Father: Michael Farrens
Father: James Ruby
Mother: Nancy
Mother: Martha Hale
Samuel Preston Farrens
Martha J. Ruby on February 07, 1848 Jackson Co.,
Born: abt
Born: abt 1826
Died: March 29, 1899
Died: June 02, 1852 Oregon Trail
Personal Data: Samuel and Martha traveled the Oregon
Trail in Capt. Ira Hunter's train along with the
family of Martha's sister, Levica Ruby Elgin.
Family Records below:
James & Martha Hale Ruby are
buried in the Union Cemetery in Kaw Township, Jackson County, MO
State of Missouri, County
of JacksonS.S. I, James B
Davenport a justice of the peace within and for the county of the fore
said, do certify
that on Thursday the 13th day of
January 1848, I united in marriage, Samuel P. Farrens and Martha J. Ruby,
both of Jackson County; James B. Davenport recorded this 7th day of February
A.D. 1848.
Vol 2 pg. 167
Family names listed in Documents
James Ruby, Martha Ruby (widow
of James Ruby) Samuel P. Farrens, Martha J. Farrens, his wife and George
W. Elgin and Levica E. Elgin, his wife. Martha Farrens and Levica Elgin
being sisters and legal representatives of James Ruby, 22nd day of April
In 1850 Census of Jackson
County, Missouri: Samuel P. Farrens
26 Martha Farrens 24 Samatha Farrens 1 Martha Ruby 67
Melissa Dunagan 13(All living in the same household)
Samuel P. Farrens' Donation Land
... states that on the 2nd day
of June 1852, his wife died on the plains at a creek called the Little
and left him with two children,
but one now living. This statement on the
No. 3882 of the Donation
Certificate 3840,
City, Oregon is written down in Samuel's hand and is signed by
him and dated the twenty third
day of February, 1854.
Oregon StatesmanThe
obituary of 30 day of March 1899 gives the date of death for Samuel P.
Farrens as 29th of
March 1899, states that the five
living children of which there is two daughters and one being
Mrs. Marion Taylor of Mehama.
History of the Silverton Country"
lists the names of the people among
the Captain Ira Hunter's train including Elgins and Presley Farrens (Preston)
pg. 123.
(info above submitted by Richard Farrens)
In 1830 John Farns lived in Clay
Co., MO with one boy under the age of
5(Samuel Preston Farrens), 1 man
between the age of 20 and 30 (John), 2 girls
under 5(Susan and Eleanor), and
one woman between 20 and 30 (Nancy).
(SOURCE: 1830 MO Census, Clay County,
p. 275)
In 1849 he was living in KY when his first child was born.
In 1850 Samuel P Ferrens was
in Kansas Township, Jackson Co., MO. He was 26
and Martha was 24. They had
a daughter aged 1 who had been born in KY.
!SOURCE: 1850 MO Census, Jackson
Co., p. 248.
In 1853 about Sept. 20 John
FARRENS arrived in Oregon just in time to claim
160 free acres for himself and
another for his wife. They lived in Marion
Co. The claim was witnessed by
Samuel P. Farrens, among others. He gave his
place of birth as "abt. the Glades"
in Pa.
From the Donation Land Claim Documents:
I have in my possession for both
Thomas Reason and Ellen Roby AND
John and Nancy Farrens, along with a copy of
Reason and Ellen's contesting of
John's estate, I have pulled the following
info: Thomas Reason was born
in Fairfax County, Virginia, came to Oregon in
1851, married Ellen in 1853....John
Farrens arrived in Oregon abt 9/20/1853,
married Nancy abt 1822 or 1827
either in Clay co, Missouri or Tennessee (this
was on another document and I would
guess Tennessee is the wrong info).
John's birthplace was noted as
"about the Glades" in Pennsylvania about 1794
and he signed his documents with
an "x". (Do you know where John was born in
Pennsylvania?) Samuel P. Farrens
is on John's Donation Land Claim as vouching
for John's residency in Oregon
and is noted that John is his Uncle. Samuel
is shown as being a resident of
Marion County, Oregon and he did sign his own
In Oct 1853 Samuel P. Farrens
obtained land in Marion Co., Oregon. He
stated that he was born in 1825
in Lafayette Co., MO and arrived in Oregon on
Oct. 1, 1852. His wife died
on June 2, 1852 at "a creek called Little Blue"
leaving two children "one living
!SOURCE: Genealogical Material
in Oregon Donation Land Claims. Vol II
In 1854 his dad Michael Farrens
died in Texas and he was mentioned in the
will: Abstract of MYCHAL
FARNES'will in TX: Dated Sept. 7, 1854, Filed Oct 3
1854. He left Colonial Hedrite
(sic Headright) certificate land, also
mentions Pearry Linney's land).
Son: Samuel P Farrens. Daughter: Marah B.
Linney. Other legatees: Nickles
J. Farnes [son of his brother Samuel
Farrens] and John W. Farnes [son].
Witnesses: Jas. M. Lane, Thos. M.
Colings, Dudley F. Pearson.
(Will Book page 62).
In 1880, S Preston Farrens
was living in Howell Prairie, Marion Co., Oregon
with his wife Martha M (35), and
children E. William (16), Olivia L (14),
Frederick S (6), M. Grace (4),
Walter F (1). Preston was a farmer born in
MO, whose parents were born in
TN and TN. The children were all born in
Oregon. !SOURCE: 1880 Oregon Census,
Marion Co.
MARRIAGE: S.P. Farnes (Farrens)
& Martha M. Olinger, m 31 Aug 1873 at the
house of Preston Farnes; C.P. Chapman,
M.G. Wit: John J. Bash & William
Farnes #1580 pg. 68 &
Bk 1, pg 142.
DEATH: "Samuel Preston Farrens born
about Sept. 1827, MO and died 29 March
1899, 72 years, 6 mo. Ist
wife died June 2 1852 on OR Trail; husband of
Martha Finlay married April 2,
1863; third Martha M. Olinger, married Aug 31,
1893; son of John Farrens and Nancy
Preston ?. In Mexican War and Rogue
River Indian War, to Oregon in
1852. Burial ordered by son Oliver."
FARRENS - At his room in the old
postoffice building, at 6:50 a.m., on
Wednesday, March 29, 1899, of the
grippe, Samuel P. Farrens, aged 70 years
and 6 months.
The deceased was a native
of Missouri, coming to Oregon in 1852, settling
in Marion county, where he has
since resided, with the exception of a few
years spent in California.
His first wife died while crossing the plains,
and he was afterwards married twice.
Deceased was a veteran of the Mexican
War and also figured in the Indian
uprising in the Rogue river valley, in
this state in the '50s. He
traveled extensively and has property interests
in Dallas county, Texas, and also
in Missouri.
Five children, two daughters
and three sons, are left to mourn his death,
as follows: Mrs. Marion Taylor,
of Mehania; Miss Alpha Farrens and Oliver
Farrens, of this city; Fred and
Forrest Farrens, of Eastern Oregon.
Funeral services will be
held in Macleay at 2 o'clock this afternoon,
conducted by Rev. J. B. Early.
The remains will be given burial in the
Macleay cemetery.
"John Farrens moved to Osage Co.,
Mo and then to Clay Co. Grandpa Farrens born at Liberty,
Clay Co., Mo, May 13, 1841.
They moved to Savannah, Andrew Co. in '43 and to Oregon in '53, Eastern
OR '71. "
John left home and went to
Tennessee to sign up to fight in the War of 1812. He was in the 3rd
Regiment - Johnson's, of the East
Tenn. Militia. His records are under the name John Farnes and he
entered and left a private. John FARNS seems to be the first brother
to Tenn. in 1813. In 1813 John FARNS was in Capt. Robert McAlpin's District,
at tax time in Greene Co., TN. John joined the War
on Sept. 20, 1814 until May 3,
1815 (after the crops had been brought in and over the winter) in Capt.
Christopher Cook's Company, Regt. of East Tenn. Militia commanded by Col.
William Johnson (3rd Regiment). He was paid for seven months and
14 days of service at $8 per month for a total of $59
and 73 cents (about 2 or 3 cents
a day). He was a Private and twenty years old. The first six months
he served in Capt. Joseph Kirk's
Company under Johnson. He was discharged on May 3, 1815 in Knoxville,
TN. SOURCE: US National Archives.
In 1815 he was living with
his brother Samuel in Capt. Robert McCalpin's tax district in Greene Co.,
TN. A year earlier Samuel was living
with his other brother Jacob. In 1816 there is no listing for John
Farns altho his brother Samuel was still living in Greene Co., TN.
Between 1816 and 1821 John took
the wagon train or rode horseback
to Missouri. In 1821 John FERRENS was on the Tax List in Ray Co.,
Missouri. On Dec. 13, 1821 John Farnes married Nancy Hickson in Ray
Co., MO.
SOURCE: MO Marriages before 1840,
Ormesher, Susan. 1822 in Clay Co., MO.
In 1822 John Ferrins paid
taxes on land in Clay Co., MO
SOURCE: MO Genealogical Records,
Vol. 2.
In Jul 1822 he married Nancy
in Clay Co., MO. Also John had something to do with Public Monies
Collected in Clay Co., MO between March 1822 and Nov. 1822. It says "Conviction",
but I am unsure
of what that means here.
Also in 1822 John FARRENS was on the tax list of Clay Co., Gallatin Township.
In 1824 John Farrens bought land in Clay Co., MO on Feb. 28, 1824.
The location was T51-R31-S9 and it was recorded in Plat Book 1819-1939.
SOURCE: MO Genealogical Records,
Vol. 3.
In 1830 John Farns lived in
Clay Co., MO with one boy under the age of
5(Samuel Preston Farrens), 1 man
between the age of 20 and 30 (John), 2 girls
under 5(Susan and Eleanor), and
one woman between 20 and 30 (Nancy) .
!SOURCE: 1830 MO Census, Clay County,
p. 275.
"Susan Ann Ferrens married Edward
H. Brock Dec. 17, 1843 in Andrew Co., MO"
MARRIAGE: Marriage Records
of Andrew Co., MO
In 1850 John FARNS and his
wife and three children (John Francis Marion, James and America)
were living in Andrew Co., Missouri
in Nodaway Township just south of where his nephews would
enter Iowa a few years later.
This solves the mystery of the statement that the Farrens brothers
went to Missouri because an uncle
lived there. John was the uncle. John was listed as a farmer
in the census and his place of birth as Pennsylvania. He had real
property of $7800. Also living with them
were three members of the Riggins
family, James Holland and 3 members of the Brock family
(probably his daughter Susan, her
husband and child). The children were John FM (9), James
KP (5) and America (1) - the older
children were already gone from the home.
SOURCE: 1850 MO Census, Andrew
Co., p. 48.
In 1853 about Sept. 20 John
FARRENS arrived in Oregon just in time to claim 160 free acres for
himself and another for his wife.
They lived in Marion Co. The claim was witnessed by Samuel P. Farrens,
among others. He gave his place of birth as "abt. the Glades" in
Pa. He stated that he married Nancy in July Land Claim:
John Farrans and wife in Oregon City. Certificate #3194
for 322.98 acres. Township
6S, range 2W, sections 13 and 24.
SOURCE: Index to Oregon Donation
Land Claims.
Marion County is around Salem
Oregon and south of Oregon City and Portland
In 1862 died in Oregon
DEATH: Farrens/Farnes, John, File
#247. Intestate. Adm.: Nancy Farrens,
wife, 18 May 1864. Frank
M. Farnes, son; James KP Farnes, son. Reason Roby &
wife Elenor S. Roby contest final
settlement Sept. 1865.
SOURCE: Greene Co. TN Tax Digests
SOURCE: National Archives.
Index to those who served in the War of 1812
BIRTH: Genealogical Material in
Oregon Donation Land Claims, Vol. II
SOURCE: MO Genealogical Records
& Abstracts.
SOURCE: Capitol Fire Doc., CFD
26, Folder 604. Missouri Pioneers of Clay Co., MO.
DEATH: Alternate death date 11 May
1862 (submitter Jim Barnes).
Obituary: Husband of Nancy
Preston ?, married in Clay Co., MO 1822, to
Oregon in 1852. Gives age
as "about 75 years".
BIRTH: Alternate birth date is 1791 (submitter:Jim Barnes) Alternate birth date is 1797
(info above submitted by Perry Farrens)
Marriage #1132 page 433 and Book
1 page 84. Samantha Farrens & F.M.
Taylor married on the
13th of February 1869 at the home
of and by G.M. Whitney, M.G.. Witnesses: T.J. Wilcox and S.A. Brayton.
Consent of S.P. Farrens and Wm. Taylor.
Unknown Infant Farrens b. 5/19/1852 on the Oregon Trail
and cared for by Aunt Levica Ruby Elgin
after its mother's death of Cholera. This infant may
have also succumbed to the disease as no othter
record has been discovered.
Sources: Information on this page provided by Richard
Farrens & Perry Farrens
(from the original research of Joan
Lutz) & Betsy J. Elgin
E-mail AddInfo@elgins.comif you have more information on this branch