Jan 1884, p 61.

MANSFIELD, James Pierce to Jennie Smith, both of Bisbee, 24 Jan 1885 at Tombstone by David McFawn, Methodist Min. Wit: Charles Granville Johnston & Mary Costello. Rec: 23 Mar 1885, p 81.

MARLOW, Phillip to Librada Samora, both of Fairbanks, 20 Nov 1884 at Fairbanks by J.B. Smith JP. Wit: Mrs. Sarah H. Barton & Frank Spaulding. Rec: 26 Nov 1884, p 74.

MARTIN, James D. age 36, to Bessie Hoar age 20, 24 May 1886 at Tombstone by Thos. W. Haskins, Rector St. Paul's Mission of Protestant Episcopal Ch., Tombstone. Wit: Wm Hoar & Mary J. Hoar. Rec: at request of James D. Martin 7 Jun 1886, p 100.

MARTINES, Francisco to Delores Selefa, both of Benson, 1 Dec 1883 at Benson by I.N. Mundell, JP. Wit: Henry Blos & Sarjenta Ignacio Lada. Rec: 10 Dec 1883, p 56-7.

MARTZ, John to Elwena Blume of "Dos Cabezas Country," Cochise Co., 1 Jan 1882 at Dos Cabezas by A.F. Burke, JP. Rec: 11 Jan 1882, p 15.

MASON, James B. to Tomaso Sinsenas, 3 Nov 1883 by Geo. W. Swain, JP. Wit: Abraham Triboleh & Rafufio Ruis. Rec: 10 Nov 1883, p 54-5.

MAXSON, H. B. to Katy Burdick, 1 May 1881 at Tombstone by A.J. Felter, JP. Rec: 31 May 1881, p 7.

McALLISTER, Daniel W. to Victoria Packard, both of Charleston, 16 Mar 1885 at Tombstone by David McFawn, Methodist. Wit: G.S. Bradshaw & Miss Mary A. Collins. Rec: 30 Mar 1885, p 80.

McCAFFERTY, Thomas H. to Mrs. Anna Brown, 3 Mar 1888 at Tombstone by G.L. Pearson, Min. of Gospel. Lic. Iss: 3 Mar 1888. Rec: 16 Mar 1888, p 129-30.

McCARTHY, John to Nellie Cranny, 14 May 1887 at Tombstone by Rev. J. Dolje. Rec: 16 May 1887, p 114.

McCARTY, George P. of Solomonville, Graham Co. A.T. to Adalida Torres of Tombstone, 29 Aug 1885 at residence of Daniel Hughes in Tombstone by C.S. Clark, JP. Rec: 19 Sep 1885, p 88.

McDONAUGH, John Aidson to Mary Stewart Welsh, 26 Apr 1884 by David McFawn. Wit: Julia G. Brown & James K. Drinny. Rec: 5 May 1884, p 66.

McFEELY, George to Clara Fulkerson, 4 Aug 1886 at Tombstone by J.H. Tuttle. Wit: John Ceraze & E.J. Jacklin. Rec: at request of Gib. Swain 12 Aug 1886, p 104.

McGEE, George Grives to Guilibalda Flores, both of Contention, 12 May 1885 at Tombstone by Aug. Morin, Pastor. Rec: 12 May 1885, p 84.

McGILL, Wm to Elizabeth McNeil both of Benson, 16 Aug 1884 by I.T. Bagnall, Recter St. Paul's Guild Ch. Rec: 5 Nov 1884, p 73.

McKAY, James M. to Hattie M. Nichols, 23 Jan 1888 at Tombstone by G.L. Pearson, Min. of Gospel. Lis. Iss: 23 Jan 1888. Wit: Frank Gallager & Nellie (or Nettie?) Rafferty. Rec: 30 Jan 1888, p 125-6 and 25 Jan 1888, page 7 of book 2.

McMULLIN, George W. to May Florence Boyson, 19 Oct 1885 at St. David by M.H. Merril, Bishop. Rec: p 89.

McNULLY, Chas. W. to Librada Marejin, 13 Jan 1885 at Bisbee by J.C. Chisholm, JP. Wit: J.P. Ashburn & Jessie Morgan. Rec: 23 Feb 1885, p 78.

McPHERSON, Joseph H. to Lizzie Hughes, 3 apr 1888 at Tombstone by G.L. Pearson, Min. of Gospel. Lic. Iss: 2 Apr 1888. Rec: 5 Apr 1888, p 140-1.

MEJIA, Manuel to Rafaela Maldonado, both of Benson, 13 Nov 1884 at Benson by W.L. Roche, JP. Wit: M.L. Costa. Rec: 17 Nov 1884, p 74.

MENDOSE, Jaores to Margereta Cardenes of San Pedro, Sonora, Mex., 25 Jan 1883 by John E. Clark, JP of Charleston. Rec: 12 Mar 1883, p 38.

MERRILL, Seth Albert to Miss Alice Beebe, both of St. David, 1 Jan 1886 at St. David by Peter A. Lofgreen, JP. Rec: 15 Feb 1886, p 95.

METCAF, George Reynolds age 28, to Bessie E. Tolman age 23, 5 Nov 1886 by Tho. W. Haskins, Rector at St. Paul's Mission P.E. Ch. Wit: Mrs. Sarah Metcaf & Miss L.A. Miller. Rec: at request of L.B. Metcaf 9 Nov 1886, p 106. [name spelled Metcalf with the 'L' crossed out at.]

MILES, Alexander to Carrie E. Douglass, both of Charleston, 27 Apr 1881 at Tombstone by A.O. Wallace, JP. Wit: George A. McKelvert & Mrs. Laura Benbrook. Rec: 27 Apr 1881, p 3.

MILLER, Frank to Mrs. Pauline Hughes, both of Tombstone, 5 Dec 1882 by A.J. Felter, JP. Rec: 12 Jan 1883, p 34.

MILLER, William of Mesa City, Maricopa Co., to Lillias S. Maxwell of Pleasenton, New Mexico, 24 Aug 1886 at St. David by Peter A. Lofgreen, JP. Rec: 25 Aug 1886, p 104.

MILLER, William Charles to Annie E. Wall, both of Russelville, 25 Nov 1882 by A.J. Felter JP. Rec: 28 Dec 1882, p 33.

MING, Daniel to Mattie Land, both of Cochise Co., 27 Jan 1886 at Wilcox by E. W. Morrison, Min. M.E. Ch. Wit: David Johnson & Geo Todd. Rec: at request of Daniel Ming 29 Jan 1886, p 94.

MITCHEL, J. H. To Mrs. Patience Bennett, both of Tombstone, 31 May 1887 by Geo. L. Pearson, Min. of Gospel. Wit: William Cocking & Mrs. Ann Whinnen. Rec: 6 Jul 1887, p 118.

MITCHELL, Arthur to Miss Isabelle Corrette (or Conette), 8 May 1882 in Tombstone by Mr. Robertson, Pastor Presp. Ch. Wit: Mr. M. Voorhees & Mrs. Mary Voorhees. Rec: 10 May 1882, p 22.

MOLINA, Noah age 23, to Ramona Luna age 19, both natives of the Republic of Mexico, 5 Mar 1882 in Bisbee by J.S. Britten, JP. Wit: Jose A. Drono, Y. Modestila, Santa Cruz, & John W. Scribner. Rec: 3 Apr 1882, p 20. [uncertain if Santa Cruz refers to a place or is a name.]

MONTANO, Jesus to Silvini Martines, both of Benson, 12 Aug 1883 at Bensen by I.N. Mundell J.P. Wit: Pedro Madrea, Guadalupe Espenase, Manuel Juan, Juan Henry, & Garfonia Henry. Rec: 22 Aug 1883 p 48.

MOORE, Frank (L. C.?) to Miss Lois M. Owsley, 9 May 1882 at Tombstone by Rev. J.P. McIntyre. Wit: Jno. C. Ferrall & Anna Bell Owsley. Rec: p 21.

MOORE, Samuel I. to Ida Eshman, 28 Jun 1888 at Tombstone by John Knox, Min. of Gospel. Wit: Sidney Hulton & Mrs. M.A. Smith. Lis. Iss: 28 June 1888. Rec. 29 Jun 1888 p 150 and also 28 Jun 1888 p 13 of book 2 with brides surname Estman.

MORALES, Antorio to Catalina Alvegon, both of Wilcox, 3 Aug 1885 at Wilcox by W.F. Nichols, JP. Wit: Maria Molina & E. Morales. Rec: 5 Aug 1885, p 86.

MORALES, Juan age 31, to Helena Barcenez age 23, 27 Jan 1888 at Contention by B. Geniepe, Catholic Priest. Lic. Iss: 18 Jan 1888 to Helena Barcenes. Rec: 15 Apr 1888, p 130-1 to Helena Barcenez.

MORGAN, Benjamin M. to Jessie D(renton?) both of Bisbee, 15 Jan 1882 in Tombstone by James F. Duncan JP. Wit: William E. Davis & Mary Davis.

MOSHER, John H. to Lena Roll, both of Wilcox, 22 Nov 1883 at Wilcox by W.F. Nichols, JP. Wit: Truman Halstad. Rec: 23 Nov 1883, p 55.

MYERS, Isaac to Ewina Zurick (or Zuick?), 21 Feb 1883 by Geo. W. Swain, JP. Wit: Mr. & Mrs. Wm. A. McAlester & Mrs. A.A. Wilt. Rec: 10 Mar 1883, p 38-9.

NARD(EIEI?), Charles to Miss Ida Brown, 1 Jun 1881 in Tombstone by A.J. Felter JP.

NASH, James J. to Retta J. Bush, both of Tombstone, 1 Dec. 1883 by David McFown Meth. Min. Wit: B.G. Gunn & Emma J. Petersen. Rec: 29 Jul 1884.

NEAGLE, Michael to Mary A. Bourdon, 7 Sep 1882 by A.O. Wallace, JP. Wit: Tim Syneh & Hattie Bourdon. Rec: 2 Oct 1882 in Tombstone, p 29.

NEGRI, Tom to Teresita Fry, both Tombstone, 2 Jul 1886 at Tombstone by Webster Street, County Judge. Wit: B. Hattich & Mrs. K. Hattich. Rec: at request of Tom Negri 6 Jul 1886, p 102.


NOYES, Alvestus V. to Jamina Courtney, 27 Sep 1886 at Tombstone by J.H. Tuttle, Local Elder M.E. Ch. Rec: 28 Sep 1886, p 105.

O'CONNOR, Daniel son of Michael & Theresa O'Connor, to Jessie Ward dau. of Thomas & Helen Ward, 4 Jan 1885 by Aug. Morin, Pastor of the Catholic Ch. Wit: Mr. Thomas, W.B. Walker & Margaret O'Reily. Rec: 22 Jan 1885, p 76.

OHLE, Charles C. to Mrs. M.J. Gill, both of Contention, 14 May 1884 at Contention by J.B. Smith, JP. Rec: 19 Jun 1884, p 68.

OLGUIN, Jose born at Rio Granae, Texas, age 26 of Benson, to Mercedes Avmenta born at Hermosilla, Sonora, age 22, of Benson, 8 Jan 1885 at Benson by Robt. L. Miller, JP. Rec: 7 Apr 1885, p 83.

OLIBAS, Manuel of Wilcox, to Jesus Barquer of Dos Cabezas, 24 Nov 1882 by W.F. Nichols. Wit: Benjamin Corey & Augustine Flores. Rec: 27 Nov 1882, p 31.

OLIVARIA, Francisco to Mercedes Lerina, both from Sonora residing near Bisbee, 16 Feb 1885 at Tombstone by Aug. Morin, Pastor of Roman Catholic Ch. Wit: Mr. Romnaldo Barela & Mrs. Josefa Miranda. Rec: 18 Feb 1885, p 77.

OVERLOCK, Charles Alton age 26, to Annie Driscoll age 23, Tuesday 21 Feb 1886 in Tombstone by Thomas W. Haskins, Presbyter P.E. Ch. Wit: Frank B. Austin & Limuel Overlock. Rec: 5 Mar 1886, p 96.

PARISH (or FARISH), Thomas E. to Mary G. Horton, both of New York City, 21 Jan 1884 at Benson by I.N. Mundell, JP. Wit: Mrs. A.H. Mundell & Mrs. W.E.Chrisley. Rec: 23 Jan 1884, p. 60-61.

PARKE, Joseph to Jessie Wright, 6 Aug 1888 at Tombstone by Jno. C. Easton, JP. Lic. Iss: 6 Aug 1888. Rec: 10 aug 1888, p 143-4.

PATTON, James F. to Leah Watson Wilson, both of Benson, 3 Mar 1886 at Benson by Robert Todd Liston, Congregational Min. Rec: 12 Jun 1886, p 101.

PATTON, John J. to Edith Oma Lowry, both of Tombstone, 4 May 1887 at Tombstone by Geo. L. Pearson, Min. of Gospel. Wit: B.A. Fickas & Mrs. Ella Fickas. Rec: 23 May 1887, p 115.

PATTON, Wm. a bachelor, to Margaret Franks a spinster, 1 Jul 1888 at Gold Gulch near Bisbee by John G. Pritchard, Rector of Bisbee Union Ch. Wit: I. Franks & N.A. Franks. Rec: p 153. [The groom signed W.M. Patton] No license issued.

PAULSON, Joseph Richard of Safford, Graham Co., to Miss Selina R. Merrill of St. David, 1 Jan 1887 at St. David by Peter A. Lofgreen, JP. Rec: 5 Jan 1887, p 108.

PETERMAN, Geo. V. to Marian W. Carfrey, 26 Dec 1887 at Tombstone by G.L. Pearson, Min. of Gospel. Wit: Wm. F. Bradley & Lizzie B. Bradley. Rec: 28 Dec 1887, p 124. and also 27 Dec 1887 p 5 book 2.

PETERSON, Chas. A. to Josie Bennett, both of Tombstone, 9 Jan 1887 at Tombstone by Geo. L. Pearson, Min. of Gospel. Wit: Fred Bean & Julia Long. Rec: 11 Jan 1887, p 110.

PIERCE, L. H. to Mary E. Shagler, 30 Apr 1888 at Tombstone by Jno. C. Easton, JP. Lic. Iss: 28 Apr 1888. Rec: 1 May 1888, p 138.

PIERCE, Solomon, Richard to Elizabeth Sarah McKernan, both of Bisbee, 8 Apr 1884 at Bisbee by J.T. Bagnall, Rector St. Paul's Ch. Tombstone. Rec: 10 Apr 1884, p 64.

PNIE (or PME?), Lowis to Miss Annie Wilson, 25 Dec 1882 at Tombstone by JP McIntyre. Wit: Mr. Redivill & Miss Hardy.

PORTER, Charles H. to Ida Taske, 14 Jun 1888 at Wilcox by John H. Gill, Pastor M.E. Church. Lic. Iss: 8 Jun 1888. Rec: 20 Jun 1888, p 149-50.

PORTER, Sylvester to Miss A. A. Betty, 2:30 p.m. 26 Jan 1885 by C.E. Alvard, J.P. Wit: Webster Street, Deputy Dist. Attorney of Cochise Co. Rec: 27 Jan 1885, p 76.

PURCELL, Henry C. to Lola Ramirez, 25 Sep 1887 at Tombstone by Jno. C. Easton JP. Rec: 28 Sep 1887.

PVOK(WOOD?), Hiram B. to Carrie L. Armstrong 1 Jun 1883 at Herraford[sic] by David McFawn, Methodist Min. Wit: W.H. Armstrong & Mamie G. Herring. Rec: 19 Jul 1883.

PYEATT, Henry to Ollie Kelly, both of Huachuca, 28 Apr 1887 at residence of bride's parents in Huachuca by William Hughes, JP of Charleston. Rec: 30 Apr 1887, p 113.

QUIQUE, Justo to Felicita Lucero, both of Bisbee, 23 Aug 1883 in Bisbee by J.S. Brittain, JP. Rec: 12 Sep 1883, p 51.

RANKIN, John M. to Cara J. Craig, 18 Aug 1889 at Camp Huachuca by Winfield Scott, Chaplain US Army. Wit: W.T. Fowler & R.S. Rankin. Rec: 28 Aug 1889, p 27.

RASTON, James Cyrus age 23, to May Emily Stillman age 22, 12 Apr 1886 at Bisbee, by Thos. W. Haskins, Presbyter P. E. Ch. Wit: H.C. Stillman & Anna Stillman. Rec: at request of K.C. Taft 7 Jun 1886, p 100.

RAUSON, H. B. to Julia Rogers, both of Tombstone, 13 Feb 1881 by Rev. J. McIntyre. Wit: Mrs. T.S. Rogers. Rec: 15 Mar 1881, p 1.

RAVICIONI, Dan to Mary Martenes, both of Benson, 6 Aug 1882 at Benson by J.N. Mundell, JP. Wit: John Lukins & E. Vucovich. Rec: 5 Feb 1883, p 36.

RECK, I. N. to Allie E. Scrafford of Tombstone, 3 Nov 1883 at Tombstone, by David McFawn, Methodist Min. Wit: F.N. Wallcott & Bertha Hartman. Rec: 20 Nov 1883, p 55.

RELLY (RELCY?), Louis L. to Dora M. Holly, both of Tombstone, 22 Jun 1884 by A.J. Felter, JP. Rec: 23 Jun 1884, p 69.

REPP, Jacob to Nettie Sove, 23 May 1884 by J.C. Chisholm, JP. Wit: Thos. W. Seawell & James P. Mansfield. Rec: 3 Jun 1884, p 67.

RESZ, Jacob to Maggie Schaeffer, both of Dos Cabezas, 25 Nov 1885 at Wilcox by W.F. Nichols, JP. Rec: 27 Nov 1885, p 90.

RIGGS, Lewis A. to Elizabeth Margaret Babcock, both of Fort Grant, Graham Co., by W. F. Nichols, JP. Wit: Mary H. Lintz & E.L. Gray. Rec: p 91.

RIVERA, Francisco to Gertrudee Navarette, 13 Dec 1886 at Tombstone by C.E. Alvard, JP. Rec: at request of Domingo Juanto 13 Dec 1886, p 107.

ROBERTS, Isaac L. to Anna A. Hall, 4 Nov 1883 in Tombstone by B.L. Peel, Probate Judge. Wit: S.M. Barrow, O.B. Cloud, M.E. McFarland & R.H. Archer. Rec: 5 Nov 1883, p 53.

ROCHA, Vicente to Maria Chavez, both of Benson, 22 Apr 1885 at Tombstone by Aug. Morin. Rec: 23 Apr 1885, p 83

RUHLIN, John W. to Julia Bertha Zwicsky of Tombstone, 28 Mar 1885 at Tombstone by David McFawn, Methodist Min. Wit: L. Ashman & Mrs. S. Tribvlet. Rec: 31 Mar 1885, p 79-80.

RUIROGO, Guadalupe of San Pedro, Sonora, Mexico to Isabel Durate of Tombstone, 21 Feb 1886 in Tombstone by Jno. Richardson, JP. Wit: Alfozna Ayola & Filararend Galbez. Rec: 3 Feb 1886, p 95.

RULE, Richard of Yuma Co, to Edith Lee Anderson of Cochise Co., 12 Oct 1887 at Tombstone by G.L. Pearson, Min. of Gospel. Wit: Robt. E. Gray & Miss Nellie Sneed. Rec: 15 Oct 1887, p 122 without mention of places and also 5 Dec 1887 on p 3 book 2 with second witness named -- Miss Willis Sneed and places given.

RUNDLE, Richard age 36, to Florene Eleanor Robinson age 17, both of Bisbee, 8 Apr 1886 by Thos. W. Haskins, Presbyter & Rector St. Paul's Mission of Protestant Episcopal Ch. Wit: John Martin & Annie L. Stillman. Rec: at request of John Martin 9 Apr 1886, p 97.

SALAZAR, Antonio to Carmen Moreno, both of Wilcox, 16 Dec 1886 at Wilcox by W.F. Nichols, JP. Wit: Manuel Michelena & Rosario de Martinez. Rec: 18 Dec 1886, p 107.

SCHMIDT, Emil to Alice Frances Barker (or Borker?) of Tombstone, 17 Jun 1884 at Tombstone by David McFawn, Methodist Min. Wit: O. Trevillian & Mrs. A. Trevillian. Rec: 19 Jun 1884, p 68.

SCHROTER, Otto to Louisa Storbeck, 14 Sep 1887 by Jno. C. Easton, JP. Rec: 20 Sep 1887, p 120.

SCOW, James J. of Dos Cabezas, to Minerva C. Borden of Wilcox, 14 Sep 1882 at Green Camp by W.F. Nichols, JP. Wit: Elizabeth Davies & H.L. Kemfr. Rec: 16 Sep 1882 , p 27.


SEAMANS, Palmer L. to Sadie Estes, 10 Apr 1883 at Tombstone by H.M. Robertson, Pastor Presp. Ch. Wit: Job M. Seamans & D.G. Poole. Rec: 19 Apr 1883, p 41.

SEIBEL, Peter to Elizabeth Dora Muhl, both of Tombstone, 1 Jan 1886 at Tombstone by Jno. Richardson, JP. Wit: Tho. B. Wiser. Rec: at request of Peter Seibel 2 Jan 1886, p 92. [Surname could be read Scibel]

SHEAKEY, Anderson of Bisbee, to Ella M. Green of Plymouth, Calif., 23 May 1884 at Tombstone by I.T. Bagnall, Rector St. Paul's Ch. Rec: 2 Jun 1884, p 67.

SHEARER, Jacob to Virginia May Smith, both of Sulphur Spring Valley, 11 Oct 1886 in Tombstone by Geo. L. Pearson, Min. of Gospel. Wit: D.W. Smith & Jessie McLean. Rec: 22 Oct 1886, p 106.

SKINNER, William H. Jr. age 24, to Annie Gibson Roberts, 22 Jan 1888 at Benson by John H. Gill, Pastor M.E. Ch. Wit: H. Eitz & Ada Mary (?)ye. Lic. Iss: 18 Jan 1888. Rec: 30 Jan 1888, p 128-9 and also 22 Jan 1889 p 13 of book 2 with groom's name spelled Scinner, Wm. H. and bride, Anna.

SLANU, Joseph to Trinidad M. Bruce, both of Nogales, Pima Co., 9 a.m. on 9 Dec 1884 at Benson by W.L. Roche, JP. Wit: Wm. Ohnexongen. Rec: 23 Dec 1884, p 76.

SMITH, Alonso C. to Rose Brown, 3 Jul 1883 at Tombstone by H.M. Robertson, Pastor Presp. Ch. Wit: C.M. Robertson. Rec: 23 Jul 1883, p 46.

SMITH, Charles age 30, to Mary Milanivich age 23, 29 Apr 1886 at Tombstone by Thos. W. Haskins, Rector of St. Paul's Mission, P.E. Ch. Wit: M.T. Williams & J.B. Angins. Rec: at request of M.T. Williams 30 Apr 1886, p 98-9.

SMITH, Edward E. to Miss Delia A. Fay, both of Tombstone, 21 Jul 1886 at Tombstone by J. Dolje, Pastor of Roman Catholic Ch. Rec: 22 Jul 1886, p 103.

SMITH, Frank to Mary Stevens, both of Tombstone, 14 Jul 1883 by A.J. Felter, JP. Rec: 14 Jul 1883, p 45.

SMITH, Henry to Frankie Strallem, both of Wilcox, 3 Jun 1885 at Wilcox by F.W. Alexander, Elder of Baptist Ch., Tate Spring, Tenn. Wit: Henry Walker & Sarah Walker. Rec: 12 Jun 1885, p 85.

SMITH, John to Roberta Valenzuela, 24 Jan 1883 at Charleston. Rec: 12 Mar 1883, p 38.

SMITH, Phillip W. to Maria Jesus Bustamonte, both of Dos Cabezas, 29 Jan 1884 at Wilcox by W.F. Nichols, JP. Wit: Harry T. Norton. Rec: 31 Jan 1884, p 62.

SOULE, William Henry to Jenny Bell Golton, 6 Jun 1883 at Tombstone by David McFawn, Methodist Min. Wit: Mr and Mrs E.H. Dean. Rec: p 46.

SPENCER, Peter to Maria Duarte, 12 Aug 1881 in Tombstone by A.O. Wallace, JP. Wit: Alezandro Olguin & George Moore. Rec: 13 Aug 1881, p 9.

STARK, THOMAS B. To Maethy Rigge, both of Regge Ranch, 20 Dec 1886 at Rigge Ranch by W.F. Nichols, JP. Wit: William M. Rigge & Rhoda Rigge. Rec: 23 Dec 1886, p 107.

STEVENS, William J. to Nellie Kinsman, 24 Dec 1881 by A.O. Wallace. Wit: John Dean & Lottie Kinsman. Rec: 29 Dec 1881 at Tombstone, p 14.

STEWARD, Harry of Chico, Calif., to Carrie N. Parker of Sacramento, Calif., 20 Jul 1885 at Benson by R.T. Listen, Congregational Min. Rec: 5 Sep 1885, p 87.

STRAUMAN, John W. to Elizabeth Leeson, both of Benson, 12 Mar 1883 at Contention by J.B. Smith, JP. Rec: 26 Mar 1883, p 39.

SULGNE, Jesus to Rawona Valauznela, both of Bisbee, 3 Aug 1883 in Bisbee, by J.S. Brittain, JP. Wit: J.C. Chisholm. Rec: 8 Aug 1883, p 48.

SULLIVAN, Phil J. to Belle Caviness, 21 Jul 1888 at Wilcox by D.M. Hunsaker, JP. Wit: T.D. Mannico & Andrew Moss. Lic. Iss: 19 Jul 1888. Rec: 4 Aug 1888, p 151 and also page 14 book 2 with bride's name Bell and wedding date 31 July 1888.

SWARTZER, Edward R. native of Pencelvania[sic] age about 28, to Maria Duvano (Duron?) native of Sonora age 19, 28 May 1883 at Bisbee by J.C. Chilsom, JP. Wit: Frank A(nntor?), Elizabeth A(me?)tor, Thomas Hall, & Rike Hall. Rec: 4 Jun 1883, p 43-44. (Transcription is uncertain)

SWIFT, Edward to Marie E. Carroll, both of Tombstone, 5 Sep 1886 at Tombstone by C.E. Alvord, JP. Rec: 21 May 1887, p 114.

TAK, Mr. A. to Miss Ty Toy who being of suitable age and condition for matrimony, 23 Aug 1881 at Tombstone by Wells Spicer (or Spear) JP. Rec: 23 Aug 1881, p 9-10.

TEAL, Fransein P. to Eliza A. Bassett, both of Wilcox, 16 Aug 1885 at Bassett's Ranch by W.F. Nichols, JP. Wit: Joseph Seal & Mrs. E. Davis. Rec: 18 aug 1885, p 86. (The name is prob. either Teal or Seal is both places, but handwritting is inconsistant.)

THOMAS, Charles Nash to Edith McCulloch, both of Tombstone, 10 Feb 1885 at Tombstone by David McFawn, Methodist Min. Wit: H.S. Ford & Aleatha Ford. Rec: 30 Mar 1885, p 81.

THORNBURRY, William W. to Luce Cosa, 3 May 1881 in Tombstone by A.J. Felter, JP. Rec: p 7.

TODD, George W. to Nellie O'Bryan, 3 Aug 1887 at Sulphur Springs Valley by D.N. Hunsaker, JP. Wit: John Todd & T. O'Bryan. Rec: 6 Aug 1887, p 119.

TOMLINSON, William W. to Vasti Jocoliah Davis, both of Tombstone, 7 Nov 1885 at the residence of the bride in Tombstone by Rev. Joseph H. Young, Rector St. Paul's Ch. Rec: at request of W. M. Tomlinson 25 Oct 1886, p 105. [recorded almost a year after the marriage]

TORRAS, Romaldo born at Le Metar NM, age 45, to Jacinto Corinna "born of Magdalena Sonora" age 33, both of Tres Alamos, 24 Jan 1885 at Tres Alamos by Robert L. Miller, JP. Rec: 7 Apr 1885, p 82.

TREWELLA, Charles Thomas to Mrs. Ann Smith, both of Tombstone, 1 Mar 1885 at Tombstone by C.E. Alvard, JP. Wit: N.J. Street & Bell Sullivan. Rec: 2 Mar 1885, p 78-9.

TREZONA, Richard J. to Minnie Blewett, both of Tombstone, 25 Dec 1886 in Tombstone by Geo. L. Pearson, Min. of the Gospel. Rec: at request of R. Trezona, 28 Jan 1887, p 112.

TRIBOLER, Robert L. to Jesus Navaro, both of Tombstone, 31 Jul 1883 by A.J. Felter, JP. Rec: 24 Sep 1883, p 51.

VANHORN, James W. to Jennie Hughes, 12 Sep 1883 at Charleston by David McFawn, Meth. Min. Wit: Gilbert S. Bradshaw & Elizabeth Hughes. Rec: 8 Nov 1883, p 53-4.

VARNEY, Edward to Flourence Stewart, 5 Apr 1883 by A.J. Felter, JP. Rec; 4 May 1883 in Tomstone, p 41.

VASQUES, Ladisladu to Salio Sotello, 9 Apr 1884 by Geo W. Swain JP. Wit: M. Marks & Juanita Rodignez. Rec: 10 Apr 1884. [Junita signed with an X.]

WAINAN, Andrew to Mrs. L. B. Cowing, 11 Jul 1883 at Charleston by J.E. Clark, JP. Rec: 20 Jul 1883, p 46.

WALKER, Allen of Cochise Co. to Nellie J. Culluiane of San Franciso Calif., 1 Sep 1887 at Tombstone by Geo L. Pearson, Min. of Gospel. Wit: W.D. Scribner & Ann J. Pearson. Rec: 5 Sep 1887, p 120, and also page 3 of book 2 where residences are recorded.

WALKER, Th. A. to M. Mary Ryan, 17 Aug 1886 at Tombstone by Rev. J. Dolje. Rec: 20 Aug 1886, p 103.

WALLACE, William to Prudent Downey, 24 Dec 1883 by Geo. W. Swain, JP. Wit: W.A. Daniels & Mary T(ack?) Rec: 17 Jan 1884, p 59.

WARD, Frederick W. to Ivy Myers, both of Wilcox, 27 May 1883 at Wilcox by W.T. Nichols, JP. Rec: 29 May 1883, p 43.

WARDELL, N. R. to Helen McIntosh, 28 Sep 1885 at Tombstone by J.H. Tutle. Rec: 2 Feb 1886, p 93.

WARNETCROS, Paul W.T. to Nannie E. Beckstead 18 Jan 1883 at Tombstone by B.L. Peel, Probate Judge. Wit: Mrs. Murphy. Rec: 30 Mar 1883.

WAUGHTAL, F. A. to Bell Donnelly, both of Dos Cabezas, 11 Mar 1883 at Wilcox by W.F. Nichols, JP. Wit: Mary Powers & Henry Osborn. Rec: 12 Mar 1883, p 37.

WEISSE, Victor to Cora E. Saunders, 1 Dec 1882 at Tombstone by H.M. Robertson, Pastor, Pres. Ch. Wit: T.J. Blackwood & Mrs. Lucy Young. Rec: 2 Dec 1882, p 32.

WEST, Emmick To Mary O'Reilly, both from Charleston, 12 Jan 1886 at Tombstone by J.J. Dolje, Pastor Catholic Ch. Wit: Ed Smith from Charleston & Delia Fahy from Tombstone. Rec: 13 Jan 1886, p 93.

WEST, Mr. H. to M. Mary Morris, both living in Huachuca, 28 Nov 1885 at Tombstone by J.J. Dolje, Pastor Roman Catholic Ch. Wit: John Hennessy & Maggie Hennessy. Rec: 28 Nov 1885, p 90

WHEATLEY, William of Charleston, to Catherine Delaney of Tombstone, 30 Jun 1885 at Tombstone by Aug. Morin, pastor Catholic Ch. Rec: 1 Jul 1885, p 85.

WHITE, George A. to Mary Elizabeth Brown, 3 Apr 1888 at Tombstone by John Knox, Min. of Gospel. Lic. Iss: 3 Apr 1888. Wit: John C. Burns & Bell Nichols. Rec: 5 Apr 1888, p 140 and also on p 10 of book 2. [The Lic was issued to Mary Elizabeth but the record of solomizing was written May Elizabeth Brown.]

WILLIAMS, Thomas E. To Miss Elizabeth Grace Beebe, both of St. David, 19 Aug 1886 at St. David by Peter A. Lofgreen, JP. Rec: 25 Aug 1886, p 104.

WILSON, V. C. to Minnie Knapp of Tombstone, 1 Jun 1887 by Geo. L. Pearson, Min.of Gsopel. Wit: C. B. Kelton & J.F. Nichols. Rec: 6 Jul 1887, p 118.

WILTS, Geo. E. of Bisbee, to Miss E. Rosa Chase of San Francisco, 30 Jan 1882 by Rev. J.P. McIntyre. Wit: R.A. West & C.G. Bilicke of Tombstone. Rec: 7 Feb 1882. (Surname of groom could be read as NILTS.)

WISDOM, Andrew Thomas to Mollie G. Clark, both of Wilcox, 2 Dec 1885 at Wilcox by R.T. Liston, Congregation Min. Rec: 14 Jan 1886 from Benson, p 93.

WOODS, Henry Morgan of Cochise Co., to Letta Mary Steele of Tombstone, 21 Jul 1886 at J.H. Slaughters in Tombstone by B.L. Peel, Probate Judge. Wit: Mr. G.W. Farrington & Mrs. J. W. French. Rec: at request of H.M. Woods 28 Jul 1886, p 103.

WOOLFOLK, George Thomas to Ada Wilson, 22 Mar 1888 at Tombstone by G.L. Pearson, Min. of Gospel. Lic. Iss: 22 Mar 1888. Rec: 1 Apr 1888, p 136-7.

YAGER, George Washington to Sarah Cecelia Brosse, both of Tombstone, 2 Jul 1884 by I.T. Bagnall, Rector St. Paul's Ch. Rec: 15 Jul 1884, p 71.

YOUNG, Thomas M. to Nelly Doherty, both of San Francisco, Calif. 13 Dec 1882 at Tombstone by B.L. Peel, JP. Wit: H.N. Woods. Rec: 31 Jan 1883, p 34-5.

ZEEK, O. V. M. to Nellie Breen, both of Cochise Co., 15 Jan 1885 at St. David by W.M. Goodman, JP. Wit: W.W. Baldwin & Fred H. Nye. Rec: 23 Jan 1885, p 77.

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