William (Bill) JAMES married Nancy LANGFORD/Lankford 1865, Tishimingo
Co. MS. He had two son that I know of, William Henderson JAMES and
Robert (Bob) JAMES. Henderson is my GGF. he married Amanda Madie HOOKER
in McNaiy Co. TN. My GF is William Dewey JAMES who married Minnie Pearl
WILLIAMS,in McNairy Co. my F, Clifford Hugh JAMES married Evelyn
Virginia RICKETTS, in Alcorn Co. MS. (which was at one time part of old
Tishimingo Co. MS.
I have not been able to move past Bill JAMES, for sometime now and may
have found out why. NO ONE IN THE FAMILY KNOWNS HIM or HER. Henderson
and Bob arrive in McNairy Co. about the ages of 15 and 12. per my
uncle. Unknown how they got there or why they stayed and married Tom
HOOKER's daughters. One aunt has said that they arrived by train asked
for a job and stayed @ 15 and 12! One uncle said that after his father
(Dewey) died he asked about his great grandfather (Bill), his name and
so forth and his mother Pearl (WILLIAMS)JAMES said she didn't know his
name and they didn't talk about him. My uncle after the way his mother
said we don't talk about him never asked again nor did he ask his
grandfather Henderson. My uncle is 70 some years old and until I told
him the other day his GGF name was William (Bill) JAMES, he don't know.
I got the names of William (Bill) and Nancy (LANGFORD)JAMES from
Henderson death records. My uncle said that Flora (JAMES)WHITE
(Henderson daughter)may have given it to Shackelford Funeral Home
Selmer TN when Henderson died. Nancy was full blood Cherokee. That
might be it! Why did the brother never talk about them? Henderson died
in 1966 way after anyone would have looked down on Bill for being
married to an INDIAN. Henderson never know his age but, used 1870 and I
have seen a census stating 1878 as a birth date. He married Amanda
Madie HOOKER in 1895 McNairy Co. TN, she born 1877, and 18 when they
married. He would have been 25 or 17 yeas old, which ever date you use.
This would have to be a LONG courtship of 10 yrs. or 5yrs. or her
coming of age in 1895 or him being a half breed maybe Tom didn't like
that. Anyway by 1898 they are in TX. Dewey, Henderson son was born in
TX 1898 no one knows WHERE and the family is back in McNairy for the
1900 census. Henderson buys a farm next to or takes ownership of part
or all of the HOOKER farm, there in McNairy and all the rest of his
children were born there, Flora, Lessie and Jesse Benton. All of
Dewey's children but the last one was born on that farm. Why TX and
back? Well you remember Robert (Bob) Lee JAMES!!! he married Laura
HOOKER, (Amanda sister)they married in 1889 McNairy Co. TN and their
first child Alva was born in McNairy but their third child Annie May
JAMES was born in Van Alystine TX / Grayson Co.in 1897. Why are Dewey's
and Annie May birth date important. In that same 1900 census of McNairy
Co. where Henderson, Amanda and Dewey are listed so is Laura and her
children and she is living next door to Henderson, with her parents the
Tom HOOKER family and Robert (Bob) Lee JAMES is gone for ever!!!!!!
It's been said he died in a flood. WHERE WHEN etc. No one can say not
even his grandchildren know, Laura never said. Did Robert (Bob)and
family go to TX. to see Bill and Nancy. My uncle said he had over heard
a conversation one time about the Trail of Tears. Was Bill and Nancy
across the stateline in OK. with her family. Or in TX to be close to
them. How and where did Robert die. Did Henderson and family go to TX
to see the folks or get Laura and the kids to bring them back to
If you stayed this long, do you have any info.
By the way how come Jesse and Frank stayed on the HOOKER farm when they
robbed the bank at Corinth MS? Which was the part Henderson owned. One
aunt said that we are related some how, but if you can't get past
William (Bill) JAMES how can you be.