Sherman business establishments in 1884
HUGH PERRY Flower baskets, Bibles, albums, tablets, blank
hammocks, base ball goods, croquet, kites shelf paper, office
supplies, gold pens, etc.
ANDREWS, BINKLEY & CO. Popular priced Footwear 110
North Travis St.
I. GOLDSMITH & CO. Fine Dress Goods, Dry Goods, Millinery,
Cloaks -
Linz Block 107 North Travis Street
McNAUGHTON's BOOK STORE 120 North Travis
E. S. SMITH's Brownies - A browney free with every purchase
IKE EXSTEIN & BRO. North Side Square
SKILLERN, The Druggist
Sherman Daily Register
November 1884
Marriage Licenses: G. E. Hammond and Miss Madie Hooper
Henry Whitfield and Miss Fannie King
J. A. Hogan and Miss Fannie Lovebette
Hugh Boon and Miss Florence Crow
Anderson Mullins and Miss Mattie McJunkin
J. W. King and Miss Jennie Smith
Tuesday 20 Oct. 1885
17 Oct Marilla Sivills died at her home 15 mile southeast of
Sherman, wife of Maj. John Sivills.
(no obituary)
Webb Teel, 5 year old son of William Teel, died at residence four
miles west of city, 19 Oct.
Buried at city cemetery Oct 21, 10 o’clock.
Jules Gunter, who has been quite ill for a number of days is on
the improve.
John Hedrick, late of Las Vegas, N. M., was admitted to the
bar in this city yesterday by Judge Maltbie.
Jot Gunter, J. H. Britton and T. G. Brown returned from an extended
hunting trip yesterday.
J. P. Harrison, who has been confined to his bed with the denque
for several days, was able to be out today. Mrs. Cooper Nott, wife of Auditor
Nott of the Texas and Pacific road, left today for Philadelphia.
Mr. Nott will accompany her as far as St. Louis.
Lum Johnson, U. S. Deputy Marshall, from Gainesville, is in the
city today.
M. W. Witt, deputy sheriff at Whitesboro, is here attending court.
M. G. Hildebrand went down to Dallas this evening.
I. M. Standifer and A. E. Wilkinson, of Denison, are attending court
Mrs. Thorn, of 401 Throckmorton Street, east Sherman, is quite ill.
Will Dorman, formerly of Sherman, but now of St. Louis, is in the
city shaking hands
with all his old friends.
Tom Woods took the east bound train for Bonham this morning.
E. F. Sheets, formerly conductor on the Texas & Pacific road
is in the city.
Clarence Wolfington, formerly of Sherman but now of Harold, is in
the city
J. P. Russell, of Gainesville, is registered at the Binkley.
H. W. Brown, formerly clerk in the Colonade Hotel, at Dension,
left for Paris today, where he accepts a position as a clerk in the Peterson
The BINKLEY HOUSE proprietors are busy arranging beds and cots so
as to be
able to accomadate the crowd during the fair.
Wednesday Oct. 21, 1885
Court Records
Geo. Freeman, charged with disposing of mortgaged property, called
Judge Hinkle.
Sterling Gavot arrested for robbing Creek Indian of $10, who claims
Gavot’s name
is Geo. Grayson (Denison.)
Ed Bingham attacked by irate husband (Denison)
George Freeman; Postponed to Friday 9:00 AM
Thursday 22 Oct, 1885
Billie Hamilton, constable of Kentuckytown, is in the city and says
his court has been
kept busy for the last month issuing attachments on cotton.
Mat Carrol, a colored man, who lives near the Oil Mills, upset a
lamp and burned his
hands severely in extinguishing the blaze occasioned thereby.
A few bedclothes were
Harry Sirpless, 56 years, North Walnut, born Ohio, near Mansfield,
in 1829, came to
Sherman 1873, then to Galena, KS 1881, back to Sherman. Leaves
wife and two sons, oldest being Cash of the Register. Services by G.W.
Rogers at residence.
Mollie Langford, wife of Wm. Died at residence of C.H. Brown on
W. Mulberry
Wed. 21. Husband and two children survive. Services
a Brown residence by
Rev. J.S. Moore of First Presbyterian Church
J.T. Estes, of prominent family, adjudged insane.
Miss Katie Duvault of Pottsboro and Mre. Emma Amos of Campbell are
visiting Miss Plona Maxey at her home in Fairview, north of Sherman.
Tom Clark who has been quite ill for a number of days is improving.
County Attorney Randell, after severe attack of dengue, is able
to be out again.
Sammie Moore will remove to his new residence on West Jones sometime
this week.
Mrs. Bickle, of Denison, and old friend of family of Mr Sirpless,
who came for funeral, returned to her home this evening.
Mrs. A.T. Kelley and daughter of St. Louis are visiting family Rev.
Rob’t Dulen.
Mrs. R.P. Bales is quite ill with dengue fever.
Dr. J.T. Allen of the (BIT? Could this be some part of the Indian
Territory) is in the city. He came down to attend the funeral of
Mrs. W.H. Langford.
The Bella Moore Company arrived on the 4o’clock train.
T.E. Shirley, adjusting agent for Houston & Texas Central is
registered at Beiler House.
D.J. Miller, with four children, of Alabama is at the Binkley House
Mrs. Chamberlain, sister of late Mrs. Langford, is very sick.
Tom Bradley has rented residence on N. Travis now occupied by G.C.
Freeman and will move in one day this week.
Mrs. Mary Donaldson will try to regain possession of property on
Gray’s Hill Saturday morning on writ of forcible entry and detainer.
The case will come before Judge Hinkle.
Sherman Fair and Races Monday 26 Oct. – Saturday 31 October
Friday 23 Oct, 1885
George Rigsby, formerly in the Pacific Express office here, was in
the city today.
Mrs. C. F. Schweer returned from Whitesboro this morning where she
been visiting for some days past.
Tom Richards returned from Gainesville this morning.
M. H. Andrews came in on the the east bound train this morning from
Pecos, where he went to attend the land sale.
Mrs. Gertie McBride, sister of Cash Sirpless, arrived last night
on a visit to the family. (Ed. note: amusing name)
The Grayson Rifles had a drill at their Hall last night.
The building formerly occupied by H. B. Callers, the grocery man,
will be occupied by M. Ripinski after the first.
A. E. Elliot, J. C. Lea, Dr. A. C. Pickens, C. S. Leeper and J.
Haralson of Bells are in town today attending court.
New auctioneer in town, W. T. Wells, is moving into his new residence
on East Mulberry where his grain barn formerly stood.
Harry Turner, while hunting a few days ago, got his foot sprained
and has been crippled ever since.
B. F. Colbert, of the BLt., is in the city today.
T. D. Powell, father of A. W. Powell, the gentlemanly ticket agent
at the Union Depot, is here visiting his son.
A little son of Dr. King fell from a pecan tree a day or two ago
and broke both arms.
It is rumored that Rev. Scott Jones is a candidate for matrimony.
Visitors are arriving on every train to be in attendance to the
R. Walsh has got his bar fitted up at the fairground.
Mannon Weisman, a respectable and enterprising planter, who lived
6 mile west of the city, departed this mortal existence yesterday morning
of typhoid fever. Buried today in cemetery near where he lived.
Sat. Oct. 24, 1885
Mrs. Annie Cooper, South Walnut Street, is very ill with dengue
T.E. Lewis is very ill at residence, 401 Throckmorton St.
Tom Clark, quite sick at residence of his father on South
Travis, is no better today.
F.X. Eagon of Gainesville is visiting in this ciry.
L. Dryfoos took east bound train to Little Rock to be gone
several days.
J.D. Haislip returned from Austin this morning.
Ben Meyers returned from Gainesville and will go to work at
Anchor Saloon Monday morning.
Jake Spangler returned from the Nation last evening.
Mrs. P.H. Peters will go over to Denison on the 5:30 train
to spend a few days visiting Mrs. Daniels of that city.
Uncle Jimmy Thurmond is quite ill at the Binkley.
J.W. Philips and Major Carnes of Gainesville are in the city
today shaking hands with friends.
J.P. Noble of Bonham in city today.
E.W. Cave, treasurer of Houston & Texas Central road registered
at the Binkley.
J.F. Evans, who has been down with dengue, made his appearance
on street today.
C.W. Lewis has removed his office upstaire over Room he recently
J. Treszevant, state agent for Drummond Tobacco Co., here
on business.
Ely & Cook selling goods at reduced rate.
The residence of Ed Bushard, about a mile out of town on the Rock
Bluff Ferry Road, was a scene of merriment last evening. Frank Kohler’s
orchestra furnished the very best music to be had. A large number
of neighboring young folks were present and also a goodly number from the
city. During the evening refreshments were served in the way of solid
and light edibles. Dancing was kept up until a reasonably late hour,
when the young folks parted for the evening and dispersed to their several
homes, well pleased with the enjoyment of the event. The young people,
both of the city and country, are indebted to Mr. Bushard and lady for
the many hospitalities rendered.
C.H. Smith, recently connected with a mammoth rink in Ohio, has
leased the Brooks building located on the south west corner of the public
square, and will this evening open a skating rink in this city. He
will occupy both floors of the building and assures us everything will
be conducted in an orderly and decorous manner. Mr. Jones of Denison
will assist at the opening. First class music will be furnished.
The admission has been placed at the nominal sum of 10 cents. Call
and exercise yourself. Grand Carnival and Masquerade Ball Thursday
evening, Oct 29th.
Merchants & Planters National Bank
Authorized Capital - $1,000,000; Paid up Capital - $600,000; Surplus
- $13,000
Officers: President – C.C. Binkley; Vice President – R.A. Chapman;
Cashier – Tom Randolph;
Directors: C.C. binkley, R.A. Chapman, Tom Randolph, C.(Andrew?),
J.L. Randolph, Thos. Richards. W.C. Eubank, Many stockholders listed.
The "QT" Binkley Bar & South End, under one management.
Gentlemanly Treatment and Best of Goods – Billiards and Pool – R.Walsh,
Monday 26 Oct., 1885
Wm. Standifer, who has been down with dengue for several days, is
able to be out again.
Jesse Whitehurst came over from Denison yesterday and spent the
day with friends.
Jim Rudolph of McKinney is in the city.
Prof. Ault, Ft. Worth's favorite cornetist, is in town and will
assist Prof. Kohler during the fair.
Mrs. Shackleford returned last Saturday evening from a pleasant
visit to friends and relatives.
M. H. Carico, state agent for the Dallas Herald, is in the city
in the interest of the Herald.
Cecil Lyons, who came home from Bryan on account of sickness, has
recovered and returned again.
Mrs. R. R. Dixon of East Cherry Street, who has been quite ill for
several days, is improving.
Bige Rue returned from Bryan Saturday night to attend the bedside
of his mother who is quite low. Little hopes are entertained of her
Eugene Craycroft of Honey Grove was in the city today on business.
W. O. Rowe took the east bound train for Honey Grove today, where
he goes to buy some cotton.
D. C. Johnson, the popular traveling man, spent Sunday in Sherman
with his family.
M. A. Elzey went east this morning.
Oct. 27, 1885
J.B. Moore was brought in from the Washita country this morning
by Deputy US Marshall Spengler and placed in jail on a charge of having
committed an assault with intent to kill one Spencer during June.
There are now 47 inmates in the county jail.
Awards at the Fair: D.H. Shroud, James Marvel, Howe; R.W.
Chanpion, W.W. Scott, Sherman; A.H.Montgomery, Pilot Point; Jno Jennings,
G.T. Donne, J.F. Evans, T.H. Parker, J.L. Nothoff, J.L. Biggerstaff, Jot
Gunter, Joe Clymer
Entries in running race: Our Friend by Mollie Thomas; Chantilly
by Fletch Taylor; Helianthus by Tom Birch.
Division Superintendants: R.M. Smith, N.A. Birge, E.C. Hall
President of Driving Park Association: Sam Lazarus
City Directory:
C.N. Buckler – Mayor
C.H. McFarland & (?) McConville – Aldermen, 1st Ward
L.H. Hunter & C.F. Gribble – Aldermen, 2nd Ward
J.R. Cole & Jake W.Levy – Aldermen 3rd Ward
C.L. Stowe & R.E. Smith – Aldermen, 4th Ward
J.F. Pendleton – Treasurer
J.T. Cunningham – Secretary
Joseph Cobb – City Attorney
John M. Blain – City Marshall
Members of Secret Orders
GAR: Wicker - Post Commander; Dillingham – Adjutant
Invisible Friends Commandery: J.C. Williams - E.C.; J. Wallace –
Knights of Honor: J.F. Stevenson – Dictator; J.E. Wallace - Reporter
Knights & Ladies of Honor: S.W. Porter – Protector; W.E Oxford
– Secretary
Order of the Iron Hall: D.F. Miler – Chief Justice; J.E. Wallace
– Accountant
Merchants Protection Assn,: J.W. Levy – President; J.E. Wallace
– Secretary & Treasurer
R.A. Chapter: Lee Totten – HP; W.E Oxford – Secretary
Travis Lodge AF & AM: H.N. Tuck – WM; J.W. Stewart – Secretary
Mystic Lodge, Knights of Pythias: C.F. Gribble – CC; C.R. Benson
– K of (P?)S
Grayson Rifles: J.C. Edmonds – Cap’t; F.A. Bryan – 1st Lt.
Knights of Labor: L.W. Button – MW; J.W. Stewart – Secretary
IOOF No. 45: W.R Dean – NG; John W. Hopson – Secretary
IOOF: Solon Totten – Commander
Ancient Order United workmen: F. Wedman – MW; A Poleman – Recorder
Am. Legion of Honor: C.F. Schweer – Commander; Harry Jones – Secretary
IOOF No 21: W.L, Morton – CP; J.W. Hopson – Secretary
A Painful Bruise
Last night an Irishman by the name of Mat Gammon while under the
influence of liquor, started to walk to Denison. He got along all
right until he reached the small culvert at the crossing of Throckmorton
Street. He missed his balance, tumbled off into the bed of the ravine,
which is about 10 feet below the bridge ties. His face was
pretty badly skinned but his injuries are not serious.
Late yesterday afternoon Frank Nichols, a street car driver, found
a purse with a goodly sum of money in it, lying in the seat where it had
been dropped by some passenger. The article was taken to the general office
of the company and left. In about a half hour a man came in and described
the property, which was, of course, immediately turned over to him.
J.W. Stewart, who is engaged in organizing local assemblers of the
Knights of Labor, returned from Savoy yesterday afternoon. He says
he set a flourishing lodge on foot there.
Frank Bryan deserves credit for the manner in which he is doing
about ten mens work at the Racing Park.
The new South Sherman public school building is the admiration of
the great crowds who pass it to and from the Driving Park.
Capt Lyons new residence will soon be ready for occupancy.
Last night about 8:30 o’clock when fair Luna was still riding behind
the screen of clouds, Uncle Mose Daniel, an old colored man who lives on
Iron Ore Creek, laid a bundle of coffee and a chicken down on the
Union Depot platform
and rolled up his sleeves determined to show the crowd of hoodlums
who infest the depot, that "he warn’t going to be pestered wid none of
dar sass" While Uncle Mose was thus occupied one of the miscreants grabbed
the chicken and ran. His rooster-ship put forth one yell that awakened
Uncle Mose and offended dignity was swallowed up in the idea he was about
to lose a Sunday dinner. Then began a race for life. The old
fellow’s feet were far more nimble than his frosty hair would indicate
and he took the chicken and chap both in. The jeering was resumed
again, but Uncle Mose didn’t lay articles down anymore.
Mrs. Mary Mitchell, who has been away from the city visiting,
returned home late yesterday afternoon afternoon and found that during
her absence someone had entered her residence on W. Jones and robbed a
bureau of money left there. A trunk belonging to her brother Mr.
Dick Faults was also robbed.
Misses Nina Holt and Mollie Skinner of Pilot Point are in
the city visiting the family John Dale on S. Travis.
Doxie Williams, the evangelist, is expected to arrive tomorrow.
Charles Banks, of Honey Grove, who has been visiting relations in
the city, returned home yesterday.
Tom Clark, who has been dangerously ill, is now said to be improving
quite rapidly.
Chas. Hopson, formerly of this city, but now an employee of H.W.
Williams & Co., wholesale druggists of Ft. Worth, is here on a short
visit to his parents.
Fred Warren and wife have returned to Sherman and will make this
their future home.
Hardy Thomas and wife are here attending the fair.
J.P. Wheat , who has had a severe attack of dengue, is at place
of business today.
Dr. Rice (322) Market Street, cures all forms of private, chronic
and sexual deseases – Syphilis, Gleet, Gonorrhea, - Private Counselor
Court Records
Hannah, Platter & Co. vs Harbison & Wilson
Frank Smith and Martin McKay – Robbery
Mont Jacobs – Robbery
Hannah, Platter & Co. vs Harbison & Wilson
Frank Smith and Martin McKay; charged with robbery last nigh
Mont Jacobs – robbery commited Sunday night, $1,500 Bond
47 prisoners in Jones Street Boarding House
Oct. 29, 1885
Max Mumsonheimer – capital, probation, fine
Mrs. G.M. Etter is still very ill.
A.E. Bower of Denison is taking in Fair today.
Dan Dugan came up from Bells today on pleasure trip.
Billy Harper of Whitesboro taking in races today.
C.W. Lewis is last registered victom of dengue.
S.E. Elliot, after several attacks of malarial fever, is convalescent.
H.A. Parish of North Walnut is quite sick with dengue.
Major T.G. Brown, well known traveling man, is registered at the
J.P. Leslie of Van Alstyne enterprise is in the city taking in the
races and Fair.
Tom Clark has sufficiently recovered from recent spell to be on
the street again.
Mrs. R.P Bates, after a severe attack of dengue, is able to be up
and around again.
George Light came in from Pilot Point today.
James Ford, the gentlemanly representative of Texas Farm & Ranch,
Dallas, is a visitor today.
Jule Gunter, dangerously sick for last ten days, improved and able
to be on the streets.
Wirt Brown, well known as one of the most genial and affable of
hotel men, left this morning for his headquarters at Peterson House, Paris.
Dud McCannis infant son is quite ill.
Dixon Williams, evangelist, arrived in city.
Two new Chinamen and their wives arrived in town.
Joe Linz house is repainted; one of handsomest residences in town.
The Wells Fargo & Co. office being fitted up on N. Travis will
be a beauty when completed.
Robert Buchanan and Mrs. Frances Wainwright – marriage license.
R.A. Gibbs is moving household goods stored over drug store to his
new residence on E. Mulberry.
Much news of Fair and awards in this issue.
Sears Saloon – P.E. Kirch, Proprietory
Farmers & Merchants Saloon – W.H. Buckley; East side of
the square
Bank Saloon – W.E. Herrington, Proprietor; East side of square
Anchor Saloon – O.E. Hawley, Proprietor; Southeast side of square
Williams Tonsorial Parlor; Opposite the QT
Hildebrand & Warrick Groceries; South Travis Street
R.E. Smith – Attorney at law and Notary Public
Geo. R Clayton – Oculist and Aurist; North side of square over Davis
S.C. Eason – Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon; 2nd door east of
Wallace’s Hardware
J.P. Green – Fire Insurance and Real Estate
J.F. Kohler – Tanner and repairer
Hawlowetz & Schlosser – Groceries, Produce, etc.
W.M Dick – Fine boots and shoes; opposite Binkley House
C.O. Riley’s Lunch Stand
Bates & Davis – Shoe Store; North Travis opposite City Bank
Hansen & Bodecker Bakery
Mrs. Julia A. King – Millinery; South Travis
J.T. Watts – Meat Market; North Travis and Cherry
Stith Bros. – Groceries
Albert Ray – Gunsmith
Fitch & Stowe – Groceries; East side of square and Houston St.
Dr. B.B. Pettitt – Homeopathist
C.B. Hendershott– Sash, doors, blinds; Pecan and Walnut
J.M. Vestal – Domestic Sewing Machine; Travis Street
Washington Iron Works – S. Totten, Manager
C.W. Lewis – Real Estate, Land & Loan Agent; @ doors south of
John P. Hart – Real Estate, Land agent; Office at M.H. & C.M.
Andrews, north side of square
H.A. Burnett – Dealer in Coal
The Anheuser-Busch Brewing Assoc – E. Arnoldi, Agent; Office at
Sherman Ice Works
E. Epstein – Wholesale Liquors, Cigars, etc.
Hilderbrand & Warrick – Grocers
Sherman Gas Co., - Dealer in McAlester Coal
Oct. 30, 1885
States evidence against young Mrs. Walkup for poisoning of her husband
is closed and defense begun. A case of circumstantial evidence on
one side and beautiful tearful woman on other with 10 chances to 1 for
Little boy, Willie Simpson, run over by horse near park; badly
Max Zoellner of Wallick’s Bandit King Co. is in city.
Made arrangements with manager Batsell for production of Bandit King in
this city.
Report to Chief of Police Blaine of attempted robbery of Mr.
Binton who runs grocery.
B.F. Colbert of Nation in the city for Fair and races.
W.T. Scott of Denison in town.
Walter Jones has returned from business trip; looks quite bad from
attack of dengue fever.
Wes Clemmons is in town from his ranch in (?) County.
Henry Sanderson and Miss (Mae) Morton united in marriage.
Oct. 31, 1885
Ex Shermanite killed – Galveston News of 30th reports accidental
killing of Harry Duble.
M. Schneider & Bro. Are putting up an iron awning on west and
south sides of business.
Elder Charles Carlton of Bonham to occupy the pulpit at Christian
Church tomorrow.
Today is the last day of the Fair.
Pete Klein, butcher, bought 13 head of porkers from W.B. Reagan.
Dudley Mc G(?) yesterday found a check on the 1st National Bank
of Denison for $100 made payable to St. Louis Type Foundry and signed by
T.J.Crooks& Co. Bro. Crooks can recover his property by calling
at the lunch stand in the Union Depot.
Nov. 2, 1885
Mrs. Willie Marshall to Whitesboro Sunday afternoon.
Wallace Rucker came up to see his girl Sunday.
John Sparger of Bonham spent Saturday in city.
J.R. Griffin, train master of this division of T&P went east
Chas. Miller, Choctaw division of Mo. Pacific in city for few days.
Mrs. Burgess, wife of Officer Burgess, still quite ill.
Tom Scott went to Bells Sunday.
Tom Clark able to be up and around again.
Mrs. Lucius Stowe of White Read mill, BIT, in city visiting Mrs.
Gov. Throckmorton returned to McKinney after attending the Fair
and races.
John P. Hird and lady have been visiting Esq. Dills; returned to
T.L. Lewis of east Sherman has been ill for several weeks; no better
Oscar McCarley, who broke his wrist in alighting from a streetcar
Friday, returned home to Collin Co., yesterday.
Frank Kohler is reported as being much improved today.
Miss Emma Umphrees, who has been visiting in the family of A.L.Darnall,
has returned home.
Miss Lou Collins, who has been visiting in the city has returned
Miss Lula Dejsart who has been the guest of Miss Pet Smith the past
has returned home.
Miss Cora Whiteside of Van Alstyne left on the south bound train
Miss Katie Devault accompanied her sister Mrs. Amos down to Campbell
this morning.
Trainmaster Larkin and his wife, nee Miss Annie Crowley, who have
been in the city for last day or twi returned home to Bonham this morning.
Mrs. William Wright and little daughter came up form Los Angeles,
Tom Green Co. this morning and are visiting Dr. Wright on S. Walnut St.
Charles Parr of the Courier job office went over to Denison on a
business trip today.
The Kitty Chatham troupe came in this morning and will appear in
"Professor" tonight.
Forest Moore, who has been attending the Fair, returned to Van Alstyne.
Mrs. Al Chandler, who has been in the city, a few days left for
McKinney yesterday.
Miss Rosa Felin of Collin Co. is the guest of Mr. W. Bowlby on Branch
Bertrand Richards paid Denison a visit yesterday.
E. (Ernstad?) went down to Paris on a short jaunt this morning.
Willie Batsell returned to school at Bonham this morning.
Constable Wright took in Bonham on official visit today.
Mrs. John Dickerman is quite ill at her residence on corner of King
and Montgomery St’s.
J.W. Finley went to Bells today to attend to some court matters.
Misses Lee and Baker of Roanook who have been visiting at the Sherman
Institute returned home Sunday.
Court records:
Geo. Gillis, colored, was arraigned for committing a nuisance
and held over for trial.
Henry Tauxe, bartender
at the Merchant’s Rest. & Saloon was arrested yesterday by Chief of
Police Blain and Officer Melton on a charge of selling liquor to two negro
women. Hr pled guilty this morning and was fined $20 and costs.
Gus Sloane pled guilty to assault and battery and was fined $5 and
Nov. 3, 1885
Jury Docket:
Byers Bros. Vs Mo. Pacific Railway Co.
M.S. Klum vs J.H. Flippen
C.Wilson vs Knifflen Bros. Et al
Hughey Sweeney vs Mo. Pacific Railway Co.
C. Aultman vs H.C. Devault
Charles Crenshaw et al vs TX & Pacific R R Co.
Nov. 5, 1885
C.G. Stacy keeps best assortment of cigars in city.
Just received at E. Epstein Co. a shipment of Kentucky sour mash.
Ladies should not miss seeing the millinery at Moore & Ainsley
befoe buying.
Ladies Meeting – A meeting for ladies only was held at Pecan St.
Baptist Church this afternoon at 3:00 by Rev. Dison Williams.
No further intelligence has been received for Gordonville in regard
to shooting of negro Jackson by Constable Reich. Quite probable he
is dead as wound was almost necessarily fatal.
Wm. Kelly, acting in capacity of constable during absence of Constable
Wright at El Paso.
H.E Maley and Parrie C(?) wed at Binkley House by Esquire Hinkley.
Recital – at North Texas Female College, Friday evening 8:00
Overture – Mozart; Misses Kuykendall
Vocal solo - Daddy; Miss Etta Cole
Solo – La Balandine; Miss Carrie Elzie
Recitation – Entertaining Missionary Agent; Miss Zelma Moore
Solo – Cows Are in the Corn; Les (?) and Miss Willie Traynham
Solo; Miss Cora Wilson
Solo – Katie’s Letter; Miss Ida Elzie
Duo; Misses Warden and Dills
Solo; Miss Hattie Warden
Violin Obligato; Miss Willie Traymham and Prof. Frank Kohler
Recitation; Miss Susie Ikard
Vocal solo; Miss Julia Dills
Recitation; Miss Julia Moore
Instrument solo; Miss Jonnie Kuykendall
Vocal solo; Miss Etta Cole
Recitation; Miss Levenia Campbell
Vocal solo; Miss Emma Warden
Mrs. Ed Opel quite ill at residence on South Montgomery.
Mrs E.G. Douglas, wife of sheriff, still quite ill.
Joe Cobb and Policeman Kelly took in Gate City today.
Dave Thorne, who is quite ill st his home on S Crockett is better
Jeff Jennings, we are sorry to say, is no better today.
L. Hunter, of the Democrat, after several days illness, is at his
post again.
Mrs. Dr. G.M. Ramsey, of Clokey, PA, is here visiting her sister,
Mrs. Aspinall.
Miss Rubie Fears, daughter of Col. Fears of Denison, is visiting
Mrs. P.H. Peters of Gray’s Hill.
Prof. Kohler, who has been quite ill, is improving.
Sad death – The result of a boyish battle with stones near 1st Ward
school Monday 2nd. Little Frankie Bankts pays the price of childish
imprudence; died Wed. 4th. Body at residence of Charles Bankts, W.
Jones St.
Nov. 6 1885
T.E. Lewis of east Sherman is not expected to live.
Mrs. J. Pattie, of Van (Alstyne), is visiting Mrs. Robbins in east
Mrs. Douglas, wife of our efficient sheriff, is quite ill with no
perceptible improvement over yesterday.
Henry Sanderson, a new made benedict, of Gordonville, and formerly
a member of Sherman police department returned home this morning.
Mrs Sallie Martin & daughters, Sallie & Pattie, have returned
home from Kentucky and Tennessee. The young ladies have been attending
Liberty Female College at Glascow, Kentucky. They will occupy old family
home on S Walnut.
Lengthy article regarding funeral of Frankie Bankts conducted by
Rev Mr. Hyde of St, John’s Congregational Church.
Wanted – An office boy – Must be trusty and reliable – Dr. H.C.
George Lacy case dismissed by Justice Hinkle.
Officer Wright returned from El Paso where he went to carry Wm.
Jones, a witness in the case of State of Texas vs. Bret Forest.
J.L. Bradley and Miss Lura Meek wed at residence of R.M. Meek, 106
Crockett St. by Rev. J.M. Binkley.
Geo. Bingham loses left foot at Tyler while engaged as conductor
on the Texas & St. Louis narrow gauge.
Girl wanted – a white girl to do general housework.
Steady work and good wages to right party. Apply at residence of
Frank Johnson, S. Travis St.
Nov. 7 1885
A Trio of Fires Last Night and This Morning
Quite a disastrous prairie fire occurred 12 mile west of the
city last night about 10 o’clock. W.D. Mayfield, upon whose land
the blaze was first started, had taken the precaution to plow all around
the spot in order to clear it of stubble but high wind arose during the
evening and drove flames across broken ground into pasture of J.F. Evans.
Flames spread rapidly, soon consuming several ricks of hay amounting to
tons. Buildings including barns and residences were saved
About 8 this morning, the residence of Mrs. Eliza Maxey, in
Fairview, discovered to be on fire in the roof of kitchen. Building
insured with W.T. Boyd of city.
Check missing part of this account
JOHN P. HART – City Real Estate & General Land Agt. Ofc.
M.H. & C.M. Andrews, north side of square
JOHN HEDRICH – Atty at Law, east side of square
DR. M.S. Hudson – Dentist
C.W. LEWIS – Real Estate, Land & Loan Agt., 2 doors east
Apartment for rent from Mrs. Cox, corner King and Walnut
Monday Nov 9 1885
Tom Puckett, negro boy, accidentally shoots self.
Bartender at Peter Fay’s saloon, arrested for opening saloon
before 1 o’clock Monday morning.
Miss Florence Morris awarded for giving best reason why boys
should not smoke. Presented by Wm. Shelton, PC – ME Church South.
Mattie McKinney. lady of color, used rough language at King
house on S. Travis St. Saturday pm. Arraigned to Justice Hinkles court
Bob Smith, charged with waylaying and robbing Mail Messenger
Rev. Dixon Williams, evangelist, accompanied by Rev. Mr. Rogers
of Pecan St. Baptist Church, Capt. Tom Richards & Capt. L. F. Ely,
went to County Jail yesterday afternoon by request of Jailer Calahan.
Several students of Sherman Female Institute, accompanied by teachers,
adjourned to banks of Choctaw this morning to enjoy a day of rustic sport.
Henry Childs, charged with assault and battery, fined $10.00 and
cost before Justice Hinkle this morning.
Complaints filed against Dona Douglas and Rachel Franklin today
for vagrancy.
Z. P. Dedrick tried in county courthouse this morning on charge
of adultery, found guilty and fined $200 and costs.
Mrs. Winnie Hull, same charge, pled guilty through her attorneys,
fined $100 and costs.
Jail break in McKinney – Thirteen of fifteen prisoners escape during
the night. Other two escape next morning. Jailer George Beck
and Geo Dalsell, colored man from Dallas, hit in head with sandbag near
transfer shed.
J. F. Koler able to be out again today.
James A. Price, book keeper at Walkers, China Hall suffering from
combination of dengue and malaria, able to be out today.
Proprietors of the BINKLEY pleased with office stove purchased from
ROBERTS, HARDWICKE and TAYLOR, today ordered its mate for dining room.
Jones & Smith, brick and handmade tile - ? W. Sherman, Pilot
Point Road. Leave orders at Jones Store, South Travis Street.
AMERICAN HOUSE – Wm. McCann – Proprietor. Within 100 feet
of Union Depot
SAM’S SALOON – P.E. Kirsch, Proprietor
ANCHOR SALOON – O.E. Hawley, Proprietor
BANK SALOON – W.E. Herrinton, Proprietor
FARMERS & MERCHANTS SALOON – East side of square – W.B. Buckley,
GEORGE R. CLAYTON, MD – Oculist and Aurist, north side of square
over Davis Hardware
S.C. EASON, MD Homeopathic Physician & Surgeon, Lamar Street,
2nd door east of (Wallace’s?) Hardware
J.F. KOHLER – Tuner and Repairer – Leave orders with W. Elliott
& Bros.
HAWLOWETZ & SCHLOSSER – Grocery, Produce, Northeast corner North
Travis & Mulberry
J.P. GEREN – Fire Insurance Real Estate Agency, Office over City
door to M&P bank
DR B.B.PETTOTT – Homeopathist
I.M. STANDIFER – Atty at Law, Denison. Rooms east stairway,
Muller Block
ALDRICH & GIBBS – Druggists – Wallpaper & Paint
G.A. SERVISS & CO – Lightning Rods & their fixtures &
FARMERS GIN – West Houston Street near Iron Bridge
WHEAT, GREER & CREAGER – Corner Pecan & Walnut
WHITE ELEPHANT – Bar & Billiard Parlor, Proprietor – Joe Meadows
& Co., Denison
Sacrament of baptism conferred upon infant son of Rev. Miller at
parsonage of E. Sherman M.E. Church, south, this afternoon by Rev. J.M.
W.A. Griffin and Miss Vallie C. Cummins united in marriage Nov.
4 at National Hotel by Rev. Mr. Miller of Willow Street Methodist Church.
Both here recently from Kentucky.
A colored man by the name of Winters, broke his wrist at his place
north of the city.
Henry Duncan, colored, was arrested ib charge of aggravated assault
on his father.
Geo. Lacy arrested by Officer Blain on charge of obtaining money
on false
Tues.Nov. 10, 1885
John H. Preston et al vs Henry Jones
J.F. Cuff vs Wm. King
S.W. Fields vs H & TC Ry Co.
Roberts, Hardicke & Taylor vs E. Smith & Co. et al
City of Sherman vs H & TC Ry Co.
P.P Robertson et al vs H.A. Hughes et al
Wed. Nov. 11, 1885
J.L. Beach vs Mo. Pacific Ry Co.
Mary Gibson vs City of Sherman
S.G. Knaur vs J.E. Streeper
J.L. Cobb vs H & TC Ry Co.
R.T. Emerson vs Waterman Star & Co. et al
J.R. Wheat vs Isaac Davis
Thurs. Nov. 12 1885
W. H. Brooks vs
Jan. 1 1893
A son born to Mr. & Mrs. Tom Randolph
A son born to Mr. And Mrs. J.C. Blackmon – East Houston Street
July 1, 1893
Misses Emma and Etta Pullen left Sat. by way of the Cotton Belt for
Tennessee and Georgia to spend the summer.
Judge Gregg, accompanied by his family, left today for Eureka Springs
to spend several weeks at that well known health resort.
Mrs. I. T. Akers and son, Olan, left yesterday for Eureka Springs
the 12:25 train to be gone several weeks.
Joe Linz, accompanied by Architect Armstrong, arrived here from
Dallas today and will remain here several days superintending the
placing of the stone work on his handsome building.
Geo. W. Stewart died at his home on W. Tennessee Street, this
city, Saturday Might after on illness of several weeks with typhoid fever,
The funeral too place from the residence at 4 o’clock yesterday afternoon
and a large number of friends were in attendance. The deceased had
lived here for many years, was an active business man and honest and upright
in his dealings. He leaves a wife and children to mourn his loss.
R.R. Hazlewood & C.H, Smith – Attorneys at law, Office: Murphy
Rice Maxey & C.L Vowell – Attorneys at law; #5 & 6 Bitting
Building North side of square
R.T. Bomar – Gun and Locksmith; 617 East Lamr
Mrs. M.B. Ricketts – Millinery
Shaw, Johnson & Durham – The People’s Cheap Store
J.A.L. Wolfe – Attorney at law; North side of square
J.P. Graham – State, Loan & Fire Insurance
W.R.Gill – Architect, Contractor, builder; 140 North Travis
M. McManus – Merchant Tailor
Wednesday July 5, 1893
Mr. Saunders and daughter (not named) were badly injured when their
buggy collided with another on West Houston while enroute to Basin
Marriage Licenses:
John Raeberne and Doria Walls; W.L. DeS—ong and Beaulah Thaxtor;
Frank Haraldson and Cornelia Conley
Death: Mrs. J.R. Joiner, 24 years old, daughter of Col. Murphy,
married nearly 4 years.
Thursday July 6, 1893
Superintendent Wilkins of the county farm, informs the Register that
all patients are doing well and everything is running smoothly.
There are at present thirty-one patients at the farm.
July 7, 1893
Mr. & Mrs. John B. Blair - July 6 – a boy
County Attorney Maxey threw the case of Geo. Bates of Denison.
Bates was charged with fighting on the 4th of July.
Geo. Washington, a negro, charged with stealing some carpenter tools,
is on trial before Judge Hinkle this evening.
July 9, 1893
Dr. and Mrs. H.C. Morrow – a boy – July 7
Mary Ann Carmine vs Wm. C. Carmine, divorce
Wednesday July 12, 1892
Alfred Ghent, a brick layer who lives in this city, was badly injured
by a fall yesterday.
Marriage License:
G.F. Teague and Maggie Yowell, Marriaage License
Jul 15, 1893
Marriage license:
Geo. Simpson and Martha Spencer
R.L. Dicus and Mary Thomas
July 19, 1893
Marriage License:
A.B. Ferguson and
July 21, 1893
C.W. Taylor and Helen Stark of Denison married
July 24, 1893
Cully Watson and Cora Patterson married.
Mrs. Mary Fenet, wife of John D. Fenet. Died at the family
residence on North Walnut at 9:30 o’clock this morning after a short illness.
The funeral will take place from the residence tomorrow at 19 o’clock.
July 25, 1893
Mr. W.A. Waldrop and Miss Ida Nunley, both of this city will be wed
Mr. F.M. Clagborn and Miss Carrie Allen will be married this evening
at the Episcopal rectory.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Mary Fenet, services conducted
by by Rev. Ivey.
After a short illness the one year old daughter of Mr. And
Mrs. Lee Bivens died last night. The funeral took place from the
family residence on S. Walnut at 12:30 o’clock. Interment took place
at Farmington.
List of uncalled for letters at Sherman,TX Post Office during
week ending July 22, 1894:
(Authuo?), Laura Baker, Delilah Bond, Eva
Churchill, Clark Couvelier, Rice Crowders,
Mrs. B.K.
Covet, Mrs. Jim Chastain, Mattie Fitzgerald,
Hall, Hugh Heston, Annie Inglish,
Landrem, Bettie Logue, Hattie Layton, Mary
Mears, Bertie Morgan, Jennie Mosley, Martha
Martin, Parmelia McDowell, E.A. Hall. Susan
Sanders, Rebecca (2) Sidden. Sallie Squires, Millie
Weads, Nettie
Austin, R.T. Bundy, Martin Boswell, Willie
Bundy, M.A. Childs, Elmore Cobb, T.
(Carne?), M.F. Carrouth, J.R. Culver, E.S.
(Eskin?), A.G. Lynch, R.L. Long, J.W.
Massie & Bone Mitchell, W.R. McDonald,
Owens, Willie Ordinger, Horace Embry, B?
Hollingsworth, Bob Haynes, Harper Hughes, J.J.
Hall, J.J. Harris, West Johnson, Washington
Johnson, C.E. Penington, Rigs King, W.C.
Odell, C.E. Rawlings, C.P. (Shouding?),
Standefer, (?). J. Shelley, A.W. (Shannon?), Geo.
Underwood, W.B. Williams, M. Williams, David
July 26, 1893
J.B.Johnson and Miss Sallie Williams married
D.J. Mitchell Denison, vs Bette Mills, divorce, Married May
22, 1893 in St. Louis.
Adeline Lloyd vs Seburn Lloyd, divorce
Queenie Whitis vs Issiah Whitis, divorce
July 27, 1893
Yesterday evening Thomas J. Horlin of Dallas and Miss Ordenia Bell
George of east Sherman married at home of the bride.
Mr. Sam Maxey, whose relapse has been mentioned, is reported to
be in
critical condition today. He is at the residence of his brother,
Rice Maxey, on South Crockett Street.
July 28, 1893
Mr. S.M. Jones and Miss W.M. Gentry married yesterday evening
by Judge Gregg.
Taken from the New York Commercial Advertiser and reprinted in the
Sherman Daily Register July 1, 1893
A pretty woman said the other day: " When will women learn
suggestiveness and not display is the greatest attractiveness they
can have for men? Why, it is the very kernel of facsination.
An arm
covered with a flowing sleeve that just gives glimpses of it
occasionally is far more beautiful than an arm bared to the shoulder.
sense of mystery - indefinite if you like. My dear,
it's the stuff
all coquettes are made of. Take the word of a daughter of
Eve for
July 31, 1893
Reuben Richardson and Bertha Phillips, marriage license.
Tuesday Oct 20, 1893
Unclaimed letters:
Huff, Matilda Lott, Mattie Williams, Selena
Burress, C.C. Brun, Tom Baker, Thomas
Bassett, T.J. Bartlett, A.H. Carroll, M.B.
Cannon, E.A. Chiles, M. Domes, Wm.
Guyton, A.F. Griffin, G.M. Hill, N.P.E.
Holly, Green Hammomd, F.D. Helms,
Jordan. J.W. Johnson, J.B. Lee, J.H.
Leman, Vernon Maxell, Z.T. Mailcoup, Isaic
Matthews, Henry McKnight, H. Rose, Charley
Rule, R.H. Rimare, J.D. Russell, T.R.
Stone, G.W.
Tuesday, September 2, 1902
Elmer Chaffin, twelve year old son of Mr. and Mrs. William Chaffin
residing on Chaffin and Willow. Services conducted by Rev.
Crabtree of St. Paul's Episcopal Church and Elder W. D. Stinson,
Church of Christ. Interment West Hill Cemetery.
Wednesday, September 3, 1902
Joe Ragsdale, formerly of Wolfe City, now of this city, passed away
last night. ( survivors listed)
Marriage record..... Cox - Parker William A Cox and
Miss Georgie
Alice Parker, both of Troy, I. T., by Judge Wood.
Fall from a tree resulted in the death last evening of Tom Bell,
of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Bell. Services conducted in the home
by W. H.
Stinson at four o'clock in the evening. Interment in West
Rev. C. M. Govette, Pastor of Willow Street Methodist Church,
yesterday received a telegram from Southern Texas that his father
Mr. A. E. Holbert of Tioga and Miss Elizabeth Kelsy of Sherman were
married today at 1:30 o'clock at the residence of H. C. Hughes on
West Lost Street, Rev. C. H. Govette tying the nuptial knot.
future home will be in Tioga.
Nannie Bomar, wife of Tom Ed Bomar, dead. (long article listing
The funeral of Miss Minnie Corbin, age 20,daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
F. Corbin of Rockport, took place at the home with burial in City
Cemetery, Sherman. (beautiful write-up)
Near drowning...Fred Barber, Register carrier, happens on
accident. (long article)
Double wedding write up ....R. L. Rudd and Elizabeth Roberts
Arthur R. Jeter and Mary E. Morrison
Dr. E. E. Winn learned of death of sister, Mrs. E. A. Morris of
Rogers, Alabama. (write-up)
Dr. E. F. Mulkey was called to Tom Bean today to conduct the funeral
of Lite Biggerstaff. Mr Biggerstaff is a pioneer of that section
the county, having lived there for many years. He will be
buried in
Rose Hill this afternoon.
Ellis - Roddy wedding article.
Wednesday, Oct. 1 1902
Mrs. W. J. Leeper of Denison is in the city today.
Mack Higdon of Pottsboro is here today on business.
Friday, Oct 3, 1902
Democratic Nominees: Tax Collector - W. A. Morrson
Constable, Precinct 1 - T.(Tom)L. Tennison
Wednesday, Oct. 8,1902
Cards of Thanks (front page) E. L. Burnett and family
C. C. Fritch and family
N. C. Barfield and Miss Flora Gaston, both of this city, were united
in marriage in the home of the bride's parents in College Park
yesterday evening at 8:30, Rev. W. B. Savage officiating.
The bride
is the daughter of F. M. Gaston of the Diamond Mill Company.
groom is well known to Sherman, having been connected with the
Sherman Steam Laundry for quite a time. Etc. (long article)
One marriage license has been issued up to 5 o'clock -- B. F.
McClendon and Miss Mattie Allen.
Thursday, Oct. 9, 1902
Front page - 37 marriage licenses, only one of which was copied.
Jake Lovelady and Ida Chector
Wedding write-up Oct. 2, 1902 Kid - Jones
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Tom Todd, a fine girl at 12:30 today at the
residence, 1004 E. Chaffin Street.
Wedding write-up Oct. 3, 1902 F. H. Cunningham - Mary
Monday, Oct 13, 1902
Card of Thanks....... Death of Lon Anderson
A. J. Anderson and family
Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Parkham
Smith - Murphy marriage......Elmer Smith and Rhoda Murphy were united
in marriage by Rev. Allan Crabtree, pastor of St. Paul's
Congregational Church last evening at 7 o'clock in front of St.
Vincent's Sanatorium, this city.
Tuesday, Oct. 14, 1902
Henry Cameron dead, age 79, Pilot Grove.
Bowling - Lane marriage
Mrs. Richard Babbitt dead. Services Church of Christ.