I, E.B. Anderson, a Notary Public, in and for Mills County,
Texas do hereby certify, that the foregoing answers of Asa
Langford, the within named witness to the accompanying direct
and cross interrogatories, were made before me in my official
capacity, and were subscribed and sworn to before me by said
witness on this the 18th day of February, 1902.
Notary Public, Mills Co., Texas
No. 9045
C.A. Langford, et. al.
Sallie F. Rainey, et. al.
On this, the 5th day of June A.D. 1903, personally appeared
before me, District Clerk, in and for said County, and State of
Texas, Asa Langford, the witness to whom I propounded the
attached direct interrogatories, who being by me first duly
sworn, deposes and answers, as follows:
Entry 1st. What is your name, age, residence and occupation.
Answer. My name is A. (Asa) Langford, my age is 83 years on
the 9th Sept., next. My residence near Center City, Mills Co.,
Texas, and I am a farmer.
Entry 2nd. Please state whether or not you ever knew one Eli
Langford who lived in Red River County some time between
the years 1840 and 1850? If you answer yes, then please state
when, and where you knew him and what relation, if any, was
he to you. Where did the said Eli Langford go to from Red
River County if he ever lived in Red River County? What
became of him? Is he living or dead? If dead where and when
did he die?
Answer. Yes, I knew Eli Langford, he was my father, and he
lived in Red River Co., Texas about the time mentioned, and
went to a place near Jefferson, Texas at which place he disap-
peared, and I know nothing of what became of him, though we
believed then, and I now believe that he died there.
Entry 3rd. If in answer to Interrogatory 2nd you have stated that
you know Eli Langford and that he is dead, then please state
whether or not he left any heirs surviving him, and if so, who
are they and where to they reside? What relation are they to said
Eli Langford?
Answer. Yes, four sons, Maxfield, Russell, Shelby and myself
Asa Langford, all of whom are dead except myself, sons of Eli
Langford. He also left four daughters, Juriah, Charlotta,
Elizabeth, and Huldah Langford, all of whom were sisters of
mine, daughters of Eli Langford, and all married, but only two
are now living, Elizabeth Gallaspie (Gillespie) the wife of W.J.
Gal(l)aspie (Gillespie) who resides in Safford, Arizona, and
Charlotta Lawson, a widow, who is residing at my house near
Center City, Texas. My sister Juriah married first to Joseph
Butler, now deceased, second John Vines, who is also deceased.
My sister Huldah married William Vines, and he too, is dead.
Entry 4th. Do you know whether or not the Eli Langford whom
you claim to know claimed any land in Red River County,
Texas and if so, what land was it?
Answer. He did. He claimed to own a place some two miles out
from Clarksville, though I was never at this place. I don't know.
Entry 5th. To be propounded to A. Langford and Charlotte
Lawson. If you should state that Eli Langford was your father,
then state where you last saw him, also state the name of your
mother and when she and your father died, if dead.
Answer. I last saw Eli Langford on Big Cypress in what is now
Marion Co., Texas and my mother's name (was) Mary Edens
before she married my father, E. Langford. My mother Mary
Langford died at my house in Coryell County, Texas in the year
1862. As stated I can not say positively as to the time and place
my father died. I only know that he was never seen after his
disappearance from near Jefferson on Big Cypress.
Entry 6th. Please state whether or not your father lived with
your mother until her death, if she is dead. If you should state
that your father did not live with your mother till she died, then
state when, where, and under what circumstances he left, and
with whom, if any one and with whom he lived after he left
your mother, if he did leave her, and also state whether said
party was in any way related to you, and if so, what relationship
was it?
Answer. No, my father and mother separated in about 1828 to
1830 and never again lived together. For sometime before he
left my mother entirely, he spent most of his time at a rent house
on the home place, at the house occupied by Ellen Langford the
widow of Maxfield Langford, the daughter-in-law of said Eli
Langford and my sister-in-law, and he then took Ellen Langford
and left San Augustine county and went up near Clarksville,
Texas where he lived for a number of years and from there to
where he is supposed to have died.
A. LANGFORD, Witness.
Sworn to and subscribed to before me by A. Langford on this,
the 5th day of May A.D. 1903.
District Clerk, Mills County, Texas
The State of Texas,
County of Mills,
I, Whit Smith, Clerk of the District Court in and for Mills
County, in the State of Texas do hereby certify, that the above
and foregoing answers to the attached interrogatories, were
made my the said witness, A. Langford, before me, and were by
me reduced to writing in the presence of the said witness, and
the answers so made and signed by said witness, A. Langford,
were by the said witness duly sworn to. To certify all which I
hereunto sign my name at office in Goldthwaite, Texas and
impress the seal of the said Court hereon, this the 5th day of
June A.D. 1903.
District Clerk, Mills County, Texas