Frontier Times Magazine
Vol 2 No. 5 - February 1925
Some names mentioned in this volume:
Jinny Anderson; Lewis Antonio; Austin; Barker; Dr Joseph Barnard; J. B.
Barry; Bass; George Baylor; George Wythe; George Wythe Col; J. W.
Wythe; J. W. Wythe Jr; J. W. Wythe Lt; John R. Wythe; Mrs Lou
Singletary Bedford; Bell; Charles L. Bernheimer; Bill Boren; Henry
Boren; Bowles; Brininstool; Mrs Annie E. Brown; John; F. M. Buckelew;
Aaron Burr; Capt Matt Caldwell; Roque Catahu; G. W. Cayce; Mrs C. W.
Chambers; Rev C. W. ; Lt Chevalier; Larry Chittenden; Connelley; Farrel
Coon; Ruda ington; Jack Cureton; Mingo Dale; Col J. W. Darcey;
Davenport; Dick Dennis; Capt E. B. Dennis ; Col E. B. Dennis ; E. B.
Dennis (Dick); Mrs E. B. Dennis; T. S. Dennis; Mrs T. S. Dennis;
Dobell; Dobell; Col Durst; J. C. Duval; John C. Duval; William Jr
Eilers; Judge Evans; Col Fannin; Jim Feagin; Judge Feagin; Col Fisher;
R. S. Ford; Lula Frye; Tom Gillespie; Capt Gillett; S. H. Gilliland; W.
E. Gilliland; Ruby Green; J. H. Greenwood; Jack Hays; Geo Holland;
George Holland; Samuel E. Holland; Sheriff Julian Hood; Capt Tom
Howard; Hunter; Theresa M. Hunter; Chief Isimanica; Layton; Herman
Lehmann; Matilda Lockhart; Capt W. J. Maltby; George Martin; John
Martin; Lt Martinez; Mrs M. A. Maverick; Sam Maverick; Sam Agustus
Maverick; Susan A. McCarty; Gen McCullough; McDonald; John McPeters;
Bill (see W. J. ) Miller; Elizabeth Miller; Emma A. Miller; F. M.
Miller; J. W. Miller; Joseph Miller; Lula J. Miller; Maj Miller; W. J.
Miller; Zack T. Miller; Jas T. Moore; A. W. Morrow; Bill Murphree; Jim
Ned; Francis Nona; A. B. Paine; George P. Pankey; Henry Pankey; Quanah
Parker; John W. Poe; Col J. M. Polk; Reagan; Capt Redd; Redd; Jo Rice;
Capt D. W. Roberts; Judge Robinson; R. C. Rodgers; Rogers; Maj Rose;
Gen Rusk; Gen Santa Anna; Saunders; Elizabeth Scott; Henry Scott; John
Chief Scott; Mary Scott; Ed Sieker; D. O. Sims; Small; ; John W. Smith;
Marion Smith; Sam S. Smith; Strickland; Maj Sutherland; Capt Sylvester;
T. U. Taylor; Clara Thomas; Judge Thompson; Lt Thompson; Gen Toledo;
Gen Urrea; Dallie Vandever; Dona Juana Varcinez; Leonicio Varcinez; ;
Maj Wallace; Maj Ward; Washburn; Booker Webster; Daniel Webster; Dr
Weidemann; Capt Lysander Wells; Owen White; Bill Williams; Chief Yellow
Calf; A. W. Young; O. S. Young; (See De le Zerla) Zerla; Zerl Zephyrus;
Contents of this volume:
"Memoirs of Mrs. Maverick"
from the "Memoirs of Mrs. Maverick". Detailed and entertaining account
of the life and times of Mrs. Maverick. Samuel Agustus Maverick, Adams,
Durst, Rusk, Campbell, Julian Hood, Thompson, G. W. Cayce, Tom Howard,
Matt Caldwell, Robinson, Morgan, Higginbotham
"Lehmann, the Indian"
and details on the forthcoming book about Herman Lehman, a white man
who spent nine years among the Apaches and Comanches.
"Hunting the Gachupin" by Theresa M. Hunter
article begins, "Gachupin sounds like a prehistoric or extinct species
of animal, doesn’t it? But no, it is merely a strange word I have found
in an old volume of Texas literature." Find out what the gachupin is in
this interesting article.
"Two Men Desperately Wounded" by Mrs. Lula Frye
Frye is daughter of W. J. "Bill" Miller, and this is her narrative of
his experience along with partner A. W. Morrow. Events in and around
McCulloch Co. and Llano Co. Returning from cattle drive to Missouri,
the two are caught in desperate fight with Indians…this is their
terrifying account.
"Indians of Polk County" by William Eilers Jr.
of remnant tribe of Indians "Alabama Indians", a minor tribe of about
30 families still residing in Polk Co. (as of 1924). These were an
unusually industrious and prosperous tribe, being good stewards of
timber holdings, agricultural lands and commodities on their 1200 acre
reservation. This is their account.
"Further details on the killing of Bob Lee in Fannin Co." (or did it occur elsewhere???)
"The Old Frontier: Events of long ago" by W. K. Baylor
gives remarkable, detailed and historically accurate account of life of
Mr. And Mrs E. B. (Dick) Dennis, one of the most courageous and fierce
of all Indian fighters.
"Preachers and Wedding Ceremonies" by A. W. Young
and colorful account of a veteran frontier preacher (30 years) and the
experiences he had performing wedding ceremonies on the Texas frontier
during that time.
"Buried Treasure in Hamilton County" by Bill Murphree
was secreted in Hamilton Co. by Jesuits in 1832. Many have sought for
its location. Tells of the Langford gang on the Llano and Lampasas
Rivers, Gholson’s Gap – Where is the treasure? Maybe this account is
"Nomadic Navahos in the Bad Lands"
of the Rainbow Bridge country, Navaho Mountain and the treks of Mr
Charles L. Bernheimer into the area and his account of the indians who
inhabited that region.
"Pioneer Days in Burnet County" by George Holland
of one of the earliest settlers in Burnet Co., Samuel E. Holland, born
Dec. 6, 1826, settling near Austin, engaged in Battles of Mexican War
near Buena Vista, then came to Burnet Co, and Fort Croghan, purchased
1280 Acres in Hamilton Valley, fought Indians in Llano, Blanco,
Gillespie Mason counties, was first Treasurer-Clerk of county, then
elected to Legislature….lost $70,000 to carpetbaggers after the War,
purchased Mormon Hill, tells of desperate and bloody Indian raid near
Hairston Creek… many more interesting facts and details of the very
earliest pioneer history of the region.
"The Adventures of Jack Dobell" by J. C. Duval
installment (we have all others available – just ask) in series on life
of "Captain" Dobell and his company of Kentucky riflemen in Mexican
War. Speaks of battle at Coleto, Col. Fannin, Gen Urrea, events around
Condition: Excellent, may have minor shelf wear