Chickasaw and Choctaw History - Archives Hello Choctaw, December 1, 1976A Brief Talk On CHOCTAW HISTORY (at Thanksgiving, 1976) By Chief David Gardner Perhaps our earliest childhood memory of holidays is the traditional picture of early American settlers and Indians gathered around a bountiful table to feast in celebration of a year of survival in an alien wilderness. A vast amount of time has passed since the story of these white settlers of America unfolded. But there is another story, perhaps not so well known, of a group of settlers who faced many of the same problems the pilgrims did and whose story is not as well known, nor can it be. because it was never completely documented by the historian. These settlers do not have a moving portrait of their first step on the rock-strewn coast of New England and the famous Plymouth Rock. These settlers had no rock on which to stand. What they had was a river they must bridge and a wilderness they must tame before they could call again the place they lived their home. And these people faced many of the adversities of the early American pioneers - the hunger, the loneliness, the crippling illnesses of their loved ones and their ultimate death - and their story is truly a story of American history. I am speaking about the 60,000 Indians who were removed from the southern states of Mississippi and Alabama to their new homes in a vast wilderness west of the Mississippi River on land now known as the state of Oklahoma. These were the Cherokee, the Creek, the Chickasaw, the Choctaw and the Seminole Indians, who were known in the early 1800s as the Five Civilized Tribes - a name which the group bears to this day. Through close association, living side by side with white settlers, these Indians mastered many of the arts of the more numerous white men and along with his culture, they also learned some of the white man's vices. Our interest and attention will be focused on the Choctaw Tribe of these people. If the Choctaws were to be compared with other Indian tribes of the time, they would be described as of peaceful character and friendly disposition. They were dependent on agriculture in these early days and held a tremendous enjoyment for games, particularly stick-ball, and social gatherings. They were by nature a mild, quiet, and kindly people, practical minded and adaptable rather than strong and independent and fierce. Prior to their removal to Oklahoma territory, the Choctaws had lived for almost three centuries among the white people. They found themselves under the rule of the Spanish, Great Britain, the French, and lastly, the U. S. Colonies. Oftentimes during the rule of these governments they were obliged to take warlike roles and stand beside whoever their parent country might be at the time. During all these periods the Choctaws were not only the victims, but the pupils of the white man's diplomacy. But the Indians were astute. They realized that if they were to survive in the white man's world, which inevitably it appeared they must, education must be secured for them and for their children. They knew that missionaries would be allowed to come among them if they petitioned the government, so early in the 1800s these letters of request were answered by the emigration of numerous missionaries from the New England states. All the Indian tribes had been introduced to Christianity in the 1700s when missionaries from the Catholic church came among them. The Catholics were not too successful, but the Protestants who were to follow in the early 1820s began to convert the Indians. The Indians initial support of these Protestant missionaries was not religious, but it was an educational and economic interest. The missionaries established an effective system of schools for the Indians, and in this interest they received encouragement from the government. When these missionaries first moved among the Choctaw people, they found a large majority living in one room cabins made of split logs chinked together with a combination of mud and grass. A center opening in the roof allowed the smoke from wood fires to escape. The only furnishings were generally a crude bed about 12 inches from the dirt floor which served as table, chair and bed. For the most part, these were agricultural people and their fields were generally small and poorly cultivated. Many families suffered from want of food. Their diets mainly consisted of three main staples and the loss of any one of these due to drought or bad crops would leave the people open to malnutrition and related illnesses. These were a quick people, eager to learn, and they made dramatic advances. By 1820, many were extremely wealthy, owning extensive heads of cattle and numerous slaves. They raised cotton which they carded, spun, and wove into clothes. But in proportion as they improved in culture. wealth, and enterprise, the white man coveted their land and encouraged their removal. Naturally, this kept the Indians in a constant state of confusion and insecurity. Treaty after treaty was made and the Indian found himself pushed further and further westward. It was a sad time for the Indians. They knew the time was fast approaching when they must be removed from their homeland entirely and placed in the wilderness west of the Mississippi River. They, like their Puritan brothers, were being forced by circumstances over which they had little control to remove their families to a strange and alien land - a desolate wilderness. Behind them they must leave the bones of their beloved ancestors, their small homes, their cattle and livestock. Ahead of them lay an unknown land to which they would travel with few leaders of their race among them. During these years the Indians found themselves pulled in many directions. Everyone it seemed, wanted to have a hand in shaping their destiny. In 1829 the Mississippi legislature provided for a state law over the Choctaws and on January 29, 1830. the Indians were granted Mississippi citizenship, which naturally abolished the Choctaw government and put them under penalty of fine and imprisonment should any Indian be found who exercised the office of chief or other post of power. The missionaries were quick to note that the Choctaws would be better off away from the demoralizing contacts with the white people. They were particularly attuned to the fact that liquor served no good, and they were particularly faced with this problem when they came under Mississippi rule. Prior to that time the General Council of the Choctaw Nation had outlawed the traffic in liquor in the entire Nation. The Choctaws thus seem to have been the first people in our country to enact a "prohibition law". The Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek in 1830 negotiated the removal of the Indians to Oklahoma territory. It provided each Choctaw head of family a choice -the opportunity of remaining in Mississippi where he might select an allotment of land and become a citizen or moving on to Oklahoma Territory. About 7,000 elected to stay, and against their wishes the others agreed to the terms to move, believing as past experience had taught them that it would only be a matter of time before they were forced to move anyway - and in fact this did actually happen although a remnant of the original Choctaws still remain in Mississippi. Thus the first Indians began their removal as early as October, 1830, although the main removal was to occur during the years 1831, 32, and 33. It was a 350 mile journey. Most of the territory covered was wild and unsettled. It was not uncommon for the emigrants to walk or half a day through waist high water in a swamp. Little has been documented about this transfer of human beings from one domain to another. It was properly known as the Trail of Tears. Death followed every step. When they arrived at their destination, few of their elders had survived the trip. They were a bewildered, dirty, bedraggled and ill group when they arrived. After all they had been through together, it was natural when this first group settled they would choose to remain close together for comfort. They settled along the river bottoms in what is now McCurtain and Choctaw counties. Through the streams and woods and mountains of this beautiful, wild country, roads and trails were established and settlements sprang up. The shock of the removal appeared to be over. but in 1833 there was a vast amount of rain and illness swept over the settlements. About 600 died as a result of fever following the flood. No home was left untouched by death. Cattle and livestock were lost. Crops were ruined. The Indians again faced the confusion and uncertainty they had lived with for many years in Mississippi. Many families were left completely homeless and destitute for food. Some went for a week, ten days, even two weeks without meat or bread. The settlements were plagued with illness and death. Chickasaws arriving in the Choctaw Nation in 1838 brought an epidemic of smallpox which quickly spread throughout the Nation. Particularly hard hit were the people who lived along the Arkansas River where the pox caused the deaths of 400 to 500 Choctaws. Added to these problems were prairie and forest fires which devastated the property and bands of hostile Indians who roamed the country and continued to disturb their peace. During these trying years, their leaders were not completely at a loss to bring some order to the people. They built up a comprehensive law code out of a curious mixture of English law and savage customs. Use of lighthorsemen as policemen was their first formal law enforcement agency. Through the use of lighthorsemen they accepted the principle that law enforcement was a matter of tribal concern rather than of private revenge. When they began to modify their ancient customs by decision of their warriors in council, they recognized the legislative character of their legal code. They established a system of courts and adopted jury trial and their General Council became strictly a law making body in the Anglo-American sense. They adopted several constitutions after moving to their new homeland. They built a commodious council house near the present site of Tuskahoma, the Nation's capitol, and there was held the first tribal council meeting in 1838. Another thing all the tribes realized was the need to live together in peace and harmony. So in 1835 they met and a pact was agreed upon between the Osages, Comanches, Wichitas, and other native tribes and the Creeks, Cherokees, and Choctaws. In truth, the Choctaws felt, and probably with good reason, that they had lost their national identity through this consolidation of tribes. Most of the missionaries had journeyed west with the Indians and they were a constant source of encouragement. As early as 1833, they worked toward establishing schools in the new territory. At first the schools did not enjoy too much success. It was not because the Indian pupils were not as quick to learn as they might be, but because their families were in such poor states of near starvation that schooling was of little importance to them. In the summer they were needed to help on the farm, in the winter there was scarcely enough clothing to cover their bodies. And there was never enough food for them to have a meal at school. But this did not always remain the same. Gradually as things became better for the Choctaws, they again turned their interest to education. They eagerly attended all of the graduation exercises of the students, making an outing of the occasion and camping out during the examination periods which sometimes lasted as long as twenty hours. The adult Choctaws were most interested in learning and they found it very easy to learn to read Choctaw. Before they had been in their new home a generation; the Choctaws, became, at least as far as their, own language was concerned,, a literate people. During the Civil War period, all the schools in the Choctaw Nation were closed and again the Indians found themselves forced into a war. They sided with the Confederacy probably because so many of the people owned slaves. But by 1867 the schools began to open one by one. During the winter of 1869, it was reported an enrollment of 1764 students in Choctaw Nation schools and this did not include those in schools in the "states" that is Kentucky and elsewhere. Many of the teachers were not properly qualified to teach, but the students seemed to learn under them. The missionaries served the Choctaw people faithfully. Gradually. the old guard who had carried the burden of the Indian missionary work so many years began to lay down their arms. The names which had emerged as foremost in assisting the Choctaws and developing them into Christians were: Kingsbury, Copeland, Byington, and Stark. The decade ending in 1870 saw the passing of these veterans who had worked tirelessly with the Indian people. But other missionaries were to take their place and continue to serve the people. The Choctaw Nation had been influenced by Congregationalists, Methodists, Presbyterians and other denominational groups and all had strived toward one goal - the birth of a Nation in Oklahoma Territory. These servants of God had not only brought Christianity to the people, but they had encouraged education and formed many schools for the training of Indian youth. They had assisted the Indians in their political renewal and had constantly been their friend. Is it not surprising then that religion still remains an important part of the Choctaws daily life. That religion remains such a simple thing with the people. It is not something which is shown by the way they dress, by the houses in which they live, by the cars they drive or by the food they eat. But it is shown in the very simplicity of their worship for a higher Power, Chitokaka. And as we stand and sit here today celebrating another Thanksgiving we must remember the past history of your people and my people that has brought us together in this one place to give thanks to this one God for the blessings that are ours, for the future that belongs to our children, and for the heritage that makes us strong and steadfast. The views and opinions expressed in this page are strictly those of the page author. The contents of this page have not been reviewed or approved by the University of Minnesota. Bishinik 1980s? Story of Pushmataha, historic Choctaw Chief by W. B. Morrison The large portion of the territory of our Southern States from Florida to the Mississippi River was once occupied by the Muskogean family of Indian whose leading tribes were the Creek, Seminoles, Choctaws and Chickasaws. The Choctaws and Chickasaws, with language and customs very much alike, occupied the major part of what is now Western Alabama, all of Mississippi and Louisiana, and Western Tennessee. There was a tradition among these tribes that in the earliest times they lived far to the west of the Great River, and were ruled over by two brothers, Chatah and Chicksah. Being oppressed by enemies, they decided to seek a new home, and not knowing in which direction to turn, they erected a tall pole in their camp one evening and prayed to the Great Spirit that he would, during the night, incline the pole the way that they should go. The next morning they found the pole bent towards the east. So the brothers led their people eastward until nightfall, and again set up the pole with the same prayer. The next morning found the pole once more inclined to the cast. And so it went for many days. At last they came to the banks of the Great River, which they named Misha Sapokini, meaning "very old" or "beyond age. " As the pole still inclined to the east, they made rafts and crossed the river. Finally, at the banks of the Yazoo, the pole remained erect, and in commemoration of the great event, they here erected an earthen mound forty feet high, covering several acres of ground. As the mound was not exactly perpendicular, they named it Nanih Waiya, or "Stooping Mountain. " This became a sort of shrine for the Indians and the name was afterwards carried over to Oklahoma and applied to the first capitol of the Choctaws in their final home. The two brothers, according to the tradition, afterwards quarreled and decided to separate. It was agreed that the pole be used again, and that Chicksah his partisans should go whither the pole directed. After prayer, it was found the next day that the pole pointed towards the north, so Chicksah and his followers went to what is now the northern part of Mississippi and Western Tennessee, leaving the remainder of the people with Chatah in the south country. The followers of Chicksah became the Chickasaws and those of Chatah, the Choctaws. Both of these tribes have an interesting and honorable history. De Soto felt the prowess of the Choctaws at Old Mobile, and later the Chickasaws administered crushing defeats upon the French, as they attempted to press to the north. The Choctaws, however, became friendly to the French, and many of the latter intermarried with these Indians, so that today some of the most notable Choctaw names are evidently of French origin. These Indians, always possessing some of the rudiments of civilization, welcomed the friendly advances of the English at a later date, were eager for education, and early in the nineteenth century, when the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions sent missionaries to the Cherokees, the Choctaws urged that they, too, should be considered worthy of a similar favor. The great Presbyterian missionary, Cyrus Kingsbury, came to them, and years later,the first "foreign missionary" of the Southern Presbyterian Church, Miss Augusta Bradford,was sent to this people. The hero of the Choctaws, and without doubt one of the greatest of all American Indians, was A-pushma-ta-ha-hu-bi, commonly known as Pushmataha. His full name is said to mean "His arm and all the weapons in his hands are fatal to his foes. " He was born about the year 1764 in the present State of Mississippi. Little or nothing is known of his ancestry or of his early youth. His parents are supposed to have been killed by the Creeks, which accounted in part for Pushmataha's hatred for that tribe. When questioned as to his ancestry he generally said, "I am a Choctaw. " In boastful mood, he once made this poetic statement: "Pushmataha has no ancestors; the sun was his father, the moon, his mother. A mighty storm swept the earth; midst the roar of thunder, the lightning split a mighty oak and Pushmataha stepped forth a full-fledged warrior. " Pushmataha made his reputation among his own people as a bold hunter, and successful warrior, especially against the Osages. On more than one occasion he pursued these enemies far beyond the western banks of the Great River. He thus became familiar with the land of Oklahoma, where later his people were to come, and knowing its value, he did not, as some others, oppose the removal of the Choctaws from Mississippi. In personal appearance he was every inch a chief. He was of the purest of Indian blood, six feet, two inches tall and robust in proportion to his height, with form and features finely modeled. His deportment was calm and dignified. The Indians sometimes called him the "Panther's Claw. " He was by nature a leader among men, and that not alone in his own tribe. No Indian of his day was so highly respected by white men as was Pushmataha. He possessed wonderful powers as an orator. General Sam Dale, the famous Indian fighter, who heard Pushmataha's appeal against Tecumseh, declared him to be the greatest orator he ever heard. The Indian's picturesque word for Pushmataha's flow of language was the "waterfall. " Pushmataha was ever and constantly a friend of the Americans, Some historians give him a credit equal to that of the renowned Andrew Jackson in saving our Southern States to the United States in the War of 1812. The wily Shawnee, Tecumseh, having already united the Indians of the upper Mississippi Valley, came south with the purpose of adding the Muskogean tribes to his confederacy. At a great meeting of the Choctaws and Chickasaws on the Tombigbee near the present site of Columbia, Mississippi, Tecumseh made an earnest and impassioned appeal, and had almost won the day, when Pushmataha arose and made his memorable reply, which was so eloquent and so convincing that only thirty warriors of these tribes joined Tecumseh. Therefore, when Jackson led his army against the Creeks in 1813, finally overwhelming them at the battle of Horseshoe Bend, Pushmataha and seven hundred of his warriors rendered efficient and valiant service. And when a year later at New Orleans, the Americans faced the British veterans who had won fame on the fields of Europe, Pushmataha, now a brigadier-general of the American army, led eight hundred brave Choctaws to share in Jackson's triumph. Pushmataha spent the remainder of his life working in the interest of his people. When the treaty of 1820 was negotiated, which provided for the sale of their lands in Mississippi and the eventual removal to Oklahoma, Pushmataha insisted that a large sum be set aside as a perpetual school fund for the education of Choctaw youth. His comment on this treaty was almost a prophecy: "We have acquired from the United States her best remaining territory west of the Mississippi, and this treaty provides a perpetual fund for the education of our children. I predict that in a few generations its benefits will enable the Choctaws to fight in the white man's armies and to hold office in the white man's government. " It may be stated, parenthetically, that for the past twenty years the Choctaw section of Oklahoma has been represented in Congress by a statesman of Indian blood. In 1824, Pushmataha went to Washington on business for the Choctaws-the last service he ever rendered. In his address to the Secretary of War on this occasion he said, "I can boast and tell the truth that none of the Choctaws ever drew bow against the United States. We have held the hand of the United States so long that our nails are long like birds' claws. " While in Washington he contracted pneumonia, and died December 24, 1824. General Jackson visited him in his last illness, and asked what he could do for him. Pushmataha replied, "When I die, let the big guns be fired over me. " He was given the funeral of a general in the United States army and his remains buried in the Congressional Cemetery at Washington, where his modest monument may be seen today. The life and character of Pushmataha has been thus summed up: "A man with intuitive conception of honor and morals; a great general, brave and intrepid; a renowned orator; wise in counsel; a sane law-giver; a safe and sagacious leader; loyal in friendship and possessing a notable rugged honesty. " Surely any man, white,or red, might well be proud of such a tribute! The views and opinions expressed in this page are strictly those of the page author. The contents of this page have not been reviewed or approved by the University of Minnesota. From miraweb@high-mountain. nihongo. org
Tue Oct 21 10:29:56 2003
Date: Sat, 4 Oct 2003 19:00:41 -0700 (PDT)
From: Susan Franz
To: jledens@xmission. com
Subject: More History
This is from a pretty good history. Lots of dates
and places.
11. 99)
[Note: This is a single part of what will be, by my
classification, about
240 compact tribal histories (contact to 1900). It
is limited to the lower
48 states of the U. S. but also includes those
First Nations from Canada
and Mexico that had important roles ( Huron,
Assiniboine, etc. ).
This history's content and style are
representative. The normal process at
this point is to circulate an almost finished product
among a peer group
for comment and criticism. At the end of this
History you will find links
to those Nations referred to in the History of the
Using the Internet, this can be more inclusive.
Feel free to comment or
suggest corrections via e-mail. Working together
we can end some of the
historical misinformation about Native Americans.
You will find the ego at
this end to be of standard size. Thanks for
stopping by. I look forward to
your comments. . . Lee Sultzman.
Chickasaw Location
At some time around 1300, the Chickasaw crossed
the Mississippi River from
an earlier location to the west (presumed to have
been the Red River
Valley). According to tradition, their first
permanent settlement east of
the river, was Chickasaw Old Fields on the Tennessee
River just west of
Huntsville, Alabama. Although they maintained a
presence in northwest
Alabama in later years, by 1700 Chickasaw Old Fields
had moved southwest
to the headwaters of the Tombigbee River in
northeast Mississippi, their
homeland during the historic period. The
Chickasaw also controlled western
Tennessee and Kentucky west of the divide between
the Cumberland and
Tennessee Rivers including the Chickasaw Bluffs which
overlook the
Mississippi River at Memphis. One group moved
east during 1723 at the
invitation of South Carolina and settled on the
Savannah River near
Augusta, Georgia. They remained until 1783 when
their lands were
confiscated for their support of the British during the
Revolution. The eastern band spent a few years
among the Creeks in eastern
Alabama before rejoining the main body in northern
After the passage of the Indian Removal Act in 1830,
the Chickasaw ceded
their land east of the Mississippi in 1832 and agreed to
remove to the
Indian Territory. The failure to find suitable land
delayed their move
until 1837, after which the Chickasaw settled in
southeast Oklahoma on
land leased from the Choctaw. Their union with
the Choctaw was not happy,
and in 1854 the Chickasaw separated and relocated to
their own territory
in south-central Oklahoma. The Chickasaw
Nation remained in existence
until dissolved in 1906 to allow for Oklahoma
statehood. Although many
Chickasaw left or merged with the general population
after allotment took
their lands, 12,000 still live in the vicinity of their tribal
headquarters at Ada.
From their closely related languages, the Chickasaw
and Choctaw appear to
have been part of the same tribe when they lived
west of the Mississippi
River. Afterwards, they went separate ways and
eventually became enemies.
Of the two, the Choctaw were by far the larger by a
factor of four to five
times, but the Chickasaw were still sizeable,
numbering as many as 15,000
before their contact with Europeans in 1540. The
depopulation of the
region's native populations by epidemics left by the De
Soto expedition
reduced them, but because of their small, scattered
villages, the
Chickasaw appear to have suffered less than their
neighbors. In 1693 the
French (Tonti) estimated them at 10,000. This
seems accurate, since
Iberville's later report in 1702 (based on figures
provided by the
Chickasaw) gave 580 cabins and 2,000 warriors, also
about 10,000. During
the years which followed, the Chickasaw were
constantly at war with the
French and neighboring tribes and suffered
However, their population did not fall as fast as as
expected because
their remote location protected them from the
epidemics which were
decimating tribes in the east. The Chickasaw
were also able to maintain
their numbers by absorbing remnants from the
Natchez, Chakchiuma, Tapousa,
Ibitoupa, and Nappissa (Napochi). At the same
time, many of the Scottish
traders from Charleston were marrying Chickasaw
women which produced so
many mixed-blooded Chickasaw that white traders
commonly referred to them
as the "breeds. " Although British estimates during
this period varied, it
is evident that warfare was taking a terrible toll of the
Chickasaw. South
Carolina's census in 1715 listed six villages with 700
men for a total of
3,500. By 1761 they had fallen to 400 warriors,
but this was revised
upwards during 1768 to 500 men (2,500 total).
The French departure in 1763
provided the Chickasaw with much-needed relief, and
an American census in
1817 counted 3,625. By the time of their removal
in 1837, the Chickasaw
numbered 4,914 plus 1,156 black slaves. This
remained relatively constant
for the remainder of the 1800s: 4,700 in 1853; 4,500
in 1865; with a low
point of 4,204 in 1910. Current enrollment is
nearly 35,000.
Chickasaw Location
The literal meaning of Chickasaw is unknown .
The name apparently comes
from a Chickasaw tradition about two brothers
(Chisca and Chacta) whose
descendants became the Chickasaw and Choctaw.
Some mention has been made
that Chickasaw comes from a Choctaw word meaning
"they left not long ago,"
but this seems unlikely. Other names were:
Ani-tsiksu (Cherokee), Flat
Heads (English), Kasahaunu (Yuchi), Tchaktchan
(Arapaho), Tchikasa
(Creek), Tcikasa (Kansa), Tetes Plates (French), Tikaja
(Quapaw), and
Tsikace (Osage).
Western Muskogean. The Choctaw and
Chickasaw languages are very close and
easily understood by speakers from either tribe.
For most of their history, the Chickasaw had no
divisions other than their
towns and clans. After their arrival in Oklahoma,
three divisions emerged
which were named after chiefs: McGilvery, Sealy, and
Ackia (Akia, Old Town), Alaoute, Amalahta, Apeony
Apilefaplimengo, Ashukhuma, Ayebisto, Chatelaw,
Chesafaliah, Chinica,
Chopoussa, Chucalissa (Big Town, Chocolissa,
Chokkillissa, Chukwillissa),
Chukafalaya (Choquafaliah, Long Town, Old Pontotoc,
Tchoukafala), Chula,
Coppertown, Couiloussa, Etoukouma, Falatchao,
Gouytola, Hummalala,
Hussinkoma (Red Grains), Hykehah, Latcha Hoa Run,
Onthaba-atchosa, Ooeasa (Wiaca - located among the
Upper Creek), Oucahata,
Oucthambolo, Outanquatle, Phalachehs, Pontotoc,
Shatara, Shiokaya
(Stand-by-it), Tanyachilca, Taposa, Thanbolo,
Teshatulla (Post Oak Grove,
Post Oak Town, Techatulla), Tokshish (McIntoshville),
Tuskawillao, Tuskaroilloe, and Yaneka.
Although generally the least known of the "Five
Civilized Tribes"
(Chickasaw, Cherokee , Choctaw, Creek, Seminole),
no other tribe played a
more significant role in Britain's victory over France
for control of
North America. Variously described as the
"Unconquered and Unconquerable"
or the "Spartans of the lower Mississippi Valley ," the
Chickasaw were the
most formidable warriors of the American Southeast,
and anyone who messed
with them came to regret it, if they survived! British
traders from the
Carolinas were quick to recognize their prowess in
this regard and armed
the Chickasaw to the teeth, after which, no
combination of the French and
their native allies was able to dislodge the Chickasaw
from the
stranglehold they imposed upon French commerce on
the lower Mississippi.
The Chickasaw could cut New France in two, which
seriously crippled the
French in any war with the British. From the high
ground overlooking the
Mississippi River at Memphis, the Chickasaw took on
all comers , including
tribes four to five times their size and never lost until
they picked the
wrong side in the American Civil War. Even then,
the Chickasaw Nation was
the last Confederate government to surrender to
Union forces.
Unlike their Choctaw cousins to the south, the
Chickasaw have little or no
memories of the platform mounds (which they called
navels) left by the
earlier Mississippian mound builders and probably
represent a later
migration into the area. Further evidence for this
is that, unlike their
neighbors, Chickasaw towns were spread for 10-15
miles (and up to four
miles wide) along the course of a stream, an
arrangement which protected
them somewhat from epidemics. Otherwise,
Chickasaw were fairly typical of
other southeastern tribes. Until 1700, they usually
maintained seven towns
at any given time, and despite the scattered
homesteads, each town had its
own fort and ceremonial rotunda. During war,
the Chickasaw would withdraw
into a few, large, fortified towns whose locations in the
rugged hills
well east of the Mississippi River made it very difficult
for their
enemies to attack them.
Each extended family employed two different housing
types depending on the
season. Summer homes were rectangular (12 x
22') with a gable roof, porch,
and balcony. The winter house, however, was
circular using the wattle and
daub (mud spread over a basket-like framework)
construction distinctive to
the region. Well insulated and partially sunken
into the ground, Chickasaw
winter homes were so warm that British slave traders
collecting their
"merchandise" complained that they were a preview
of their probable place
in the hereafter. By 1800 most Chickasaw had
forsaken their traditional
homes in favor of log cabins similar to those of white
Chickasaw men were hunters and warriors first and
farmers second, even to
a greater degree than neighboring tribes. For
some reason, the men appear
to have been noticeably taller (6 foot on the average)
than the closely
related Choctaw just to the south. Chickasaw
women, however, were usually
a foot shorter than the men - a physical trait similar to
the neighboring,
but unrelated, Creeks and Osage. There was a
strict division of labor
among the Chickasaw, with women responsible for
the supervision of slaves
and tending the fields of corn, beans, and squash, while
men hunted deer,
bear, and buffalo. Fish was also an important food
Clothing was primarily buckskin with the men
preferring a breechcloth with
thigh-high deerskin boots to protect their legs from
the underbrush. The
women wore a simple short dress with both sexes
utilizing buffalo robes in
colder weather. Rather than the stereotypical
Lakota (Sioux) war bonnet,
the ultimate badge of honor for Chickasaw warriors
was a mantle of swan
feathers. Both men and women wore their hair
long, with warriors switching
to the scalplock for war. Warpaint varied
according to clan. Like their
neighbors, the Chickasaw removed all body hair and
made extensive use of
tattooing , but what was really distinctive was that
they flattened the
foreheads of infants to "enhanc e" their appearance as
adults. For this
reason, the French and their allies north of the Ohio
River called them
Tetes-Plattes (Flatheads). Unfortunately, this
name was also used for the
Catawba and Choctaw (same reason), and it is not
always clear in French
records to which tribe they are referring.
Politically, the Chickasaw towns and clans were
independent but would
unite in times of war. Each town had its own
minko (chief, the Spanish
called them capitani). There was also a high minko
(king), a hereditary
position chosen from the Chickasaw's "beloved
family. " A practice common
among southeastern tribes, the high minko did not
speak in councils, but
delegated this to his advisor and delegated speaker,
the Tishu Minko.
Socially, the Chickasaw had 7 to 15 totemic,
matrilineal, exogamic clans
meaning that clan membership was determined by the
mother and you had to
marry outside your clan. Monogamy was more
typical, but some polygamy was
permitted, usually where a man would marry more
than one sister. Husbands
had little to do with the raising of their children, with
the mother's
brother (uncle) being responsible for the training and
discipline of boys.
Adultery, especially for women, was a serious offense
among the Chickasaw,
and a young woman having a child out of wedlock was
a disgrace to her
family. A widow was expected to remain single
for four years after her
husband's death, but there does not appear to have
been a similar
restriction for men. The Chickasaw believed in a
supreme Creator Spirit,
lesser good and evil spirits, and a life after death.
However, unlike many
tribes, the Chickasaw buried their dead facing
west. Other southeastern
characteristics were the "black drink," a purgative to
induce vomiting and
purify the body, and the "ball game," a brutal contact
sport played each
summer with the all-day games involving entire towns
and hundreds of
players. Compared to a Chickasaw or Choctaw
ball game, modern football
appears to be an activity created for
At first, the Chickasaw relied on dugout canoes and
foot for transport.
According to tradition, they got their first horses
trading with the
Shawnee at Bledsoe's Lick in the mid-1700s.
Horses were used primarily to
transport deerskins east to the British at Charleston,
but the Chickasaw
soon developed a superior riding breed, the
Chickasaw Horse, known for its
long stride and endurance. Because the region
was heavily wooded, their
war parties continued to travel on foot. Excellent
swimmers, rivers
presented no barrier, and the Chickasaw were
especially swift runners.
Warrior training began immediately after birth when
male babies were
placed on panther skins. Whatever martial
qualities were imparted would be
an excellent addition to modern army training
manuals. Large massed
formations of warriors were not typical of the
Chickasaw except to defend
their towns. Otherwise, their method of warfare
was a small (30 to 50 men)
war party which could travel quietly and surprise an
The "unexpected" was so typical of the Chickasaw
warfare that one would
think that their enemies would have anticipated it, and
since the
Chickasaw believed that a dead warrior's ghost would
haunt his relatives
until avenged, the only question about Chickasaw
retaliation was when and
where. Aside from the British, the Chickasaw had
few allies and an amazing
number of enemies. At times these included the
Creeks, Caddo, Cherokee,
Illinois, Potawatomi , Miami, Iroquois, Wyandot ,
Ottawa, Kickapoo,
Mobile, Menominee , Kickapoo, Shawnee, Osage,
Choctaw, Chakchiuma, Ofo,
Chitamacha, Houma, Yuchi, Tunica, and Quapaw.
This seems to include just
about everyone who lived near them and quite a few
who did not. The
Chickasaw whipped them all and in the process helped
drive the French from
North America, frustrate the ambitions of Spain, and
defeat the Americans,
in their only encounter during the Revolutionary
The Chickasaw story begins with their own account of
their migration from
west of the Mississippi. Each night when they
camped, their priests would
set a pole vertically in the ground. When they
arose the next morning, the
direction that the pole was leaning would indicate
where they were to go.
It always pointed east, and after crossing the
Mississippi, they reached
the Tennessee River near Huntsville, Alabama.
Here the pole remained
erect, and they stayed. The timing of this is
uncertain, but the Chickasaw
had been there for some time when Hernando De
Soto's conquistador army
arrived in December of 1540. Still healing the
wounds from their victory
over the Mobile in southern Alabama, the Spanish
were discouraged by the
ferocity of the battle and their failure to find gold.
Rumors of mutiny
had forced De Soto to turn northward to find winter
quarters rather than
risk wholesale desertions if he proceeded to the
supply ships waiting on
the coast.
As one-sided as their victory had been, the Spanish
were no longer viewed
as invincible by the region's tribes, and the reception
they received from
the Chickasaw at a river crossing in northern Alabama
was a shower of
arrows from warriors on the other side. The
Spanish finally forced their
way across and, after capturing several hostages,
demanded that the
Chickasaw supply them with food. The Chickasaw
minko reluctantly agreed,
and with snow already on the ground, the Spanish
established their winter
camp. An uneasy truce prevailed throughout the
winter with neither side
entirely trusting the other. The Chickasaw
supplied the Spanish with corn
but were still trying to find a way way to rid
themselves of their
"guests. " To this end, they asked the Spanish to
help them crush a revolt
by a tributary tribe to the west, the Chakchiuma.
De Soto agreed to send
30 horsemen and 80 infantry but, realizing the danger
of dividing his
army, put the remainder on alert. The
Spanish-Chickasaw expedition found
the Chakchiuma town abandoned, and suspecting a
trap, the Spanish returned
to their camp. The remainder of the winter
passed quietly with the Spanish
becoming increasingly complacent.
De Soto offered some roast pork to visiting
Chickasaw (his army kept a
large herd of pigs as emergency rations), and they
loved it. Since the
Chickasaw were sharing their food with De Soto, they
saw nothing wrong
with appropriating a few of the Spanish pigs.
Three "hog thieves" were
caught, and De Soto dealt with them in the usual
high-handed manner of the
conquistador. Two executed by a crossbow firing
squad, and the third was
sent to his chief minus his hands. Spanish soldiers
also plundered one of
the nearby Chickasaw towns. Expecting that the
Spanish would leave soon,
the minko chose to ignore the abuse, but as the time
for departure
approached in March, De Soto made one demand too
many . . . 200 young
Chickasaw women to serve as tamemes (bearers) and
"other purposes. " The
Chickasaw minko said that he would "have to think
about this" but that De
Soto would receive his answer in the near future.
His answer was in keeping with the Chickasaw's later
reputation as a
people who "don't take guff" with a talent of "going for
the jugular" with
the sudden and unexpected. Chickasaw warriors
made a surprise night attack
on the Spanish encampment bringing along live coals in
clay pots to set it
afire. The result was chaos, and De Soto himself
was almost killed when
his saddle came loose after mounting a horse to
defend the camp. The
Chickasaw withdrew and when the smoke cleared in
the morning, the Spanish
had lost 12 men, 57 horses, and 400 of their precious
pigs. Even worse,
almost all of their clothing and weapons had been
destroyed, and the
expedition was within a hair's breadth of being wiped
out. Whatever their
other moral failings, the Spanish had courage.
Under constant attack, they
gathered what remained and retreated cold,
desperate, and almost entirely
naked to an abandoned Chickasaw village where they
hastily built a forge
to repair their weapons and saddles. Once this
was done, the conquistadors
left the Chickasaw homeland by the shortest route
Later Spanish expeditions into the Southeast were
careful to avoid the
Chickasaw, and 130 years went by before the
Chickasaw met another
European. This time it was the French in the form
of the small party of
Father Jacques Marquette and Louis Joliet exploring
the Mississippi River
in 1673. Somewhat wary because of De Soto's
encounter with the Chickasaw
was well-known in Europe, Marquette and Joliet
merely noted their location
at the bluffs near Memphis. Actual contact came
in February, 1682 during
the expedition of Robert La Salle and Henri
Tonti. Stopping at the
Chickasaw Bluffs because La Salle was ill, and the
expedition armorer,
Pierre Prudehomme, wandered off into the woods
and became lost. While
searching for him, the French built a small fort (Fort
Prudehomme) as a
supply base for their push south. They also
encountered two Chickasaw, who
were given presents and asked to help.
Prudehomme was finally found almost
starved 9-10 days later, and after recovering his
strength, La Salle left
for the Gulf in March. On his return that April, he
chose to stop at the
Quapaw villages (Chickasaw enemies) on the opposite
side of the river.
There was no hint in the initial meeting between the
French and Chickasaw
of the troubles to come. These had been set in
motion in 1670 when 150
British colonists landed in South Carolina and built
Charleston at the
mouth of the Ashley River. The new colony's
purpose was threefold: prevent
the spread of Spanish missions up the coast from
Florida into territory
claimed by Britain; commercial plantations; and trade
with the region's
tribes. Unfortunately, there was insufficient labor
for plantations, and
Virginia traders were well-established with the
Cherokee and Siouan tribes
in the piedmont immediately to the west. Unable
to overcome the Virginian
advantage, Carolina traders were forced to look
elsewhere for customers,
and while the French were preoccupied with their
war in the Great Lakes
with the Iroquois and La Salle's futile attempt to
establish a French
colony on the Texas coast in 1686, Charleston traders
were able to extend
their reach all the way to the Mississippi River. By
1685 Henry Woodward
had a permanent post among Upper Creeks in
northern Alabama and sent two
men overland to trade with the Chickasaw. By
1698 British traders visits
to the Chickasaw villages were routine, and Thomas
Welch, guided by Jean
Couture, a Frenchman left in charge (and
subsequently ignored) at Arkansas
Post, was trading with the Quapaw on the Arkansas
The fur trade had propelled the French exploration of
the Great Lakes, but
the lower Mississippi Valley did not have enough
beaver to draw them
south. With the exception of Arkansas Post
established by Tonti at the
Quapaw villages in 1686, France was slow to exploit
the resources of the
region La Salle had claimed in 1682. Deerskins
were important to the
British, but for them the main attraction of the region
was its ability to
supply Native American slaves for their plantations in
the Carolinas and
West Indies. To enrich themselves and gain an
advantage over their Choctaw
enemies, the Chickasaw were willing to supply
these. So an unholy bargain
was struck. The British armed the Chickasaw,
who because of their western
location posed no threat to their settlements, and the
Chickasaw, who were
not in danger of losing their land, paid for these
weapons by capturing
women and children from neighboring tribes.
Aside from the fact that
people are a more dangerous prey than deer, the rest
of the business was
actually easier. Deerskins required large pack
trains of horses to reach
Charleston, but "human cargo" could walk.
By 1698 the King William's War (1688-97) between
Britain and France and
the corresponding conflict between the Great Lakes
Algonquin allies and
Iroquois had come to successful conclusions so far as
the French were
concerned. There was some concern that the
suspension of the fur trade in
the western Great Lakes by Louis XIV had seriously
weakened the basis for
their alliance with the Algonquin, but the French were
dominant in North
America. Disturbed by the recent appearance of
British traders in the
lower Mississippi Valley, they decided to establish their
authority in the
region. It began that year with the declaration
issued by the bishop of
Quebec that Louisiana was part of his diocese and his
subsequent dispatch
of Fathers Francis Joliet de Montigny and Antoine
Davion to establish
Jesuit missions in the region.
Davion visited several Chickasaw villages but, after a
cool reception,
decided against a mission, because the Chickasaw
were already under the
"influence" of British Protestants. Interestingly
enough, one of the
British arguments to justify their wholesale
enslavement of native peoples
was that it was a necessary evil to keep these people
from falling under
the "influence" of Catholics. Although both sides
tended to defend their
actions in religious terms, Davion's cool reception had
more to do with
economics than religion. The Chickasaw were
terrorizing every tribe in the
region to capture slaves for the British, and a French
presence, religious
or otherwise, was not going to be good for
business. Setting the pattern
that the French would follow later, Davion established
his mission with
the Tunica who were often the victims of this joint
France and Spain were very much rivals for the New
World, and for this
reason Marquette and Joliet had immediately turned
back in 1673 when they
discovered Spanish trade goods at the Quapaw
villages. La Salle claimed
the region for France in 1682, but his subsequent
futile attempt to
establish a French colony on the Texas coast had
prompted a Spanish
military expedition to drive him away. However,
as a new war approached
with Great Britain (Queen Anne's War 1701-13), the
French and Spanish in
1699 found themselves in the awkward situation of
allies. As such, Spain
could ill-afford to oppose a French colony on the
disputed Gulf coast,
although they did hurry to build a new fort at
Pensacola in 1698 to
protect their claim. A year later, Pierre Le Moyne
d'Iberville arrived
with a small fleet and a party of French adventurers
but, unable to locate
the mouth of the Mississippi, built Fort Maurepas at
Biloxi, Mississippi.
This proved timely, because in September of the
following year, the French
discovered a British ship making its way up the
Mississippi 70 miles from
a mouth, and its captain, Lewis Bond, was not the least
bit shy about
disclosing British plan to colonize the lower Mississippi
disaffected French Huguenots. Iberville responded
by building Fort
Mississippi at a point 40 miles above the mouth to
block British access.
In 1702 French operations in the area were relocated
to Fort St. Louis on
Mobile Bay which remained the focus of French
activity in the region until
the establishment of New Orleans in 1718.
However, the French military
presence in the area was weak, and they could do
little to help their
Spanish allies during the Queen Anne's War beyond
providing a refuge for a
small group of Apalachee refugees from Florida.
Meanwhile, under the guise
of war, South Carolina slave traders with their Creek
and Yamasee allies
attacked and destroyed the Spanish mission system in
northern Florida and
carried off thousands of captured natives for the slave
docks at
The French concentrated their efforts on building
good relations and trade
with the tribes of the region who, once they learned
that the French,
unlike the British, had no intention of enslaving them,
made urgent
requests for the French to provide them with
firearms so they could defend
themselves against the Chickasaw. Because of the
sheer numbers required,
this was much easier said than done. At a time
when most tribes of similar
size counted themselves lucky to have had 50-100
workable guns, the
Carolina traders had already provided the Chickasaw
with 800. Not eager to
start another arms race similar to the Beaver Wars in
the Great Lakes
(1630-1700), Iberville engaged the services of Henri
de Tonti (who had
abandoned his Illinois trading post to join the Louisiana
colony) to
establish friendly relations with the Chickasaw and
lure them away from
the British. Tonti visited the Chickasaw villages
and, after reminding
them of their friendly encounter with La Salle in 1682,
invited their
minkos to meet with Iberville and the other tribes at
Mobile in spring of
The response of the Chickasaw leadership appeared
positive, but to reach
Mobile, they would first have to pass through
Choctaw territory
(definitely an unfriendly place since recent Chickasaw
raids had killed
almost 2,000 Choctaw and probably condemned an
equal number to slavery) or
be forced into a long detour through the Upper
Creek country in Alabama
(not entirely safe either). Because there were
British traders living
among the Creeks, Tonti decided the direct route
was preferable, but on
his second trip to negotiate a truce between the
Choctaw and Chickasaw for
a safe passage, his scouts discovered a large Chickasaw
war party heading
south to attack the Choctaw. Apparently, the
right hand of the Chickasaw
leadership was not always aware of what its left was
doing, and Tonti was
finally forced to personally escort the Chickasaw to
Mobile. At the
conference, Iberville provided the usual gifts but
warned the Chickasaw
about British intentions (taking their land) and
demanded that they
terminate their trade (slaving). If refused, he
threatened to arm the
other tribes against them, while at the same time
"sweetening the pot"
with offers to supply them with French goods at lower
prices that the
It was difficult for the Chickasaw to refuse him, and
they accepted the
protection of the French with the provision there
would be no
missionaries. The French sent St. Michel, a 14
year-old boy, to live with
the Chickasaw, ostensibly to learn their language, but
mostly to insure
their compliance with the agreement. Of course,
the British did not sit
idle and allow the French to steal their business.
Carolina traders
lowered prices to meet the competition and, as
St. Michel duly reported,
redoubled their visits to the Chickasaw. They also
got the Alibamu (Upper
Creeks) to lure some unwary Frenchmen out of
Mobile and kill them. For the
most part, Chickasaw leaders tried to keep their
word to the French, but
inducements offered by Carolina traders, including a
peace arranged with
the Iroquois in 1706, split them into pro-British and
pro-French factions
. . . a division which persisted even during
the hostilities which followed.
By 1705 British traders had gotten some pro-British
Chickasaw to resume
their slave raids, and the fragile peace in the area
Matters worsened after enraged Choctaw killed a
Chickasaw delegation
enroute to Mobile to meet with the French.
Iberville's gift for diplomacy
may have salvaged the situation, but he had contracted
yellow fever while
fighting the British in the West Indies and died in
Havana. Tonti
succumbed to the same disease when it struck Mobile
in 1704.
Their place was taken by Iberville's brother, Jean
Baptiste Le Moyne d'
Bienville, a competent man but far more inclined to
deal with the
Chickasaw through action than words. After the
Choctaw had lost more than
450 people to Chickasaw raids, Bienville began to
secretly provide them
with arms. Of course, there was nothing
secretive after Chickasaw raiders
were routinely greeted with bullets rather of arrows
during attacks on the
Choctaw villages. Meanwhile, the British had
grown careless and started
conducting their native slave trade a little too close to
home. By 1711
the enslavement of their women and children for
debts owed traders and the
appropriation of a part of their homeland by
German-Swiss colonists had
provoked the Tuscarora into an uprising which killed
more than 200 whites
in North Carolina. Virginia felt that the North
Carolinians were "reaping
as they had sown" and refused to help, but South
Carolina sent two small
armies and hundreds of Yamasee mercenaries to
crush the revolt. The
Carolina colonists learned nothing from the
experience. Charleston trader
James Moore sold 400 hundred Tuscarora prisoners
into slavery to pay for
the expenses of his expedition.
Four years later it was the turn of the Yamasee
mercenaries. Although they
had served the British well in the enslavement of the
tribes in Spanish
Florida, the Yamasee became the victims of the similar
abuse as the
Tuscarora when Carolina traders began seizing their
children for debts.
Their response was the Yamasee War (1715-17)
which quickly spread to the
Siouan-speaking tribes of the Piedmont, the Creeks,
with even a few
Cherokee. It cost the British dearly before they
were able to turn the
rival tribes against each other and defeat their
enemies. The Cherokee
dropped out of the fighting early and then killed a
visiting Lower Creek
delegation which had come to ask for help against the
British. The bad
feelings between the Creek and Cherokee continued
for years afterwards.
Meanwhile, the Chickasaw and Cherokee joined to
drive the Shawnee from the
Cumberland Basin of central Tennessee where they
had become a nuisance to
themselves and the British. The Yamasee
survivors fled south into Florida
where, despite the fact they had helped the British
annihilate the
original Florida tribes, the Spanish provided
refuge. All of which
prompted the British to blame the revolt on a Spanish
and French plot
rather than what it actually was, Native American
reaction to enslavement.
The Yamasee War officially ended in 1717 when the
British and Creek made
peace but trade did not fully resume until 1722.
When it did, the primary
item was the deerskin, because every tribe, even the
Chickasaw, had lost
their enthusiasm for supplying them with slaves.
Not only was there a
dwindling supply after the destruction of the Florida
tribes, but victims
were becoming better organized and armed.
Chickasaw attacks on the Caddo
tribes in western Louisiana in 1717 resulted not only
in the French
supplying the Caddo with firearms, but in the
formation of Caddo
confederacies for defense. With no easy targets,
the trade began to wane
of its own accord. Its legacy, however, was to
leave the Chickasaw with a
host of enemies and few friends which drove them
even closer to the
British. Trade switched to deerskins, which,
because of an epidemic among
European cattle, had become valuable for making
leather. The slaughter of
deer in the Southeast during the next 40 years was
similar to the Great
Plains buffalo 150 years later, and to pay for their
dependence on trade
goods, southeast hunters were forced to range far
into the hunting
territories of other tribes with the potential for
violent confrontation.
For obvious reasons, British traders were not active in
the interior
during the Yamasee War. One would expect that
the French would have been
able to take advantage of the sudden decline in British
influence after
the Yamasee War. Unfortunately, the French
were to demonstrate that they
were every bit as capable as the British when it came
to "shooting
yourself in the foot. " In 1710 Antoine Crozat
obtained a royal charter to
colonize Louisiana and in 1712 sent his friend, Antoine
de La Mothe
Cadillac, to Mobile to take over from Bienville who
had been acting
governor since his brother's death. Bienville and
Cadillac did not like
each other personally, and the appointment divided
the French in Louisiana
into two camps. Cadillac can be remembered as
the man given the
responsibility for building the French trading post at
Detroit in 1701 and
whose ill-considered policy of inviting more tribes to
settle nearby than
the area could possibly support had started the Fox
Wars (1712-16 and
1728-36), an internal struggle which almost
dismembered the alliance
between the French and Great Lakes Algonquin.
Aside from his lapse in judgment at Detroit, Cadillac
had proven capable
of dealing with the tribes in the Great Lakes.
Perhaps it was the Gulf
coast's heat or Bienville pushing him, but he never
made the necessary
adjustments to the south. Instead, the French
began to bully and
overreact. To counter the Chickasaw slave raids,
the French gave
permission in 1713 to enslave captured British allies
Chickasaw). Then on his way to Illinois in 1715,
Cadillac refused to stop
and perform the calumet ceremony with the Natchez,
the most powerful tribe
along the lower river and and an important ally.
More than a social
blunder, this was perceived as an extreme insult, and
Natchez harassment
of French traders on the river soon escalated into
robbery and occasional
murder. Cadillac had left Bienville in charge at
Mobile. Always a man of
action, Bienville raised a small army and proceeded
towards the Natchez
villages stopping at the Tunica village just south. A
Natchez delegation
arrived with the calumet (universal sign of peaceful
intentions) to
Bienville took them hostage and demanded the heads
of those responsible
for the recent murders. He finally got what he
wanted and returned to
Mobile. Despite this, the Natchez gave permission
for the French to build
Fort Rosalie on their territory in 1716, but Bienville
and the other
French were beginning to push their luck. With
the outbreak of the Yamasee
War, the French renewed demands that the
Chickasaw cease their trade with
the British and, as usual, were ignored. Bienville
then began to organize
attacks on British traders still supplying the
Chickasaw. This was done by
using Choctaw mercenaries to ambush pack trains on
the Trader's Path, a
wilderness trail beginning at Charleston and running
west to Augusta and
the Coosa River before swinging north to avoid the
French and follow the
Tennessee River to Muscle Shoals and the Chickasaw
villages just beyond.
The Choctaw were paid for their services in trade
goods with an added
bonus for each Chickasaw scalp delivered to
Mobile. After years of
Chickasaw raids, Bienville had little trouble finding
Choctaw warriors for
this purpose.
Rather than being intimidated, the Chickasaw grew
more stubborn in their
determination to trade with the British, and Bienville's
harassment only
served to silence the pro-French faction. Matters
came to head during 1720
when the Chickasaw executed a French trader as a
spy. Both French and
British traders routinely passed information to their
governments, so
there seems little doubt about his guilt. However,
the Chickasaw had
always tolerated this, and his death was a clear
indication they had tired
of the "silent war" the French were conducting against
them along the
Trader's Path. The First Chickasaw War
(1720-25) only brought the fighting
of the previous five years into the open. The
French armed the Choctaw and
sent them against the Chickasaw, but the fortified
villages were difficult
to reach and dangerous to attack. Results were
minimal. They also
encouraged attacks by their allies north of the Ohio
River against British
pack trains on the Trader's Path. These also had
little effect and brought
trouble with the Cherokee and Upper Creeks just to
the east who did not
appreciate strange war parties roaming through their
territory. Meanwhile,
the Chickasaw retaliated with attacks on Choctaw
villages and the new
French settlements along the Yazoo River. Their
masterstroke, however, was
to occupy the Chickasaw Bluffs overlooking the
Mississippi in 1723 and
block all French traffic on the lower Mississippi
This effectively cut New France in two and halt all
communication and
trade between Canada and Louisiana. Having
frustrated and punished the
French and allies in war, the Chickasaw then "went for
the jugular" with
diplomacy. At the urging of British traders, who
had regained the
advantage over the French with less-expensive and
higher-quality goods and
who were looking for new customers, the Chickasaw
in 1724 offered a
separate peace to the Choctaw, the major French ally
in the conflict. The
Choctaw had tired of the war and were interested in
trade with the
British. They were willing, but the French, for
obvious reasons, were
opposed. The Choctaw persisted, and after a year
of arguments with their
increasingly reluctant ally, the French were forced to
bend to their
wishes. In 1725 they abandoned their ambush
positions along the Trader's
Path, and an uneasy peace settled over the lower
In the midst of this, 40 Chickasaw families led by
Squirrel King accepted
an invitation from South Carolina and left Mississippi
to settle on the
Savannah River. Rather than running from a fight,
their purpose was to
protect the British pack trains in the east where they
were coming under
attack from the French allies north of the Ohio
River. They provided
valuable service as scouts against the Spanish in Florida
during the War
of Jenkins Ear (1739-48) for the British army of James
Oglethorpe and were
granted a 10x10 mile reserve on the Georgia side of
the Savannah River
near Augusta. They remained there until their
lands were confiscated in
1783 by Georgia because they had helped the British
defend Pensacola
against a Spanish attack. After spending some time
among the Upper Creeks,
by 1786 most returned to northern Mississippi.
Up to this point, confrontations between the French
and Chickasaw had been
relatively low-scale. However, the forces leading
to a rapid escalation in
the next few years had been set in motion by the
so-called "Mississippi
Scheme," a plan for colonizing the lower Mississippi
concocted by John
Law, a Scottish financier and the unlikely director of
the Bank of France.
Law had no problem finding investors wanting to "get
rich quick," many of
whom were important members of the French
nobility. The entire project
collapsed in 1725 due to massive overspeculation, but
before this
happened, large land grants had been awarded along
Mississippi's Yazoo
River including a tract of eight square leagues at
Natchez. More than
1,000 new French colonists, many of whom had no
experience with Native
Americans, arrived soon afterwards to take over the
land. They also
brought 500 black slaves with them to provide the
heavy labor required in
clearing the land and inadvertently added malaria,
yaws, and leprosy to
the region's growing misery.
Because there was still danger from Chickasaw slave
raids, the new
colonists were initially welcomed by the tribes in the
area as additional
protection, and many of them actually moved their
villages closer to
French settlements. The crowding which resulted
produced more contact than
would normally have been the case, and neither party
had sufficient time
to adjust to the other before there was serious
friction. The story of the
French in North America is usually told in terms of
how well they got
along with native peoples. Much of this is true,
with some notable
exceptions, because the French were relatively few,
their trade was
welcome, and they rarely took land. However,
when the French wanted land,
as they did in this case, they could be as overbearing
as the British or
Spanish. Trouble was not long in coming, and after
a French soldier at
Fort Rosalie killed an old Natchez man over a
disputed debt, a Natchez
uprising killed two French and drove the rest inside
the fort (First
Natchez or Four Day War - 1723). Cooler heads
took charge, and the local
French had almost negotiated a peace, when Bienville,
who had been
reinstated as governor by John Law, arrived with an
army, burned one of
the Natchez towns, and took its chief hostage.
Matters were smoothed over, but relations between
the French and Natchez
were never the same afterwards. At this point,
the Chickasaw who, through
all their wars with other tribes in the area had
remained friendly with
the Natchez, got into the act. Feeling that if the
French could arm the
Choctaw to attack them, there was nothing wrong in
returning the favor by
encouraging the Natchez to attack the French.
Their constant goading of
the Natchez as the "lackeys of the French" added to
the tension until only
a single spark was needed. This came when the
commandant of Fort Rosalie,
Sieur de Chepart, demanded that the Natchez
abandon a village with a
sacred mound to make way for his plantation. In
November, 1729, the
Natchez rose in revolt and killed more than 250
Frenchmen at Fort Rosalie
and Fort Pierre just to the north. A long time in
coming, the uprising was
especially brutal. Almost all of those killed were
men, many of whom were
mutilated or tortured. In accordance with the
customs of tribes in the
area, women and children were spared but 300 were
taken prisoner. Black
slaves were freed and encouraged to join the
By this time, French policy towards tribes opposing
them had taken an ugly
turn towards genocide. The previous year, they
had decided to annihilate
the Fox who had fought them for many years in the
Great Lakes (Second Fox
War 1728-37), and their response to the Fort Rosalie
massacre was that the
Natchez would suffer the same fate. To preclude
any possibility that
blacks would join the revolt, the French armed a
group of black slaves and
sent them to destroy the Chawasha, a small peaceful
tribe just south of
New Orleans without the slightest connection to the
Natchez. Then they
assembled an army, including 1,500 Choctaw and
Tunica warriors, at Point
Coupeé, Louisiana and proceeded upstream to
Natchez. The Natchez were
prepared and had taken refuge inside a fort with walls
so strong that
French cannon could not penetrate them. There
was already suspicion that
the British were responsible for the uprising, and the
taunts coming from
inside the Natchez fort that the Chickasaw and British
would come and
destroy the French only seemed to confirm this.
But the Chickasaw and British never came, and with
the French unable to
take the fort, negotiations began for the release of the
women and
children. In the midst of these, the Natchez
slipped quietly out of their
fort and scattered. Choctaw and Chakchiuma
warriors intercepted one group
trying to reach the Chickasaw killing 150 and freeing a
large group of
French women, children and black slaves. The
Yazoo, who were Natchez
allies in the uprising, were also destroyed. The
main body of the Natchez
were found later that year on an island in the
Mississippi. The French
surrounded them, and after a merciless bombardment
with cannon, overran
and killed nearly all. Another large group was
caught by the French and
their Caddo allies near Natchitoches, Louisiana and
dispatched in like
manner. The few Natchez prisoners taken were
assembled in a camp near New
Orleans and deported to Haiti and St. Domingue
as slaves. Only a few
managed to elude the French and find a refuge among
the Creek, Cherokee,
with one band settling in South Carolina. By far,
the largest Natchez
group to escape the French were the 1,000 (including
200 warriors) who had
found their way to the Chickasaw.
For the most part, the French ignored the other
Natchez survivors, but the
Chickasaw group used their sanctuary to launch raids
against tribes that
had helped the French destroy them. Encouraged
by the near annihilation of
the Fox in the Illinois country during the summer of
1730, Governor
Etienne Périer not only ordered the Chickasaw to
surrender the Natchez
living among them but renewed earlier French
demands that they immediately
cease all trade with the British. Although they
were slow to answer, the
Chickasaw ultimately refused to do either, and as a
way of emphasizing
that he was serious about this, Périer in 1731 got the
Choctaw to burn
three of their Chickasaw prisoners at the stake.
However, the Choctaw at
this time, from their previous experience with the
Chickasaw and their own
desire to trade with the British, would prove reluctant
allies forcing the
French to turn to their allies north of the Ohio River:
Illinois; Wabash
Tribes (Wea, Piankashaw, Kickapoo); and Detroit
Tribes (Wyandot, Ottawa,
Ojibwe, and Potawatomi).
The French soon discovered just how ornery an
opponent the Chickasaw could
be. Unlike the Natchez, the Chickasaw villages
were not on the Mississippi
but in the rugged hill country of northeast Mississippi,
a remote location
which made them very difficult to attack. To
make matters worse, the
Chickasaw were heavily armed and in times of war
withdrew into a few large
fortified towns which made them virtually impregnable
to anything but a
large army with cannon and other heavy
equipment. Unable to get the
Choctaw to attack the Chickasaw, the French in 1731
encouraged a series of
punitive raids by their northern allies, but the
attackers suffered heavy
loses, and Chickasaw retaliatory raids over the next
few years turned
southern Illinois and Indiana into a war zone and
decimated the Illinois
and Wabash Tribes. At the same time, the
Chickasaw were alternately
raiding some Choctaw groups and offering peace to
others. These efforts
eventually bore fruit, and in 1733 the Chickasaw were
able to conclude a
separate peace with the northern Choctaw. The
following year the Chickasaw
defiantly closed the Mississippi River to French
The French had endured the losses of their northern
allies and defection
of the Choctaw, but the closure of the Mississippi was
the final straw.
The decision was made to destroy the Chickasaw in
the same manner as the
Fox and Natchez, and to accomplish this, two separate
armies were
assembled in 1736 for a coordinated attack on the
Chickasaw homeland. At
the beginning of the year, the northern force under
the command of Major
Pierre d'Artaguette gathered at Fort de Chartres
(Kaskaskia, Illinois).
Besides 30 French regulars, it included 100 militia and
almost 300
Illinois, Wea, and Piankashaw warriors led by the
Illinois chief Chicagou
and Francois de la Valterie, Sieur de Vincennes, the
commandant of Fort
Vincennes on the Wabash River. Meanwhile, the
Chickasaw's old antagonist,
Bienville was to command a second force of 600
French and 1,000 loyal
Choctaw warriors which was to follow the Tombigbee
River north from Mobile
and strike the Chickasaw from the south.
The original plan was for both armies begin their
attacks at the end of
March and meet at the main Chickasaw town of Ackia
(Tupelo, Mississippi).
Artaguette left Fort de Chartres on schedule in late
February. However,
Bienville was delayed until the first week of April by
unusually heavy
rains and the slow appearance of his Choctaw
allies. Unfortunately, the
Chickasaw blockade of the Mississippi prevented
communication, and
Bienville had no way of informing Artaguette of his
delay. After a swift
trip down the Mississippi, the northern force arrived
at the Chickasaw
Bluffs (Memphis) in early March and built a small fort
as a supply base
while awaiting news from Bienville. None came,
and after three weeks,
Artaguette was running out of food and faced the
difficult choice of
returning to Illinois or attacking on his own. After
consulting his
allies, the fatal decision was made. Leaving 25 men
to garrison the fort,
he moved southeast towards the Chickasaw villages,
his progress slowed by
the necessity of dragging cannon and supply wagons
through mud.
Of course, the Chickasaw had not failed to notice the
presence of a French
army on the bluffs and were waiting in their forts.
Artaguette was not a
fool and, with his small force, chose to attack
Chocolissa, one of the
smaller Chickasaw towns on March 25th.
However, it was heavily fortified,
and after the initial assault failed, the French and their
allies were
pinned down by a crossfire. In the midst of this,
400 Chickasaw warriors
arrived from a nearby town and hit the French
flank. The Illinois, Wea,
and Piankashaw saw no future in these circumstances
and took off leaving
the French to fend for themselves. Forty French
followed their example,
but with better order, and escaped by following the
unlikely directions of
a 16 year-old boy named Voison. Seventeen
French were captured including
Artaguette, Vincennes, and the chaplin Father Antoine
Senat who had
remained to care for the wounded. The
Chickasaw at first treated them
well, perhaps hoping the French would ransom them
with the usual payment
of horses. However, when news arrived of the
advance of the second French
army under Bienville, the kindness quickly
The Chickasaw killed Artaguette and the others by
burning them alive and
then braced for an assault from the opposite
direction. Bienville left
Mobile on April 2nd unaware of what had befallen
Artaguette. News of the
disaster reached him enroute, and on the 20th he
paused at the boundary of
Choctaw territory (20 miles below where Noxubee
Creek joins the Tombigbee)
to build Fort Tombecbé as a supply base. There
were also important
differences to worked out with the Choctaw who
wanted to attack the three
principal Chickasaw towns, while the French were
determined to start with
the one occupied by the Natchez refugees. It was
agreed to strike first at
Ackia, but having to fight the same mud and terrain as
Bienville's army did not arrive until late May. By
then, with the help of
British traders, the Chickasaw had made every house
in Ackia into a
miniature fort. They also had powder and supplies
captured from Artaguette
as well as the French battle plans, but Bienville's forces
outnumbered the 450 Chickasaw and 150 Natchez
defenders of Ackia almost
three to one.
Since women and children were present, the
Chickasaw sent a delegation to
see it would be possible to arrange a truce, but the
Choctaw killed them.
After that, there was no turning back. A
bombardment breached the walls,
and French regulars, wearing heavy woolen bags over
their upper bodies to
protect them against musket balls, stormed inside
using grenades against
the fortified houses. The defenders caught them
in a crossfire aiming for
unprotected legs, and grenades killed more French
than Chickasaw that day.
Chickasaw marksmen also took a terrible toll of
French officers which
added greatly to the confusion during the rout which
followed. The French
began a slow retreat and then ran. Besides the
hundreds seriously wounded,
they left 70 dead on the field and a string of
abandoned dead all the way
back to Fort Tombecbé. The Choctaw losses
were probably around 100, and
the count would have much higher if the Chickasaw
had chosen to pursue.
This was the worst defeat that the French had ever
experienced at the
hands of Native Americans. While the exchange
of raids and counter-raids
continued between the Chickasaw and French allies
north of the Ohio, the
French looked for ways to avenge this affront to their
military honor. The
matter even had the attention the French monarchy,
and 700 regular
soldiers to Louisiana with specific instructions that
they were to be used
to "destroy" the Chickasaw. By 1739 Bienville was
ready to try again
. . . this time with an army almost twice the
size of the one defeated in
1736. As before, there was a northern group of
40 regulars and 150
Illinois warriors from Fort de Chartres commanded
by Alphonse La
Buissonniere who had succeeded Artaguette as
commandant of the Illinois
country. This time Bienville left nothing to chance
that the two forces
would link and, proceeding upstream by boat from
New Orleans, met the
Illinois contingent at the Chickasaw Bluffs on August
15th. He built Fort
Assumption to support the army's advance, but
suddenly it seemed that the
Chickasaw could call upon the rain to defend them as
easily as their
warriors. Bienville's army was stopped by "mud
and flood," the result of
unusual and sustained rainfall for that time of the
year. Unable to
advance inland, disease stalked through the French
camps and rapidly
depleted their ranks.
In the end, the only attack Bienville's army could
mount was Pierre de
Céleron's abortive attempt with 600 Canadian troops
and native allies to
capture a Chickasaw town and take hostages. The
Choctaw were even less
enthusiastic about this conflict, and after flirting with
British traders
for several years, Red Shoes, an important chief, had
negotiated a
separate peace with the Chickasaw which had been
accepted by most of the
eastern Choctaw. It had taken lavish French
presents to prevent the
defection of the western Choctaw and now that
Bienville's expedition was
bogged down in the mud, there was grave danger that
the Choctaw, the most
important French ally, would go over to the
British. In February a
Chickasaw delegation arrived at Fort Assumption to
make peace, and
Bienville was forced to sign an agreement where the
only Chickasaw
concession was the resumption of French traffic on
the Mississippi. After
his second failure to defeat the Chickasaw, Bienville
abandoned Fort
Assumption and returned to New Orleans in
He was replaced by the Marquis de Vaudreuil.
The Chickasaw had inflicted
three successive defeats on the French, but it had cost
three-quarters of their population, and they could not
afford any more of
these "victories. " Seeing some chance that
Bienville's departure would
open a door to a permanent peace with the French, a
Chickasaw delegation
visited Vaudreuil in August, 1743 asking for peace.
Vaudreuil's answer,
however, was nothing new. The Chickasaw must
stop their trade with the
British and accept the authority of their French
"father" with the added
stipulation that a peace also needed the consent of the
Unfortunately, the Choctaw at the time were sharply
divided into British
and French factions and could not agree on
anything. So nothing came of
the Chickasaw peace initiative, and the French
continued to pay the
Choctaw for Chickasaw scalps and enslave captured
Chickasaw. However,
while the Choctaw were preoccupied with internal
problems, a lull
developed in their fighting with the Chickasaw.
The outbreak of the King George's War (1744-48)
between Britain and France
actually brought further relief when a British naval
blockade cut the
supply of French trade goods and weakened their
control over native
allies. Raids by French allies north of the Ohio
lessened, and the
Chickasaw took advantage of this during 1745 to join
the Cherokee in
expelling the last groups of Shawnee from disputed
territory in the
Cumberland Basin. The Choctaw divisions
erupted into civil war during 1747
which ended in 1750 with the assassination of Red
Shoes. With the French
faction once again in control, the Choctaw resumed
their war against the
Chickasaw, but a combined Cherokee-Chickasaw war
party inflicted a serious
defeat on the Choctaw in 1750. Raids resumed,
and in 1752 Vaudreuil sent
an army of 700 regulars with a large number of native
allies up the
Tombigbee to destroy the Chickasaw. This was
the same route Bienville had
used in 1736, and the result was the same. Unable
to drive the Chickasaw
from their forts, the French were forced to abandon
the effort and
Occasional nuisance raids continued for the remaining
years of the French
presence in North America, but the northern tribes
gradually lost
interest, and 1752 marked the last serious French
attempt to defeat the
Chickasaw. Although the outcome was no longer
in doubt after the fall of
Quebec to the British in 1759, the French and Indian
War (1755-63) did not
officially end until the signing of Treaty of
Fountainbleau in February,
1763. France was gone, but in a last minute secret
accord, it denied
Britain Louisiana west of the Mississippi by transferring
it to Spain.
Nearly bankrupt after seven years of the first
world-wide war, Britain
needed peace more than all of Louisiana.
However, the British had acquired a vast amount of
territory east of the
Mississippi River, and with it, an unhappy group of
former French allies.
As an economy measure, the British curtailed the
practice of gifts to
chiefs and placed restrictions on trade goods. The
reaction to this was
the Pontiac Rebellion in the Great Lakes and Ohio
Valley which captured
nine of the twelve British forts west of the
Appalachians during 1763. The
British were unable to pacify the area until 1765.
South of the Ohio,
there was little resistance to the British takeover
because the
overwhelming presence of the Chickasaw. The
British had only recently
defeated the Cherokee (Cherokee War 1760-62) and
enjoyed relatively good
relations with the Creeks. The only hostilities
were in 1764 when the
Choctaw and Tunica, in response to an appeal from
Pontiac, attacked a
British expedition ascending the Mississippi to take
control of the
Illinois country from the French at Fort de
Chartres. The Chickasaw
provided an escort for a later expedition in 1765
which reached its
destination. At the insistence of the British, the
Chickasaw shook hands
and made peace with the Illinois. Surprisingly, the
agreement held, most
likely because the Illinois were virtually annihilated by
their other
enemies four years later.
Otherwise, the British settled into their garrisons at
Fort Charlotte
(Mobile), Fort Bute (Manchac), and Fort Panmure
(Natchez) without
opposition. At councils held at Augusta (1763) and
Mobile (1765), Governor
George Johnson explained the new order to be
administered from Pensacola
(Britain had also acquired Florida from Spain).
While chastising the
Choctaw for their duplicity (service to the French), he
pointing to the
Chickasaw as an example of what would to be
expected. The British then
imposed a peace between the Choctaw and
Chickasaw, which also endured, but
the Choctaw were not entirely happy and continued
to maintain ties with
former French officials, many of whom had moved
west and gone to work for
the Spanish. At the same time, other groups loyal
to the French - Alibamu,
Coushatta, Mobile, Biloxi, Pascagoula, and Tunica -
chose to leave rather
than accept British rule and crossed the Mississippi
into Spanish
Louisiana. Louisiana became a hodge-podge of
small, unrelated tribes whose
departure left unoccupied territory east of the
Besides military force, the British responded to the
Pontiac Rebellion
with gifts and increased trade. They also dealt
with the concerns of the
western tribes that, with the French gone, the
Americans would cross the
mountains and take their lands. To reassure them,
the British issued the
Proclamation of 1763 halting any further settlement
west of the
Appalachians. British policy was to take the
territory they had acquired
from the French and divide it into two large
reservations separated by the
Ohio River. The order came none too soon so
far as the tribes were
concerned. In the north, groups of Virginia and
Pennsylvania frontiersmen
were already beginning to settle around Pittsburgh,
while south of the
Ohio, others had settled on the Mississippi near
Natchez. Peter Chester,
the British governor at Pensacola, attempted to
enforce the proclamation
with severe penalties for whites squatting illegally on
native land.
However, British officials were "spittin' into the
wind. " American
frontiersmen simply ignored them and moved west,
and the British effort to
stop them was the main cause for the American
Revolution (1775-83), not
the usual explanation of "no taxation without
representation," an
important issue only in the New England colonies.
Even before 1763, colonial settlement had expanded
inland from the coast
and pressed against the Creeks in Georgia and
Cherokee in the Carolinas
forcing them to surrender land and shift west.
Voids created by the
migration of French allies to Louisiana were quickly
filled, but it was
not enough. Of the two, it was easier for the
Creeks to absorb the loss of
their eastern lands because many were able to move
south into the Florida
peninsula which was almost deserted after 1730
because of British-Creek
slave raids. The Cherokee, however, did not have
this option. Hemmed in by
the Shawnee to the north, they were forced into a
prolonged war with the
Creeks (1752-55) over disputed (formerly shared)
hunting territory in
northern Georgia. After their victory over the
Creeks at Taliwa in 1755,
the Cherokee decided their next victim would be the
Chickasaw. Although
they outnumbered the Chickasaw five to one, the
Cherokee soon discovered
that they had "bitten off a bit more than they could
chew. " After eleven
years of skirmishes, the Cherokee were routed at a
battle fought near the
Chickasaw Old Fields in 1769. The British
arranged a peace the following
year, and although they never relinquished their claim
to the disputed
area, the Cherokee chose not to challenge the
Chickasaw again.
Meanwhile, faced with the growing threat of
revolution by their American
colonists, the British were forced to open new lands
for settlement. To do
this, they had met with the Iroquois at Fort Stanwix,
New York in 1768 and
signed a treaty wherein the Iroquois ceded their
dubious claim to the Ohio
Valley in exchange for guarantees of their
homeland. No one consulted the
tribes which lived there, although the British did take
the precaution of
signing treaties with the Cherokee extinguishing their
claims to some
areas south of the Ohio. As frontiersmen poured
across the mountains to
take the new lands, there were confrontations with
the Shawnee which
quickly escalated into Lord Dunmore's War
(1774). A colonial army from
Virginia defeated the Shawnee that year and forced
them to agree to remain
north of the Ohio, but the matter was far from
settled. With the outbreak
of the Revolution the following year, the British
changed from a neutral
bystander to supplying arms for the Ohio and Great
Lakes tribes to attack
the new American settlements along the Ohio River
in Kentucky and western
Pennsylvania. South of the Ohio, British Indian
agents were active in
encouraging raids by the Chickamauga Cherokee and
Upper Creeks against
frontier settlements and forts.
Most Charleston traders were Scotsmen, and from
the time of their earliest
visits, many, including the renown James Adair, had
married Chickasaw
women. Since the Chickasaw were matrilineal,
the mixed-blood children from
these unions were fully accepted as members of their
mother's clan. After
1763 the number of British traders living among the
Chickasaw tripled, and
by the time of the American Revolution many
mixed-bloods, such as the six
sons and three daughters of James Logan Colbert,
were coming of age and
assuming positions of leadership. The influence
and power wielded by their
white fathers speeded the process. Although the
Charleston traders had
much in common with the American frontiersmen
moving into the area, they
tended to view the new settlement, not only as a
threat to Chickasaw
lands, but also their own trade monopoly and way of
life. As a result, the
traders were usually Tories, and the Chickasaw
became British allies
during the war.
Assured that they would side with them against the
Americans, the British
sent a pack train with 3,000 pounds of powder and
lead to the Chickasaw
Bluffs in December, 1775. Because of the recent
war with the Cherokee, the
Chickasaw were reluctant to join Chickamauga raids
against the Georgia and
Carolina frontiers and had even less inclination to help
the Ohio and
Great Lakes tribes (French allies and bitter enemies
during the previous
fifty years) in their war with the Kentucky
frontiersmen along the Ohio
River. Nevertheless, the British were
satisfied. Since the settlers near
Natchez and Walnut Hill (Vicksburg) had shown
themselves more neutral than
Tory, there was concern at the beginning of the war
that the Americans
would make an attempt to capture the lower
Mississippi Valley. However,
with the heavily-armed Chickasaw controlling the
Chickasaw Bluffs, there
seemed little chance of this.
Kentucky frontiersmen in 1777 became aware of the
British weakness in the
west and passed this information back to Virginia
where Governor Patrick
Henry quickly gave permission for two expeditions
against the British
along the Mississippi. By far, the best known of
these was the one
commanded by George Rogers Clark which captured
the Illinois country
during the summer of 1778 and six months later
defeated the British effort
to retake it. Clark's victory was responsible for
the Mississippi River
becoming the western boundary of the United States
in 1783, but the lesser
known expedition of Captain James Willing deserves a
piece of the credit.
In February, 1778 Willing and 100 men slipped past
the Chickasaw blockade
on the Mississippi and to raid the Tory plantations
near Natchez and
Walnut Hill. However, because the Chickasaw
still controlled the river
between Memphis and the Ohio, Willing was unable to
return to Kentucky and
proceeded south to Spanish-controlled New
Spain officially entered the war against Great Britain in
1779 and helped
the American cause in the south and west.
Louisiana governor Bernaldo de
Galvez immediately seized Baton Rouge and Natchez,
and the following year
took Mobile. A British counterattack failed, and in
the spring of 1781,
the Spanish collected a force of 100 ships and 30,000
men to capture
Pensacola. Both the Savannah River and
Mississippi Chickasaw participated
in the British defense of their last bastion on the Gulf,
but faced with
overwhelming force, General Campbell surrendered
in May, 1781. Only
Detroit and the Chickasaw homeland remained as
British strongholds in the
west, and as they had done with the French, the
Chickasaw promptly closed
the Mississippi River to Spanish traffic cutting St.
Louis off from New
Orleans. Their most notable exploit during the
war occurred when they
captured a Spanish convoy on the river which
included the wife of the
Spanish Governor of Missouri. The Spanish in
Missouri did not have the
military power to retaliate but did succeed in getting
the Kickapoo near
St. Louis to raid the Chickasaw. The attacks
opened old wounds and made it
difficult for the Chickasaw to trust the Spanish
Amazingly, there was only one direct confrontation
between the Chickasaw
and Americans during the war. This came in 1780
when George Rogers Clark
built Fort Jefferson (named for Thomas Jefferson, the
governor of Virginia
at the time) in western Kentucky to protect the
Kentucky settlements and
break the Chickasaw stranglehold on the
Mississippi. The Chickasaw
attacked and, after a four-day siege withdrew.
The Americans, however,
could not hold the area and were forced to abandon
the fort in June, 1781.
The lack of fighting made it easy for the Chickasaw to
come to terms with
the Americans afterwards. As the war wound
down after the American victory
at Yorktown, the British sent word to the Chickasaw
during 1782 that it
would be best for them to make their own
arrangements with the Americans.
The Chickasaw then indicated to Virginia that they
were interested in
peace. Governor Thomas Jefferson expressed a
similar desire, and in
November, 1783 the Chickasaw met with his
representatives at French Lick
near Nashville and made peace with Virginia. The
Chickasaw agreed to expel
hostile whites (Tories) and free their white
captives. Virginia in return
promised to expel squatters from Chickasaw
territory, the eastern boundary
of which was determined to be the divide between
the Cumberland and
Tennessee Rivers extending from the Ohio River
south to Duck Creek.
The boundaries of the new United States set by the
Treaty of Paris in 1783
meant very little in the years following the war.
The British continued to
occupy their forts on American territory in the Great
Lakes and, in an
attempt to foster the economic collapse of their
former colonies, armed
the Ohio tribes to keep the Americans out of
Ohio. Meanwhile, in a
separate treaty signed in 1783, Great Britain had
returned Florida,
including the entire Gulf Coast between Pensacola and
New Orleans, to
Spain. Creating more mischief for the
Americans. The treaty had
deliberately left the northern border undefined, and
Spain chose to
interpret the boundaries of Western Florida as
everything between the
Chattahoochee, Mississippi, and Tennessee Rivers
(Mississippi, Alabama,
western Kentucky and Tennessee). As the British
anticipated, this created
immediate problems between Spain and the United
States. Georgia considered
its border with Florida to be much farther south (the
latitude of the
current Florida-Georgia border), and at the time its
territorial claims
extended west all the way to the Mississippi.
There were other boundary
conflicts arising from the colonial charters that the
Americans inherited
from British rule. Unable to resolve these, the
new states finally
followed the lead of Virginia and ceded their western
lands to the central
Georgia, however, was in no mood to compromise
and, in the absence of a
strong federal government under the Articles of
Confederation, acted on
its own by sending officials west to take over the
government in the
Natchez district. Spanish soldiers promptly
expelled them, and Georgia
responded with words which sounded as if it intended
to take on Spain by
itself. No fighting resulted, but at the same time,
rumors reached the
Spanish that Carolina frontiersmen were raising an
army to invade
Louisiana. As the British had hoped, Spain changed
from an American ally
into a rival. However, without enough soldiers to
defend both Florida and
Louisiana, it settled on the same strategy as the
French had used against
the British - dominate trade and provide arms to
frontier tribes to resist
the expansion of settlement . . . hardly
surprising, because Spain employed
so many French in the administration of Louisiana.
To increase their
influence with the Creeks in Georgia and Alabama, the
Spanish issued new
licenses to British trading companies: Panton and
Leslie which operated
out of Pensacola; and Mather and Strother in New
The traders who worked for Panton and Leslie were
mostly former Tories
whose property had been confiscated by rebel state
governments during the
revolution. They had little affection for the United
States and because
many had married native women, they were able to
exploit their family
connections among the Creek. Actually, the
advantage went well beyond
this, and Alexander McGillvray (a tory, mixed-blood
trader) became the
chief spokesman for the Creek council. With
concerns running high among
the tribes about how much land the Americans
intended to take, the Spanish
effort soon bore fruit. In June, 1784 McGillvray
went to Mobile and signed
an agreement placing the Creek Nation under the
protection of Spain.
McGillvray received a Spanish pension for his
efforts. The Chickamauga
Cherokee of Dragging Canoe, who had been fighting
the Americans in
Tennessee for many years, signed the following month
and soon afterwards
began receiving regular shipments of arms and
ammunition from Pensacola
and Mobile. Mather and Strother's traders also
lured the Chickasaw to
Mobile in July, and Ugulaycabe (Wolf's Friend) signed a
similar agreement
with the Spanish on behalf of the Chickasaw.
Meanwhile, Georgia seemed to spare no effort to
make a bad situation even
worse. An illegal treaty forced on the Creeks at
Augusta in 1783,
encroachment by its citizens into Creek lands, and the
confiscation of
eastern Chickasaw lands for service to the British
during the war had
driven McGillvray and the Creeks into the arms of the
Spanish. Perhaps
because George Washington and other important
Virginians were heavily
invested in land along the Ohio River, the attention of
the American
Congress was focused on fighting the Ohio tribes of
the British-backed
Western Alliance, and the last thing wanted was for
Georgia to start
another war in the Southeast. To prevent this,
Congress appointed a
commission to meet with the Cherokee, Choctaw,
Creeks, and Chickasaw at
Hopewell on South Carolina's Keowee River and
establish tribal territories
with a boundary for the southern frontier. With
meeting set for October of
1785, McGillvray convened a council of the southern
tribes at Little
Tallasee (Alabama) that July to organize a united front
against the
Americans. However, the Chickasaw, Cherokee,
and Choctaw were suspicious
of his intentions, and all McGillvray got was a general
denouncing American claims to tribal lands. The
Chickasaw and others
decided to attend the Hopewell meeting without any
agreement among
When the Spanish took control of Louisiana, there
had been little contact
between them and the Chickasaw since De Soto, but
the old conquistadors
had changed during the last 200 years. Very few
soldiers were sent to
Louisiana, and Spain chose to rule its new possession
with a gentle hand.
Until their declaration of war against the British in
1779, the Spanish
had done little to antagonize the Chickasaw on the
opposite side of the
river. Chickasaw hunters roamed freely through
Arkansas and often traded
at Spanish posts, but because the Chickasaw saw so
many French in the
Spanish administration, they never completely trusted
the Spanish. The
fighting between Spain and Great Britain during the
American Revolution
had only added to the distrust. Despite this, the
Spanish control of the
region's trade through British traders after the war
had gotten them a
treaty with the Chickasaw. Unfortunately,
Ugulaycabe's signature
represented only part of the Chickasaw, the old
French faction.
The mixed-bloods, who had stood solidly behind the
British during the war,
now favored the Americans and threw their support
behind Piomingo
(Mountain Leader), a full-blood but of Chakchiuma
descent. The neutrals
were represented by another full blood, the high
minko Mingatuska (Hair
Lip King). During the spring of of 1784, a measles
epidemic struck the
Chickasaw villages with terrible effect. Almost half
of the population of
Long Town died . . . including important
Chickasaw leaders. This allowed
Piomingo to attend the Hopewell conference as the
most influential
Chickasaw representative, and on January 10, 1786 he
and Mingatuska signed
the first treaty between the Chickasaw and the United
States. The
boundaries established were essentially those of the
earlier Chickasaw
agreement with Virginia. The only exception
being a small cession on the
Tennessee River for an American trading post.
Choosing between the Spanish or Americans divided
the Chickasaw. In 1784
Ugulaycabe had placed them under the protection of
Spain, but only two
years later, Piomingo and Mingatuska made a similar
agreement with the
Americans. Ugulaycabe's Spanish faction could
exert considerable
influence, because the Spanish had closed the lower
Mississippi to
American traffic which gave them a monopoly in the
trade with the tribes
of the region. Left to themselves, the Chickasaw
might have come to civil
war, but this did not happen. Through the years,
they had demonstrated an
amazing ability to put aside their internal differences
and unite when
confronted by a common enemy. In this case, the
common enemy turned out to
be the Creeks, not the Americans or Spanish.
Faced with the possibility of
war with Georgia because of continuing
encroachment into Creek lands,
Alexander McGillvray needed the support of the
Chickasaw who were proving
reluctant allies. When he learned that Piomingo
had signed the Hopewell
Treaty, he was furious and made the serious mistake
of trying to bend the
Chickasaw to his will. Shortly after the treaty,
William Davenport brought
the first American trading party to the Chickasaw.
McGillvray demanded
that Chickasaw refuse to trade and expel the
Americans. When the Chickasaw
ignored this, McGillvray dispatched a Creek "hit
squad" which waited until
Davenport was beyond the protection of the
Chickasaw villages and ambushed
The Chickasaw did not appreciate the Creeks
interfering in their affairs,
especially when it was an attack in their territory on
someone they
considered a guest. McGillvray's actions pushed
the neutral faction closer
to Piomingo and the mixed-bloods. McGillvray,
however, seemed unaware of
this, and the test of wills turned violent during the
next few years when
Creek warriors began robbing and killing Chickasaw
travellers and hunters.
The attacks were obviously selective since the victims
were almost always
neutrals or members of Piomingo's American
faction. After what had
happened to De Soto and the French, the Creeks
should have know that
trying to intimidate the Chickasaw was asking for
trouble. However, they
outnumbered them six to one, and by 1790
McGillvray felt that he succeeded
in isolating the Chickasaw through the treaty that he
signed with the
Americans that year. McGillvray had proven
clever enough to get himself
bribed by both the Americans and Spanish at the same
time, but he had
never forgotten his goal to protect the Creek
homeland and was determined
to crush the American faction of the Chickasaw.
He was not, however, the only clever native leader in
the region. Faced
with possibility of all-out war with the Creeks,
Piomingo had visited
frontier settlements along the Cumberland and sent
appeals to President
Washington for arms and assistance. These had
fallen upon deaf ears,
because the Americans were preoccupied with the
war in Ohio. After
learning of McGillvray's treaty, Piomingo astutely
volunteered 50
Chickasaw warriors as scouts for the frontier army
Arthur St. Clair,
governor of the Northwest Territory, was assembling
in Kentucky to attack
the Alliance villages in northwest Ohio. When the
army began its advance
north in the fall of 1791, the Chickasaw wisely kept
their distance from
St. Clair's undisciplined militia who was prone to
shoot and scalp any
"Injun" they encountered - friend or foe not being
The Chickasaw were out on a scouting mission when
the battle began and
could not prevent St. Clair's horrendous defeat,
but the protection they
provided covering the American retreat was one of
the few bright spots in
the campaign. The Americans were grateful, and
Piomingo's Chickasaw not
only received gifts and arms afterwards, but visits
from American traders.
They also received another kind of visit from their old
enemies, the
warriors of the Western Alliance. That fall, the
Kickapoo attacked a
Chickasaw hunting party in western Kentucky.
The Chickasaw had not lost
their touch over the years. They first drove off
their attackers and then
chased them all the way to the Ohio River. After
St. Clair's disaster,
Washington had sent "Mad Anthony" Wayne west to
take command in Ohio.
Rather than make an immediate attack, Wayne spent
the next two years
training an army and making careful preparations to
destroy the Alliance.
The lull in the Ohio fighting allowed the Washington
administration to
direct its attention to the long-neglected problems
with the Spanish and
southern tribes.
In 1790 Washington had appointed William Blount
governor of the Territory
South of the River Ohio (Tennessee) which also
carried responsibility of
Superintendent of Indian Affairs for the Southern
Department. In August,
1792 Blount called a council of the region's tribes at
Nashville which was
attended by delegations from the Chickasaw,
Choctaw, Cherokee, and Creek.
He assured them that, despite what the Spanish were
saying, the Americans
only wanted friendship and trade and were
determined to live by the
boundaries of the Hopewell treaty . . . "we
do not want the land of any red
people; the United States have land enough. "
Blount then commended the
Chickasaw for their recent service in Ohio and
presented Piomingo and each
of the other Chickasaw with rifles. Having
addressed these concerns, the
Americans then produced a treaty of friendship with
the United States
which was duly signed by the delegations.
The treaty was never ratified, but McGillvray reacted
to it by ordering
new attacks on Piomingo's Chickasaw and American
settlements along the
Cumberland. McGillvray's sudden death in
February, 1793 deprived the
Spanish of their most important native ally in the
region, but by then the
Creek-Chickasaw war had taken on a life of its
own. That same month, the
Creek ambushed four Chickasaw hunters only a few
miles from Long Town.
Worried they would blunder into a second ambush,
Piomingo did not allow
his warriors to pursue, but he declared war on the
Creek. The Americans
spared nothing in the effort to help. That spring, a
flotilla commanded by
Lieutenant William Clark (of Lewis and Clark fame
and George Rogers'
younger brother) delivered 500 rifles, a ton of
powder, two tons of lead,
and 4,000 flints to Piomingo at the Chickasaw
Bluffs. Besides tools and an
armorer to repair their weapons, the Chickasaw also
were given a hundred
barrels of whiskey which the Americans apparently
felt was essential for
the proper conduct of a war.
Piomingo put these arms to good use when his
warriors launched a series of
retaliatory raids against the Creek towns. As the
war between the
Chickasaw and Creek turned serious, the Spanish saw
their carefully
constructed buffer against American expansion
disintegrating and in
October attempted to salvage it with a peace
conference at Fort Nogales
(Natchez, MS). The resulting Treaty of Nogales
formed the Creeks, Choctaw,
Cherokee, and Chickasaw into a loose confederacy,
but it was very loose.
The Spanish also sent gifts to Piomingo urging peace,
but assured of
continued American support, he remained at war and
even sent messages to
the Choctaw asking their help against the Creeks.
Faithful to their recent
agreement with the Spanish, the Choctaw refused but
did offer to mediate a
peace. Seeing that the war was only opening the
door for the Americans,
many Creeks were also anxious to end the fighting,
but the mediation
failed and the war continued.
Wayne's victory at Fallen Timbers over the Western
Alliance during 1794
secured American position north of the Ohio.
The British ended their
support of the Ohio tribes, and in August, 1795, the
Alliance chiefs met
with Wayne at Fort Greenville and signed a treaty
ceding all of Ohio
except the northwest corner. Chickamauga
warriors returned to Tennessee
shortly afterwards, but most of the Cherokee wanted
peace with the
Americans. After a few skirmishes with
frontiersmen along the Tennessee
River, the Chickamauga began leaving and crossing the
Mississippi into
Spanish Arkansas. With their hold on the
Choctaw weakening, the Spanish
decided in May, 1795 to build Fort San Fernando de
las Barrancas (Saint
Ferdinand of the Bluffs) with a garrison of 150 men at
the site of
present-day Memphis in a last effort to hold the area
and bolster
Ugulaycabe's Spanish faction. Unfortunately, it had
just the opposite
effect. Ugulaycabe and his people moved close to
the new Spanish fort
which further isolated them from the other
Chickasaw who were at war.
The climatic battle between the Creek and Chickasaw
occurred in September
of 1795 when 1,200 Creek warriors invaded the
Chickasaw homeland and
headed towards Piomingo's town (Long Town).
The approach of such a large
war party was immediately noticed, and the
Chickasaw had time to prepare.
Piomingo, however, had only 200 warriors, but
reinforcements arrived in
the form of 45 Tennessee frontiersmen commanded
by Captain David Smith.
Still, the defenders were outnumbered almost five to
one. The Creeks
arrived and surrounded the heavily-fortified town, and
at this point, the
Chickasaw had them exactly where they wanted
them. Leaving only a small
force inside the town, the main body had slipped
outside. As the Creeks
prepared for a siege, 200 Chickasaw struck them
from the rear with such
ferocity that the entire war party turned and fled.
Besides 100 wounded,
the Creeks left at least 40 dead on the field. The
Chickasaw lost only
In December the Creeks asked the Chickasaw for
peace which was granted.
Sporadic skirmishes continued until 1798, but the war
was over. Meanwhile,
Spain had decided to follow the British lead and settle
its differences
with the United States. Spain ended its support of
the Creeks and
Chickamauga in 1795 and the following year signed the
Treaty of San
Lorenzo (Pickney's Treaty) settling the Florida
boundary dispute in favor
of Americans. This did not sit well with the
Spanish in Louisiana who
continued to occupy Fort San Fernando de las
Barrancas until the arrival
of the American army in 1798. The Spanish
burned the fort and moved across
the river where they built Fort Esperanza to keep an
eye on the Americans.
Piomingo died in 1796, the same year Tennessee
became a state. Within a
few years Spain returned Louisiana to France ending
its role in the lower
Mississippi Valley. The French tenure was brief,
and in 1803 Napoleon sold
Louisiana to the United States.
When the trade in native slaves had slowed during the
1720s, the Chickasaw
and other southeastern tribes turned to supplying the
British with
deerskin. The deer populations in their
homelands quickly disappeared
forcing native hunters to range far afield - first the
Cumberland Plateau
and southern Illinois, and then west of the Mississippi
as far as eastern
Oklahoma. The Quapaw who lived there were
old Chickasaw enemies, but by
the 1760s they had lost so many of their people to
epidemic they were no
longer able to oppose intrusions by Chickasaw
hunters. They were also
having problems with the Osage who, because of wars
with the Sauk and Fox,
had been forced south and were compensating
themselves with Quapaw
territory. Forced to choose, the Quapaw began
to welcome the Chickasaw for
the additional protection they provided against the
Osage. By the time the
Spanish took over Louisiana in 1763, there were 200
Chickasaw living more
or less permanently west of the Mississippi along the
lower Red and
Arkansas Rivers.
The Quapaw had chosen wisely. A small band of
pro-French Cherokee arrived
shortly afterwards to escape British rule and were
joined - ironically
enough - twenty years later by a group of pro-British
Cherokee trying to
escape the Americans. Between 1794 and 1799,
the Cherokee ranks were
swelled by the westward migration of the
Chickamauga. By 1808 there were
over 2,000 Cherokee in northern Arkansas, most of
whom were hostile to the
Osage. A severe drought during the summer of
1792 caused massive crop
failures throughout the south, and to survive, many
Choctaw were forced to
hunt west of the Mississippi. At the same time,
the Spanish after 1763
added to the volatile mix by inviting several large
groups of Shawnee and
Delaware to settle near Cape Girardeau in southeast
Missouri. The Osage,
who had a bad habit of "borrowing" other people's
horses, soon had more
enemies than they could handle.
What began as occasional confrontations, by the 1790s
had blossomed into
full-scale warfare. In 1794 Osage chiefs returning
from a Spanish peace
conference in New Orleans were ambushed on the
Mississippi by the
Chickasaw. Those who escaped tried to make
their way home overland, but
Choctaw warriors found their trail and gave
chase. It took considerable
effort for the Spanish to sneak the Osage back to
their villages in
southern Missouri with their hair. After the
Americans took over in 1803,
the chronic warfare in northern Arkansas and
southern Missouri delayed the
settlement of the area for many years. The
Chickasaw had built a permanent
village on the St. Francis River during 1802, and its
warriors were
routinely reinforced by their relatives from east of the
Mississippi who
came and stayed for about six months each year.
There was serious warfare
between these Chickasaw and the Osage villages on
the upper White and St.
Francis Rivers until 1827 with the Osage usually
getting the worse of it.
William Blount's assurances to the Chickasaw and
other southern tribes at
the Nashville council in 1792 that the Americans "do
not want the land of
any red people" had been a deliberate lie. The
Americans had fought the
British, French, and Spanish for the right to take
Native American land,
and with the departure of the European powers, no
one stood in their way.
Settlers swarmed into Ohio after the Greenville
Treaty and by 1806 Ohio
was a state. In 1800 William Henry Harrison was
appointed governor of the
Indiana Territory (Indiana and Illinois) with specific
instructions from
Congress to extinguish native title to the land through
treaty. Only six
years later, native reaction to Harrison's success in
obtaining millions
of acres in southern Indiana and Illinois from the
compliant "peace
chiefs" of the old Western Alliance had given rise to
the movement of
Tecumseh and his brother, the Shawnee Prophet to
unite all tribes against
any further cessions.
South of the Ohio, thing were little different. The
Cherokee homeland was
whittled away by treaties signed in 1791, 1794, 1804,
1805, and 1806. The
last cession of ten million acres had resulted in the
assassination of
Doublehead, a Chickamauga chief, who had fought the
Americans for years to
protect the Cherokee homeland before giving up.
Similar concessions were
forced from the Choctaw and Creeks. Georgia,
meanwhile, had not
relinquished her claims west of the Chattahoochee
River, and in what has
been called the Yazoo Land Frauds, had sold the rights
to 15 million acres
along the Yazoo River in Mississippi to three land
companies in 1794.
Under the Hopewell Treaty, the land belonged to the
Chickasaw and Choctaw,
but settlers moved in anyway. To resolve the
conflicting claims, the
federal government was finally forced to assume
responsibility in 1802.
William Blount's words ultimately came back to haunt
him. With statehood
in 1796, he became the first senator from Tennessee,
but only a year later
his speculation in western lands had brought him to
near-bankruptcy. At
this point, Blount formulated a plot for a frontier army
to help the
British conquer Spanish Florida and Louisiana.
Word of this reached
President Adams, who informed the Congress.
Blount was expelled from the
Senate and almost impeached. Still a hero in
Tennessee, he died in 1800.
Perhaps there was lingering gratitude for their help
against the Spanish,
but the loss of Chickasaw lands began slowly.
Their first cession was in a
treaty signed at the Chickasaw Bluffs in October, 1801
in which the
Chickasaw gave permission for the Americans to build
a road, the Natchez
Trace, through their homeland. At the time there
were approximately 4,000
Chickasaw of which 3,000 were full-bloods. The
full-bloods held the office
of high minko and the majority of the council seats,
but in their dealings
with the Americans after 1800, the Chickasaw allowed
the mixed-bloods
(about 1,000) to handle things. With some
education, the mixed-bloods were
better able to understand the documents they were
signing. Many operated
business, owned large plantations with black slaves and
large herds of
cattle and prize horses. A few of them were
reputed to have had a sideline
of murdering travellers on the Natchez Trace for
their money. Of the
mixed-blood families (Adair, Love, Cheadle, Jennings),
the Colberts
(George, William, Levi, Martin, and James) were the
most influential and
chiefly responsible for the treaties of 1805 and 1806 in
which the
Chickasaw, to pay their debts, ceded 345,000 acres
between the Tennessee
and Cumberland Rivers. An 1807 treaty with the
Cherokee established the
Chickasaw-Cherokee boundary - undefined since their
war in 1769.
However, the whites usually ignored treaty
boundaries, and by 1809 there
were 5,000 illegal squatters on Chickasaw land.
The government did nothing
until the Chickasaw threatened to expel them by
force. During the next two
years, American soldiers removed most of them.
This was timely, because in
the fall of 1811, Tecumseh came south to ask the
Chickasaw, Choctaw,
Cherokee, and Creeks to join him against the
Americans. The Chickasaw met
with him at Chokkillissa and listened to his words, but
old hatreds die
slowly. It was difficult for the Chickasaw to forget
their battles with
the Shawnee, and they thanked him and, to make
certain he left, provided
him with an escort south to the Choctaw.
Feelings were running high, and
in handing Tecumseh and his party over to the
Choctaw, an argument
developed between the Chickasaw and Choctaw.
Tecumseh's Shawnee were
forced to intervene to prevent bloodshed, and then it
was their turn to
escort the Chickasaw safely out of Choctaw
Despite this, Tecumseh did not get the Choctaw or
Cherokee to join him.
However, his mother was a Creek, and the Shawnee
had towns within the
Creek Nation for many years. For this reason, he
found a warmer reception
among the Upper Creeks, and when the War of 1812
(1812-14) began the
following June between Britain and the United States,
hostile Upper
Creeks, known as the Red Sticks, rose in revolt
against the pro-American
Lower Creeks who dominated the Creek council.
Following the massacre of
400 mostly mixed-blood settlers at Fort Mims,
Alabama in August, 1813, the
Americans intervened in what was essentially a Creek
civil war. The Creek
War (1813-14) established the military reputation of
Andrew Jackson, but
it is doubtful that he would have succeeded in
defeating the Red Sticks at
Horseshoe Bend (March, 1814) without the
Cherokee, Choctaw, and Chickasaw
who formed a large part of his army. George
Colbert brought 350 Chickasaw
warriors with him to this battle, and later helped
Jackson crush the last
Red Stick resistance near Pensacola.
At the Treaty of Fort Jackson that August, Jackson
forced the Creek to
cede 23 million acres of their best land. Much of
this belonged to his
allies, the Lower Creeks and Cherokee. It was a
sign of worse things to
come. Unlike 1791, the Chickasaw reward for
serving in the Creek War was
the treaty they signed with Jackson in September,
1816 which cost them
their remaining lands north and east of the Tennessee
River. Mississippi
entered the union as the 20th state in 1817 and
immediately began
demanding the removal of the Chickasaw and
Choctaw to west of the
Mississippi River. It was in this hostile atmosphere
that Andrew Jackson
and other American commissioners arrived to
negotiate further land
cessions from the Chickasaw in 1818. The
mixed-bloods found it difficult
to fend off both Mississippi's call for removal and
Jackson's demand for
land cessions. Forced to choose, they decided to
keep their six million
acres in northeast Mississippi and cede their lands in
western Kentucky
and Tennessee (Great Chickasaw Cession).
In return, the Chickasaw annuity was increased from
$3,000 to $15,000 in
1818 and $35,000 thereafter. To ease the pain,
Jackson greased the
agreement with $1,000 for George Colbert and an
annual pension of $100 for
his brother William. With the loss of a large part
of their land, the
Chickasaw became dependent on government annuity
payments. Whiskey
peddlers knew when these were made and set up
shop nearby. With cash
money, alcoholism became a serious problem. At
the same time, missionaries
arrived to further disrupt traditional Chickasaw
society. Except for a
brief period (1799-1803), no missionary had worked
with the Chickasaw
since Father Davion decided in 1698 they were under
"British influence. "
Whatever "British influence" meant, it seems to have
more to do with
marksmanship than religion. This changed after
1819 when Methodist,
Presbyterian, and Baptist missions were established in
the Chickasaw
homeland. At the same time, some mixed-blood
children began attending the
Choctaw Academy in Kentucky.
Mississippi never ceased its efforts to get the federal
government to
remove the tribes inside its borders. Encouraged
by the election of Andrew
Jackson as president in 1828, it extended its laws over
the Chickasaw and
Choctaw, voiding tribal laws intended to discourage
the whiskey trade and
abolishing tribal governments. Mississippi imposed
a severe fine ($1,000
in 1830 dollars) on any tribal leader attempting to
exercise the powers of
his office, but the enforcement of the laws was
entirely one-sided.
Nothing was done to prevent whites from
encroaching on native lands, and
they were free to rob and murder Chickasaw or
Choctaw without fear of
prosecution. Chickasaw appeals for federal
protection and the enforcement
of their treaty rights went unanswered by the Jackson
administration. When
Congress passed the Indian Removal Act in 1830, the
Chickasaw's days in
Mississippi were numbered.
However, there had been considerable Congressional
opposition to the
Removal Act, and hoping that the next election might
reverse this policy,
the Chickasaw stalled. When they met the
government representatives at
Franklin, Tennessee that August, the Chickasaw signed
a treaty ceding
their land east of the Mississippi on condition that they
be given
suitable land west of the Mississippi. Funny thing,
no matter how hard the
Chickasaw looked, they could not find anything
suitable, and the best
lands had already been promised to other tribes.
Noting the loophole in
the Franklin treaty, the Senate refused to ratify it
which required
federal negotiators to try again in 1832. This time
they got it right, and
in October, the Chickasaw signed the Treaty of
Pontotoc ceding six million
acres east of the Mississippi in exchange for
$3,046,000 less the costs to
the government of surveying and selling the land.
Unlike the Choctaw who had exchanged their lands
for a large tract in
southeast Oklahoma, the Chickasaw sold theirs for
money with which they
were to purchase suitable land in the Indian
Territory. Until they
purchase this, the government was to provide them
with temporary
allotments on four million acres of their
homeland. At the signing, it was
anticipated that the Chickasaw would be able to
purchase land from the
Choctaw. Unfortunately, the Choctaw proved
unwilling to part with any land
that the Chickasaw wanted. Negotiations broke
down putting the Chickasaw
departure from Mississippi on indefinite hold. A
second treaty signed in
1834 clarified some provisions of the original Pontotoc
agreement. The
federal government also agreed to protect the
Chickasaw and their property
from whites who, unwilling to wait for them to leave,
were just moving in
and taking what they wanted. It took the
government five years to get the
Choctaw and Chickasaw to agree, but the treaty
signed at Doaksville
(Oklahoma) in January, 1837 pleased no one except a
government desperate
to get the Chickasaw to leave Mississippi.
Although the Chickasaw wanted their own lands, the
Choctaw would only
agree to lease them land. The Chickasaw paid
$530,000 for the right to
settle in the western part of the Choctaw tract.
The agreement gave the
Chickasaw a seat on the Choctaw council which, so
far as the government
was concerned, meant the two tribes had
merged. Although not complete
until 1850 because of stragglers, the Chickasaw
removal was accomplished
in only two years (1837-38). The census taken
prior to departure listed
4,914 Chickasaw and 1,156 black slaves. The first
group of 450 departed in
June, 1837, and by September 4,000 had gathered into
four camps. After
travelling overland to Memphis, most were able to
complete the journey by
steamboat. Of the Five Civilized Tribes, the
Chickasaw seemed to have been
better prepared for removal and fared better.
There seems little doubt
that they had the advantage of the money they had
acquired for their
lands, but there was considerable hardship from
disease, accidents, and
the loss of livestock and property. The Chickasaw
took 5,000 horses west
with them and were dogged by horse thieves until
they finally got on the
boats at Memphis. Unfortunately, the journey to
Oklahoma was the easiest
part of the removal. After the Chickasaw arrived,
they discovered that the
place where the Choctaw intended for them to live,
south-central Oklahoma,
was a war zone.
Trails from all over the plains converged in the area
bringing warriors
and hunters from other tribes. Besides the
resident Comanche, Kiowa, and
Wichita, to whom the Chickasaw's herd of 5,000
quality horses would be an
irresistible attraction, there were also Pawnee and
Osage war parties. The
Pawnee were new to them, but the Chickasaw and
Osage had a long and often
violent past and required no introduction. Other
old enemies also
frequented the area. Removal had taken the
Kickapoo, Shawnee, Potawatomi,
and Delaware to eastern Kansas, and several groups
had permanent villages
in the area to hunt or trade in Texas. For old
times sake, they also
harassed and raided the Cherokee, Creek, and
Choctaw in eastern Oklahoma.
South of the Red was the Republic of Texas whose
frontier settlements were
often the victims of Comanche and Kiowa raids.
To elude pursuit, the war
parties would run north and cross the Red River into
United States. Texas
rangers and militia were not inclined to notice little
things like borders
and often followed. Any Native American found in
the area was considered
fair game.
The Choctaw wanted the Chickasaw as a buffer for
their own settlements to
the east, but the place was dangerous, even for a
Chickasaw. Rather than
go where the Choctaw wanted them, the Chickasaw
stayed in temporary camps
near the Choctaw towns. Idleness, annuity
money, and drinking made the
Chickasaw unwelcome guests, and although they had
not fought since the
British had imposed peace between them in 1765, old
memories remained. The
Chickasaw were losing their sense of being a separate
people and were not
pleased to be called Choctaw. They also
discovered that their seat on the
Choctaw council only gave them the right to speak
before being outvoted.
Meanwhile, the government was cheating them.
The delivery of the supplies
promised to help with their removal was marked with
every kind of
corruption and fraud: spoiled rations, defective
materials, short weights,
and exorbitant costs. Even worse, the
government was proving extremely
slow in selling their Mississippi lands, and the
Chickasaw were saddled
with paying for a bureaucracy of incompetent land
agents which included
just about every political hack in need of a job.
Because of this, the Chickasaw did not receive the
first annuities from
the sale of their lands until 1844. By the start of
the American Civil War
(1861-65), the government, despite an additional
treaty signed in 1852
promising to sell the remaining Chickasaw land as fast
as possible, was
still almost $3,000,000 in arrears. Meanwhile,
troops from Fort Gibson
were sent into south-central Oklahoma during 1839
to expel the Kickapoo
living on Wild Horse Creek and the Blue River.
The Kickapoo left as the
troops approached and crossed the Red River into
Texas. When the soldiers
left, the Kickapoo returned. Texans also used the
border to their
advantage and crossed the Red River to steal livestock
from tribes in the
Indian Territory. Before the Chickasaw could
safely settle in
south-central Oklahoma, a permanent military
garrison was needed. Fort
Washita was built during 1842 and followed by Fort
Arbuckle in 1851. With
military protection, the Chickasaw began to move
west. By 1855, 90% had
resettled on their own land.
In 1854 the Chickasaw and Choctaw signed a treaty
terminating their
unhappy marriage. Although the Chickasaw were
forced to pay the Choctaw an
additional $150,000 for this, they were a separate
nation again. A further
treaty in 1855 provided that United States would pay
the Chickasaw and
Choctaw rent for land in southwest Oklahoma used
for the resettlement of
the plains tribes. Given their own agency, the
Chickasaw in 1856 approved
a written constitution based on that of the United
States. Besides a
judiciary, legislature power was placed in the hands of
an elected tribal
council. The chief executive was the
governor. The new government at
Tishomingo was dominated by mixed-bloods, and in
this form the Chickasaw
Nation existed until dissolved in 1906. The
Chickasaw prospered during the
next few years. Although there were still
occasional raids, trade
developed with the plains tribes. Grist and lumber
mills were built, but
most of the Chickasaw either farmed or raised
livestock. Oil springs in
the area, reputedly capable of curing every kind of
illness, became an
additional source of income. All of which end with
the Civil War.
The black slaves that the mixed-bloods brought west
with them in 1837 had
preordained which side the Chickasaw chose in this
conflict. With the
outbreak of fighting in the east, federal troops
abandoned Forts Arbuckle
and Washita and were replaced by Confederate
soldiers from Texas. Besides
the issue of black slavery, the Chickasaw were still
angry with the
federal government for removal, the corruption
accompanying the sale of
their lands, and the three million dollars still owed
them. They also felt
threatened by Republican support of the Homestead
Act which would open the
plains to white settlement. In May of 1861 the
Chickasaw Nation declared
its independence from the United States. In July
Confederate commissioner
Albert Pike met with the Chickasaw, Creek, and
Choctaw at North Fork Town
in the Creek territory. After Pike promised that
the Confederate States
would honor the debts of the federal government, all
three signed treaties
which joined them to the Confederacy. The
Seminole signed in August, but
the Cherokee did not commit themselves until
October. The Lincoln
administration responded by suspending the annuities
of the Confederate
Few American fully realize how bitterly contested the
Civil War was
between the Five Civilized Tribes in Oklahoma.
The mixed-blood slave
owners dominated tribal governments and committed
them to the Confederacy
with promises to raise three regiments for General
Ben McCullough of
Texas. Colonel Douglas Cooper was given
command of the First Choctaw and
Chickasaw Mounted Rifles while the Creek, Seminole,
and Cherokee were to
furnish the other two. As the war continued, the
Chickasaw provided two
additional Confederate units: First Chickasaw Infantry
(or Hunter's
Regiment, Indian Volunteers); and Shecoe's Chickasaw
Battalion of Mounted
Volunteers (or Chickasaw Battalion, First Battalion of
Chickasaw Cavalry).
When one considers that there were only 4,000
Chickasaw in 1861, it was an
amazing participation, and they paid accordingly.
However the poorer, more
traditional full-blood majority was not always as eager
to defend black
slavery. Some expressed this by joining the Union
army which altered the
Civil War in the Indian Territory into an ugly contest
of brother killing
brother. Rather than fight their own, many chose
to leave.
The Confederacy, however, was not willing to let
them go. As 4,000
pro-Union Creek assembled in eastern Oklahoma
during November, 1861 to
leave for Union territory, Colonel Douglas Cooper
was ordered to
intercept. Before they reached Kansas, more than
700 Creek were killed in
a series of running battles with Cooper's Chickasaw,
Choctaw, and Cherokee
cavalry. Wartime conditions in Kansas
compounded the tragedy. The federal
and state government failed to provide either food or
shelter, and the
refugees sat out the war in squalid camps along the
Neosho River where
starvation and disease took a greater toll than
Confederate bullets.
Besides the 5,000 Creeks, there were 600 Seminole,
3,000 Cherokee, 300
Osage, an indeterminate number of Seneca, Wyandot,
Shawnee, and Quapaw,
and at least 250 Chickasaw.
During 1862, Confederate Chickasaw units fought at
Pea Ridge (Elkhorn
Tavern), Newtonia, and Fort Wayne, but a Union
offensive in the spring of
1863 recaptured Fort Gibson. After the Union
victory at Honey Springs that
July, the Confederates were on the defensive in
battles fought at
Perryville, Fort Smith, and Poison Spring. In
October, 1864 Union cavalry
raided the Chickasaw Nation and did considerable
damage. The Confederacy
make one final effort to regain control of the Indian
Territory through
the Peace on the Plains council with the plains
tribes. However, by the
time it finally met in May of 1865, the war had ended
with Lee's surrender
in Virginia. In June the Cherokee Stand Watie was
the last Confederate
general to surrender his command to Union forces,
but the Chickasaw had
never lost a war to anyone, and "surrendering" had to
have been a strange
experience for them. They lasted for another
two months, and on August
5th, 1865 the Chickasaw Nation became the last
political unit of the
Confederacy to capitulate.
In September the victorious federal government
summoned the Five Civilized
Tribes (also the Osage, Seneca, Shawnee, Wyandot,
Quapaw) to a meeting at
Fort Smith, Arkansas. There was no question
about attending. Under a law
passed by Congress in 1862, tribes that concluded
treaties with the
Confederacy were considered to have invalidated
their previous treaties
with the United States and forfeited their
annuities. However, John Ross
of the Cherokee argued so strongly against this that
the treaty the
Chickasaw and others finally signed was essentially a
"kiss and make up"
agreement. However, what the government
really wanted was Oklahoma land
for railroads and resettlement of the plains tribes, and
the Senate
refused to ratify the Fort Smith treaty. Instead,
the tribes were brought
to Washington and forced to sign individual
agreements. With the
government holding their suspended annuities, the
Chickasaw had little
choice, and in April, 1866 signed their final treaty with
the United
States. Besides a requirement to outlaw slavery,
the Chickasaw were forced
to surrender their claims to southwest Oklahoma and
accept their freed
black slaves as tribal members.
In return the United States promised to resume
annuity payments and that
the Chickasaw Nation would never become part of a
new state. That promise
was broken 40 years later. The following year the
Chickasaw duly passed a
new constitution outlawing slavery but, unlike the
other Oklahoma tribes,
were reluctant to adopt blacks into the tribe. The
government had
indicated that the former slaves could have their own
territory in
southwest Oklahoma, but after war erupted with the
Comanche and Kiowa that
year, few were willing to move there. Meanwhile,
almost 5,000 black
freedmen came to the Chickasaw Nation from Texas
claiming tribal
membership. Many of these were valid since the
Chickasaw had been selling
and exchanging slaves with the Texans before the
war. The government
refused to evict them, and they stayed. Whites
also came, and in 1888
Texas cattlemen moved 150,000 cattle into the
Chickasaw Nation and refused
to pay grazing fees. The government muddled
about for a time and succeeded
in removing only part of them.
Non-Chickasaw required a permit to reside in
Chickasaw Nation, but this
requirement was usually ignored. By 1900 there
were 300,000 whites in the
Indian Territory, 150,000 of whom were in the
Chickasaw Nation. The 6,000
Chickasaw had become a minority in their own
country. However, the land
was still theirs, but even this came under attack.
In 1887 Congress passed
the Dawes Act mandating the breakup of Native
American lands into
individual allotments with the excess to be sold to
whites. Protected by
their treaties, the Chickasaw and other Civilized
Tribes were immune to
the law's provisions, but additional Congressional
legislation in 1893
attempted to include them. This was initially
rejected, but with the
passage of the Curtis Act in 1895 dissolving their tribal
governments, the
Choctaw and Chickasaw finally agreed in 1897.
With allotment in 1901, the
Chickasaw became citizens of the United States and
were allowed to vote.
The Chickasaw paid an unusually heavy price for a
privilege most white
Americans take for granted. They were first
forced to fend off the claims
of more than 4,000 whites before their lands were
finally allotted to
6,337 Chickasaw and 4,607 black Freedmen. Of
the 4,707,904 acres they had
before, the Chickasaw kept only a small part, and by
1920 75 percent of
this had passed into white ownership. At present
the Chickasaw have only
300 acres which are tribally owned. With the
dissolution of their tribal
government in 1906 to allow for Oklahoma statehood
the following year, the
Chickasaw Nation ceased to exist. Many moved
away or were absorbed into
the local population. Several prominent political
families in Oklahoma
have Chickasaw roots, but aside from informal
organizations, there was no
Chickasaw tribe for many years. Other Oklahoma
tribes reorganized under
the provisions of the Oklahoma Indian Welfare Act
after 1936, but the
Chickasaw exhibited their traditional stubbornness and
did not do so until
1963. They were not allowed to select their own
chiefs until 1970 but are
currently organized under a constitution passed in
1983. Federally
recognized with an enrollment of more than 35,000,
the Chickasaw are
currently the eighth largest tribe in the United
First Nations referred to in this Chickasaw History:
Delaware Huron
Sauk and Fox
Comments concerning this "history" would be
appreciated. Direct same to
Lee Sultzman.